哈哈難得發動漫畫以外的文XD 不過都算藝術創作就是了XD
上次看謝先生現場創作 超感動與佩服的!! 這次有 3 場現場創作耶(≧∀≦) ♥
( 點圖可放大 1571 x 1075 px )
以下轉貼自中原大學藝術中心(CYCU Art Center) 官方臉書活動(照片) 的展覽介紹:
(但鄉民本人我當然是從PTT 中壢版看到資訊啦XD)
【匠心獨蘊─謝森山手繪電影看板個展】 手繪電影看板,搭載許多臺灣電影愛好者的歲月記憶, 至一九八○年代,臺灣的照相印刷及彩色印刷技術發展漸趨成熟,
「匠心獨蘊─謝森山手繪電影看板個展」, 此次除展出 15 件看板創作作品外, 謝森山老師出生於 1946 年,自 15 歲開始習畫,累積 50 年的手繪功力, 中原大學藝術中心曾於 2011 年邀請謝老師參加主題特展「中原戲院」,
The Creative Mind behind Hand-Painted Movie Billboards - Solo Exhibition of Sen-Shan Hsieh The lost art of hand-painted movie billboards is still alive in the memories of many movie fanatics in Taiwan. In Taiwan, hand-painted movie billboards can be traced back to the Japanese rule period. In the 1960s when the political and social environments were stable, people had more time to engage in recreational activities. As a result, hand-painted movie billboards became a popular trend. In the 1980s, however, due to the gradual development of photo printing and color printing technologies and its relatively low cost, the trend of hand-painted poster art slowly died out in favor of the newly improved glossy, digitally-produced posters. Today, only two theaters exist in Taiwan that insist on keeping up the tradition, giving Taiwanese movie billboard painter Sen-Shan Hsieh the chance to showcase and pass down his artistic talent to others. The Creative Mind behind Hand-Painted Movie Billboards - Solo Exhibition of Sen-Shan Hsieh was organized to give the audience an insight to the creative mind of the artist and his passion and exquisite skills for painting. In addition to displaying 15 movie posters, this exhibition also introduced the painting process as well as the creative workshop in which the billboards were painted to perfectly express the creative art of billboards. Born in 1946, Sen-Shan Hsieh began practicing painting at the age of 15 and has to this day accumulated up to 50 years of experience in bringing Chinese and Western movie stars, cartoon characters, and movie scenes to life on posters. In 2011, the CYCU Art Center invited Sen-Shan Hsieh to attend the Chung Yuan Theater exhibition. Three years later, in celebration of Chung Yuan Christian University’s 59th anniversary and the Art Center’s 10-year anniversary, the Art Center organized the The Creative Mind behind Hand-Painted Movie Billboards - Solo Exhibition of Sen-Shan Hsieh exhibition to welcome movie fanatics to experience the beauty of hand-painted movie billboards.
展期 2014 年 09 月 22 日 ~ 11 月 08 日 開放時間: 週一至週五 10:00 - 18:00 展覽地點:中原大學藝術中心(桃園縣中壢市中北路200號,全人教育村北棟一、二樓) 本人補充說明:走新中北路~靠進體育場那邊的後門比較近
開幕茶會 Opening Reception 2014 / 09 / 30 Tue. 12:30 p.m. 校友日暨慶祝 59 週年校慶活動 Alumni Day 2014 / 10 / 18 Sat. 12:00 p.m. 手繪看板創作體驗工作坊 社區親子場:10 / 19 Sun. 13:00 - 17:00,20名 *需事先報名,詳細報名訊息將於活動前 2 週公告於藝術中心臉書粉絲團
板凳電影院─電影與文學相遇 本次活動期望與在地藝文結合, 本次展覽特別邀請謝老師繪製此 2 部電影海報展出, 並邀請龍潭魯冰花藝術季共同策展人於電影結束後進行對談, 《魯冰花》 09/26 Fri. 18:00 – 20:30 ,藝術中心前藝文廣場
藝術家現場創作 9 月 30 日(二)Tue. 10:00 ~ 12:30 10 月 18 日(六)Sat. 13:30 ~ 17:00 (這天也是校慶,有相關活動~) 11 月 8 日(日)Sat. 13:30 ~ 17:00
重點當然在最後一格~謝先生現場創作囉 >///<
這也是本人難得突發打此文的目的XD (真想 3 天都帶相機去XDD)
↑ 關係越來越小的插圖XD 我都在中原大學體育場慢跑~當然無論來回都吃中原夜市XD 右上角的<翻滾吧阿信>我和友人E君也有畫幾筆喔XD 當時超高興中原藝術中心邀請繪師~ ↓ 順便再應景偷渡一張 中原大學藝術中心臉書(CYCU Art Center)的照片好了XDD 補點報紙的報導~本人與友人EXAGO 君都有被照到喔XD
日前本人貼在臉書的~中源大戲院上映時手繪的KANO 巨海(sorry 有點糊XD;)
♥ . ♣ . ♦ . ♠ . E N D . ♠ . ♦ . ♣ . ♥