1 00:00:24,211 --> 00:00:28,648 「我們的故事發生在繁華的維洛納城
2 00:00:28,716 --> 00:00:35,144 「那裡有兩大個家族,有相等的聲望
3 00:00:35,222 --> 00:00:40,159 「從古老的遺恨一直到新的對抗」
4 00:00:40,227 --> 00:00:45,665 「在那裡,市民的血污染了市民的手」
5 00:00:45,733 --> 00:00:49,999 「自那時,這兩家世仇之不幸的後代」
6 00:00:51,739 --> 00:00:57,678 「一對命運不佳的愛人失去了生命」
7 00:00:57,745 --> 00:01:03,115 「他們令人同情的不幸改變了一切」
8 00:01:03,184 --> 00:01:09,123 「以他們的死埋葬了兩家的爭鬥」
9 00:01:22,503 --> 00:01:24,130 [laughing](笑聲)
10 00:01:29,210 --> 00:01:32,145 這爭吵是在我們的主人之間
11 00:01:32,213 --> 00:01:34,408 還有我們,他們的下人,全都一樣
12 00:01:34,482 --> 00:01:36,143 [laughing](笑聲)
13 00:01:36,217 --> 00:01:39,482 那裡蒙太古(Montagues)的家人來了
14 00:01:42,223 --> 00:01:43,656 早安
15 00:01:43,724 --> 00:01:45,521 你早呀!先生
16 00:01:45,593 --> 00:01:48,653 若爭吵我將會支持你
17 00:01:48,729 --> 00:01:50,162 我不害怕 (不要怕我逃跑
18 00:01:50,231 --> 00:01:51,823 來吧
19 00:02:01,842 --> 00:02:05,107 你是對我們咬你的指頭嗎?先生
20 00:02:05,179 --> 00:02:08,114 我是在咬我的指頭,先生
21 00:02:08,182 --> 00:02:13,119 你是沖著我們咬你的指頭嗎?先…生
22 00:02:13,187 --> 00:02:15,621 -看這個 -不!先生
23 00:02:15,690 --> 00:02:18,625 我不是沖著你們咬我的指頭,先生
24 00:02:18,693 --> 00:02:21,127 但我是在咬我的指頭,先生
25 00:02:21,195 --> 00:02:22,628 你想吵架嗎?先生
26 00:02:22,697 --> 00:02:28,135 吵架,先生?不,先生
27 00:02:28,202 --> 00:02:30,636 如果你想的話,先生,我可以奉陪
28 00:02:30,705 --> 00:02:32,639 - 我伺候的主人一點也不比你們的差
29 00:02:32,707 --> 00:02:33,639 - 不見得更好一些吧
30 00:02:33,708 --> 00:02:35,938 是要更好一些
31 00:02:39,213 --> 00:02:42,148 你…撒謊
32 00:02:50,157 --> 00:02:51,647 [laughing](笑)
33 00:02:54,662 --> 00:02:56,152 拔劍!
34 00:02:56,230 --> 00:02:57,857 拔劍,如果你是男人的話!
35 00:02:57,932 --> 00:02:59,763 別忘記使用你那一手絕招!
36 00:02:59,834 --> 00:03:01,597 [shouting](槍聲)
37 00:03:04,171 --> 00:03:06,162 殺了凱普萊特(Capulets)!
38 00:03:06,240 --> 00:03:08,105 [shouting]
39 00:03:21,689 --> 00:03:24,123 呆子!收起你的劍!
40 00:03:24,191 --> 00:03:26,125 你們不知道你們幹的是什麼事!
41 00:03:26,193 --> 00:03:28,127 王子嚴禁在維洛納的街上打鬥
42 00:03:28,195 --> 00:03:30,220 王子嚴禁在維洛納的街上打鬥
43 00:03:30,297 --> 00:03:32,128 凱普萊特的人來了!
44 00:03:34,201 --> 00:03:37,637 提伯特(Tybalt),凱普萊特的親戚
45 00:03:44,712 --> 00:03:50,082 什麼?你也拔劍參加這群怯懦的奴才們的打鬥嗎?
46 00:03:52,720 --> 00:03:55,655 轉過來,賓瓦利歐(Benvolio) ,準備受死吧
47 00:03:55,723 --> 00:03:57,156 我只是在維持和平
48 00:03:57,224 --> 00:03:58,657 收起你的劍
49 00:03:58,726 --> 00:04:01,092 或跟我一起將這些人排開
50 00:04:01,162 --> 00:04:03,892 什麼,拔出劍來談和平?
51 00:04:03,964 --> 00:04:05,397 我討厭這個字
52 00:04:05,466 --> 00:04:09,869 就如我討厭所有該死的蒙太古的人和你
53 00:04:09,937 --> 00:04:11,427 來吧,懦夫!
54 00:04:11,505 --> 00:04:13,234 凱普萊特!
55 00:04:13,307 --> 00:04:14,604 蒙太古!
56 00:04:14,675 --> 00:04:16,939 [shouting]
57 00:04:17,011 --> 00:04:19,104 凱普萊特!
58 00:04:27,988 --> 00:04:29,888 現在,藏起你的頭
59 00:04:29,957 --> 00:04:32,221 惡棍!
60 00:04:36,030 --> 00:04:37,622 凱普萊特!凱普萊特人,來呀!
61 00:04:37,698 --> 00:04:39,632 [shouting]
62 00:04:42,970 --> 00:04:46,235 帶著你們的劍來!!
63 00:04:46,307 --> 00:04:47,638 凱普萊特!
64 00:04:47,708 --> 00:04:49,141 下去到市場廣場!
65 00:04:49,210 --> 00:04:51,144 凱普萊特!
66 00:04:51,212 --> 00:04:53,908 跟我來! 跟我來!
67 00:04:53,981 --> 00:04:57,644 殺了那些惡棍蒙太古!
68 00:05:00,187 --> 00:05:03,088 伯父!伯父!
69 00:05:03,157 --> 00:05:04,886 什麼?
70 00:05:04,959 --> 00:05:08,087 我的劍!我的劍!
71 00:05:08,162 --> 00:05:12,098 你不該出門去尋找敵人!
72 00:05:12,166 --> 00:05:16,000 放開我!讓我出去!
73 00:05:16,070 --> 00:05:18,095 蒙太古!
74 00:05:18,172 --> 00:05:19,605 蒙太古!
75 00:05:19,673 --> 00:05:21,106 殺了那些惡棍!
76 00:05:29,383 --> 00:05:31,112 [shouting]
77 00:05:41,028 --> 00:05:43,053 [婦人尖叫]
78 00:05:45,966 --> 00:05:48,992 我要好好教訓你,懦夫
79 00:06:00,614 --> 00:06:02,081 [號角聲]
80 00:06:04,151 --> 00:06:05,778 王子!
81 00:06:05,853 --> 00:06:08,048 王子來了!放下你們的武器!
82 00:06:08,122 --> 00:06:10,352 王子!
83 00:06:10,424 --> 00:06:12,585 王子!
84 00:06:15,029 --> 00:06:17,224 王子來了!
85 00:06:17,298 --> 00:06:19,459 放下你們的武器!王子!
86 00:06:26,674 --> 00:06:30,542 暴亂的臣民,和平的仇敵
87 00:06:30,611 --> 00:06:33,102 將你們的武器丟在地上…
88 00:06:33,180 --> 00:06:34,943 武器丟在地上
89 00:06:36,450 --> 00:06:40,409 聽著你們憤怒的王子的話
90 00:06:44,692 --> 00:06:49,129 三次城內爭吵產生了空幻的命令
91 00:06:49,196 --> 00:06:50,686 你老凱普萊特…
92 00:06:50,764 --> 00:06:52,356
93 00:06:55,936 --> 00:06:58,268 和老蒙太古…
94 00:06:58,339 --> 00:07:01,570 已經三次干擾了街上的安寧
95 00:07:04,645 --> 00:07:08,081 如果你們再次擾亂我們的街上
96 00:07:08,148 --> 00:07:12,084 你們的生命將賠償於安寧的喪夫
97 00:07:12,152 --> 00:07:17,590 至於這一次,所有其他人全部離開
98 00:07:20,160 --> 00:07:23,687 你,凱普萊特跟我來
99 00:07:23,764 --> 00:07:26,198 而蒙太古,你下午過來
100 00:07:29,169 --> 00:07:36,598 再說一次,一切人等全都走開,否則處死
101 00:07:36,677 --> 00:07:38,076 [號角聲]
102 00:07:53,193 --> 00:07:56,128 羅密歐去哪裡?你今天看見他嗎?
103 00:07:56,196 --> 00:07:59,632 我很高興他沒有在這次摩擦裡
104 00:07:59,700 --> 00:08:02,066 夫人,一個小時以前,尊貴的太陽…
105 00:08:02,136 --> 00:08:04,627 …從東方窗戶探出頭來
106 00:08:04,705 --> 00:08:08,072 煩惱的心情促使我到外面走一走
107 00:08:08,142 --> 00:08:10,576 在城西一帶的楓樹林的下面
108 00:08:10,644 --> 00:08:12,737 我看到妳兒子一早就在那裡走動
109 00:08:12,813 --> 00:08:17,580 我朝他走去,但他發覺我了
110 00:08:17,651 --> 00:08:19,551 就躲進林蔭深處....
111 00:08:23,657 --> 00:08:27,559 好幾天一清早就有人在那裏看見他
112 00:08:32,499 --> 00:08:34,592 看,他從那裡來了
113 00:08:42,342 --> 00:08:44,606 所以,請您暫且躲在旁處
114 00:08:44,678 --> 00:08:48,114 我要問問他,看他究竟有些什麼心事
115 00:08:48,182 --> 00:08:51,117 願你運氣好
116 00:08:51,185 --> 00:08:52,618 能聽到他的真心話
117 00:08:52,686 --> 00:08:55,120 來吧,夫人,我們走吧!
118 00:09:26,753 --> 00:09:29,017 早安,表弟
119 00:09:34,161 --> 00:09:35,924 現在還算早嗎?
120 00:09:35,996 --> 00:09:37,725 剛敲過九點
121 00:09:37,798 --> 00:09:39,095 我呀!
122 00:09:41,168 --> 00:09:42,601 傷心的時刻似乎很長
123 00:09:48,675 --> 00:09:51,109 剛才走開很快的是我父親嗎?
124 00:09:51,178 --> 00:09:52,611 嗯?
125 00:09:52,679 --> 00:09:54,112 是的
126 00:10:01,522 --> 00:10:04,252 是什麼傷心的事使你覺得日子長?
127 00:10:04,324 --> 00:10:11,287 未能得到能使時間變短的東西
128 00:10:11,365 --> 00:10:14,425 嗯!
129 00:10:14,501 --> 00:10:16,128 但,羅密歐…
130 00:10:16,203 --> 00:10:18,296 再見,表兄
131 00:10:21,275 --> 00:10:23,140 [shouting]
132 00:10:25,112 --> 00:10:26,636 [woman screaming](女人尖叫)
133 00:10:29,716 --> 00:10:31,650 我的天啊,這裡有什麼樣的衝突?
134 00:10:31,718 --> 00:10:33,151 不用告訴我…
135 00:10:33,220 --> 00:10:36,155 因為我已獲悉全部
136 00:10:37,724 --> 00:10:43,663 這場衝突與仇恨有關 但更大的衝突卻是與愛情有關
137 00:10:43,730 --> 00:10:47,427 別這樣,我跟你一起走
138 00:10:52,639 --> 00:10:56,166 但是蒙太古和我一樣均已保證不再擾亂治安
139 00:10:56,243 --> 00:10:59,178 違犯時受同樣的懲罰
140 00:10:59,246 --> 00:11:01,111 我想,像我們兩這麼老的人
141 00:11:01,181 --> 00:11:04,617 要和平相處並不困難
142 00:11:04,685 --> 00:11:05,617 噢…
143 00:11:05,686 --> 00:11:08,120 你們二位都是德高望重的
144 00:11:08,188 --> 00:11:11,624 這樣久彼此不睦,實在是一件憾事
145 00:11:11,692 --> 00:11:15,628 但是,現在閣下…
146 00:11:15,696 --> 00:11:17,664 …你對我的請求,意下如何呢?
147 00:11:17,731 --> 00:11:20,632 我還是重複我說過的那一句話
148 00:11:20,701 --> 00:11:24,831 小女尚不懂事
149 00:11:24,905 --> 00:11:29,604 她還不滿十四歲呢
150 00:11:31,111 --> 00:11:33,978 [嘻笑聲]
151 00:11:34,047 --> 00:11:37,141 再等兩個夏季的花草變得焦黃,在我們
152 00:11:37,217 --> 00:11:39,082 …認為她成熟得可當新娘前
153 00:11:39,152 --> 00:11:41,814 比她年輕的都已經當了快樂的母親
154 00:11:41,888 --> 00:11:43,651 [chuckling]
155 00:11:49,963 --> 00:11:53,660 這樣早就結婚的人實在是太早就被毀掉了
156 00:11:53,734 --> 00:11:56,669 我的兒女均已被黃土所埋葬
157 00:11:56,737 --> 00:11:59,672 只剩了她,是我唯一的指望
158 00:11:59,740 --> 00:12:03,107 向她求愛,溫文的巴黎斯(Paris),捕獲她的心
159 00:12:03,176 --> 00:12:06,612 我只能影響她一部份的心意
160 00:12:06,680 --> 00:12:09,114 噢,彼得(Peter)!
161 00:12:09,182 --> 00:12:12,618 今晚我舉行一個老式的宴會
162 00:12:12,686 --> 00:12:15,120 邀請了許多我喜歡的客人
163 00:12:15,188 --> 00:12:18,123 你,也是我的客人中的一個
164 00:12:18,191 --> 00:12:21,160 如蒙賞光,當令我的宴席生色
165 00:12:29,202 --> 00:12:30,931 奶媽(Nurse),我的女兒在哪裡?
166 00:12:31,004 --> 00:12:33,131 叫她到我這兒來
167 00:12:33,206 --> 00:12:35,140 我指著我12歲時的童貞來發誓
168 00:12:35,208 --> 00:12:36,698 我已經叫過她了
169 00:12:36,777 --> 00:12:40,110 這個女孩哪裡去了?茱麗葉!茱麗葉!
170 00:12:40,180 --> 00:12:44,344 這個女孩哪裡去了?茱麗葉!
171 00:12:44,418 --> 00:12:48,650 這個女孩哪裡去了?茱麗葉!
172 00:12:48,722 --> 00:12:51,156 現在怎麼了,誰在叫我?
173 00:12:51,224 --> 00:12:53,215 妳的媽媽,妳的親娘!
174 00:13:05,172 --> 00:13:08,107 妳的媽媽,妳的親娘!
175 00:13:08,175 --> 00:13:10,109 快點,孩子,快點
176 00:13:10,177 --> 00:13:11,906 你在哪?
177 00:13:14,181 --> 00:13:18,117 媽媽,我在這裡 妳找我?
178 00:13:18,185 --> 00:13:20,619 是一件大事
179 00:13:22,689 --> 00:13:25,123 快點,女孩們。快點,快點
180 00:13:25,192 --> 00:13:26,216 奶媽,嗯…
181 00:13:26,293 --> 00:13:29,023 你暫且離開一下,我們必須私下談一談
182 00:13:36,703 --> 00:13:39,638 奶媽,你回來,我想起來了
183 00:13:39,706 --> 00:13:43,142 你要聽聽我們的商量
184 00:13:43,210 --> 00:13:45,144 妳知道我的女兒年紀不算小了
185 00:13:45,212 --> 00:13:47,146 當然,講到她的年紀,我可以按鐘頭計算出來
186 00:13:47,214 --> 00:13:48,538 她未滿十四歲
187 00:13:48,705 --> 00:13:50,536 我用我的十四顆牙齒打賭
188 00:13:50,607 --> 00:13:52,541 說來好慘我只剩四顆了
189 00:13:52,609 --> 00:13:54,543 她未滿十四歲
190 00:13:54,611 --> 00:13:56,238 現在離收穫節還有多久?
191 00:13:56,313 --> 00:13:58,042 二個星期再幾天
192 00:13:58,114 --> 00:14:00,480 零一天也好零兩天也好
193 00:14:00,550 --> 00:14:02,484 只要到了收穫節的前夕,她就滿了十四歲
194 00:14:02,552 --> 00:14:03,985 蘇珊和她…
195 00:14:04,054 --> 00:14:06,488 「願上帝安息一切信仰基督的靈魂」是同年紀
196 00:14:06,556 --> 00:14:08,990 唉,蘇珊現在是和上帝在一起了 像她這樣的好孩子無福消受
197 00:14:09,059 --> 00:14:10,856 但,如我所說,在收穫節…
198 00:14:10,927 --> 00:14:13,020 那晚上她就14歲了
199 00:14:13,096 --> 00:14:15,291 她就可以結婚了,我記得很清楚
200 00:14:15,365 --> 00:14:18,994 領主和你那時在…曼求亞
201 00:14:19,069 --> 00:14:21,503 而且,我真的有一個清楚的頭腦
202 00:14:21,571 --> 00:14:24,005 那時候她已經能獨自站起來
203 00:14:24,074 --> 00:14:27,009 豈止站起來,我敢發誓,她能到處跑了
204 00:14:27,077 --> 00:14:30,012 就在那前一天,她跌破了頭皮
205 00:14:30,080 --> 00:14:33,982 然後我丈夫,「神與他的靈同在」…
206 00:14:34,050 --> 00:14:35,483 他是個老好人,抱起這個孩子
207 00:14:35,552 --> 00:14:39,010 「喲」他說,「你摔到你的臉嗎?」
208 00:14:39,089 --> 00:14:41,956 妳將來更懂事一些的時候, 將會仰面向後倒哩,你會不會
209 00:14:42,025 --> 00:14:43,014 你不是茱麗葉嗎?
210 00:14:43,093 --> 00:14:45,027 奶媽!
211 00:14:45,095 --> 00:14:46,528 哎啊我的聖母
212 00:14:46,596 --> 00:14:49,030 這小東西停住了哭,而說…「我會」
213 00:14:49,099 --> 00:14:50,327 [laughing]
214 00:14:53,103 --> 00:14:56,038 夠了,我求你保持安靜
215 00:14:56,106 --> 00:14:58,631 是的,夫人
216 00:14:58,708 --> 00:15:02,371 現在,茱麗葉(Juliet)
217 00:15:02,445 --> 00:15:03,969 [laughing]
218 00:15:04,047 --> 00:15:06,481 上帝的恩典
219 00:15:06,549 --> 00:15:09,916 你真是我看護過最漂亮的嬰兒
220 00:15:09,986 --> 00:15:11,977 如果我能活到看著妳結婚
221 00:15:12,055 --> 00:15:13,920 我就心滿意足了
222 00:15:13,990 --> 00:15:20,486 結婚,那個字可是我要你來討論的主題
223 00:15:20,563 --> 00:15:21,757 告訴我,茱麗葉,我的女兒
224 00:15:21,831 --> 00:15:24,994 你對結婚有什麼意向?
225 00:15:32,575 --> 00:15:35,009 那是是我沒有夢想過的榮耀
226 00:15:35,078 --> 00:15:37,512 一種榮耀,如果我不是妳唯一的奶媽
227 00:15:37,580 --> 00:15:40,481 我要說你從我的乳頭吸收到智慧
228 00:15:40,550 --> 00:15:43,018 現在想想結婚這件事
229 00:15:43,086 --> 00:15:46,021 在維洛納比你更年輕的…有名望的淑女們
230 00:15:46,089 --> 00:15:47,522 都已經成了母親
231 00:15:47,590 --> 00:15:50,024 我算了一下,我在你這個年紀…
232 00:15:50,093 --> 00:15:53,028 我在妳如今做小姐的年齡 已經做了妳的母親
233 00:15:53,096 --> 00:15:54,529 是了,我記得
234 00:15:54,597 --> 00:15:57,361 所以,簡而言之…
235 00:15:57,434 --> 00:16:00,301 英勇的巴利斯要向你求愛
236 00:16:00,370 --> 00:16:05,467 一位男士,年輕的小姐,小姐 如此的一位男士就如全世界…
237 00:16:05,542 --> 00:16:07,476 為什麼他是一個了無生氣的人
238 00:16:07,544 --> 00:16:09,478 維洛納的夏天不曾有過這樣的一朵花
239 00:16:09,546 --> 00:16:11,480 唉,他是一朵花
240 00:16:11,548 --> 00:16:12,981 噓
241 00:16:13,049 --> 00:16:17,986 你怎麼說,你能愛這個紳士嗎?
242 00:16:19,556 --> 00:16:21,319 夫人!夫人!
243 00:16:21,391 --> 00:16:23,484 貴賓都到了,晚餐也上好了
244 00:16:23,560 --> 00:16:25,687 大家在請您,也問起小姐!
245 00:16:25,762 --> 00:16:27,992 我們就去
246 00:16:28,064 --> 00:16:32,000 簡單的說,你能接受巴黎斯的愛嗎?
247 00:16:32,068 --> 00:16:37,506 我會試著去接受,假如看起來還喜歡
248 00:16:37,574 --> 00:16:41,010 但我不是深深的投注我的雙眼
249 00:16:41,077 --> 00:16:44,012 你的同意給予它選擇的勇氣
250 00:16:47,584 --> 00:16:50,519 茱麗葉,郡的居民都來了
251 00:16:50,587 --> 00:16:52,020 媽媽,我來了
252 00:16:53,590 --> 00:16:58,527 去吧,女孩。在快樂的日子裡追求快樂的夜晚
253 00:16:58,795 --> 00:16:59,955 [music playing](音樂開始)
254 00:17:08,371 --> 00:17:09,963 [singing](歌唱)
255 00:17:20,783 --> 00:17:24,219 給我一個面具來帶在臉上
256 00:17:24,287 --> 00:17:26,255 一個面具對一個面具
257 00:17:26,322 --> 00:17:30,986 我在意什麼呢?多麼好奇的眼看著變形的臉
258 00:17:31,060 --> 00:17:34,496 這突出的頭將使我露出馬腳
259 00:17:34,564 --> 00:17:36,031 哈!
260 00:17:38,401 --> 00:17:40,494 什麼,這說詞可做為我們的藉口嗎?
261 00:17:40,570 --> 00:17:42,504 或者我們的出席不應該有歉意?
262 00:17:42,572 --> 00:17:44,335 這種日子不需要這種麻煩的禮節
263 00:17:44,407 --> 00:17:46,272 讓他們照他們的想法評估我們
264 00:17:46,342 --> 00:17:48,503 我們將用同一標準評估他們
265 00:17:48,578 --> 00:17:51,513 來吧,敲門然後進去,不久到了裡面
266 00:17:51,581 --> 00:17:55,381 每個人都注意他人的腿
267 00:17:55,451 --> 00:17:58,011 我們是好意來參加這化妝舞會
268 00:17:58,087 --> 00:17:59,486 但是,來此並不是明智之舉
269 00:17:59,556 --> 00:18:01,251 為什麼?我可以問嗎?
270 00:18:01,324 --> 00:18:05,420 今晚我作了一個夢
271 00:18:05,495 --> 00:18:07,258 噢,我也是
272 00:18:07,330 --> 00:18:10,822 你作了什麼樣的夢?
273 00:18:10,900 --> 00:18:14,233 作夢者通常都撒謊
274 00:18:14,304 --> 00:18:18,900 在睡覺時可以夢見真實的東西
275 00:18:18,975 --> 00:18:22,536 噢…我看到麥普女王和你一起
276 00:18:22,612 --> 00:18:25,274 麥普女王?
277 00:18:25,348 --> 00:18:30,843 她是…她是…一個小神仙的接生婆
278 00:18:30,920 --> 00:18:32,478 [laughter]
279 00:18:32,555 --> 00:18:33,920 她的體型…
280 00:18:33,990 --> 00:18:36,424 不比一位市議員…
281 00:18:36,492 --> 00:18:38,483 食指上戴的一塊瑪瑙為大
282 00:18:38,561 --> 00:18:41,792 與一群小矮人在一起
283 00:18:41,864 --> 00:18:45,027 乘人睡覺的時候, 駕著微塵般的小馬拖曳的車子越過人們的鼻樑
284 00:18:45,101 --> 00:18:50,004 她的車輻是長腳蜘蛛的腿做的
285 00:18:50,073 --> 00:18:53,509 車篷是蚱蜢的翅膀做的
286 00:18:53,576 --> 00:18:58,013 挽索是小蜘蛛網絲做的
287 00:18:58,081 --> 00:19:03,951 軛圈是水一般的月光做的
288 00:19:04,020 --> 00:19:06,488 她的鞭子!是蟋蟀的骨頭;
289 00:19:06,556 --> 00:19:10,549 鞭繩是游絲做的
290 00:19:10,627 --> 00:19:12,925 用這樣的排場
291 00:19:12,996 --> 00:19:15,658 她夜夜的在情人的腦子裡奔馳
292 00:19:15,732 --> 00:19:19,168 於是他們便作起了愛情夢
293 00:19:19,235 --> 00:19:23,672 越過淑女門的香唇,她們便夢到接吻
294 00:19:23,740 --> 00:19:29,178 可是生氣的麥普 常使她們的嘴上生瘡
295 00:19:29,245 --> 00:19:32,180 因為他們的呼吸帶有…
296 00:19:32,248 --> 00:19:33,681 腐敗的甜品
297 00:19:33,750 --> 00:19:37,186 有時候她帶著一小段的豬尾巴
298 00:19:37,253 --> 00:19:40,188 在牧師睡覺時搔他的鼻子
299 00:19:40,256 --> 00:19:45,319 於是他夢到一個更肥的牧師職位
300 00:19:45,395 --> 00:19:49,195 [all] 阿門
301 00:19:49,265 --> 00:19:50,732 [laughter]
302 00:19:50,800 --> 00:19:53,564 有時候她越過一個士兵的頸子
303 00:19:53,636 --> 00:19:55,069 然後他會夢見…
304 00:19:55,138 --> 00:19:58,505 …割斷外國人的咽喉
305 00:19:58,574 --> 00:20:01,702 埋伏,夢到西班牙制的利劍 然後忽然聽見鼓聲
306 00:20:01,778 --> 00:20:03,211 從夢中驚醒
307 00:20:03,279 --> 00:20:06,715 驚醒之後... 咒罵了兩句
308 00:20:11,788 --> 00:20:14,222 然後又再度睡著
309 00:20:14,290 --> 00:20:16,224 這就是這位麥普
310 00:20:16,292 --> 00:20:19,227 在夜間 把馬鬃編成辮結
311 00:20:19,295 --> 00:20:23,231 使得骯髒的女人的頭髮 結成烏糟的一團
312 00:20:23,299 --> 00:20:26,860 這纏結便將是不祥之兆
313 00:20:26,936 --> 00:20:31,236 就是這個女巫,在少女仰著睡的時候
314 00:20:31,307 --> 00:20:34,743 壓在她們身上,教她們如何受孕
315 00:20:34,811 --> 00:20:39,248 使她們成為善於生育的婦人
316 00:20:39,315 --> 00:20:41,044 這就是她…
317 00:20:41,117 --> 00:20:44,245 這就是她…
318 00:20:44,320 --> 00:20:48,017 這…是
319 00:20:55,331 --> 00:20:57,765 安靜,馬庫修(Mercutio),安靜
320 00:20:57,834 --> 00:21:00,200 你是在胡說
321 00:21:00,269 --> 00:21:04,706 你是在胡說
322 00:21:07,276 --> 00:21:08,903 確實是
323 00:21:08,978 --> 00:21:13,210 是啊!我是在說夢話
324 00:21:13,282 --> 00:21:17,218 夢原是無聊的頭腦之胡思亂想…
325 00:21:18,788 --> 00:21:23,225 只是空虛的幻想的產物
326 00:21:23,292 --> 00:21:27,729 那是一種像空氣的稀薄的物質
327 00:21:27,797 --> 00:21:30,732 比風更善變
328 00:21:30,800 --> 00:21:34,236 剛剛投向北方的冰凍的胸懷
329 00:21:34,303 --> 00:21:38,239 忽然不高興了,氣沖沖的走開了
330 00:21:38,307 --> 00:21:41,242 轉臉走向雨露繁多的南方
331 00:21:45,615 --> 00:21:49,745 你所說的這風 把我們吹得離題太遠了
332 00:21:49,819 --> 00:21:53,755 擊鼓,來吧,精力充沛的紳士們
333 00:21:53,823 --> 00:21:56,314 [music playing]
334 00:21:56,392 --> 00:21:57,757 [singing]
335 00:21:59,829 --> 00:22:02,195 羅密歐,我們再不去就太遲了
336 00:22:04,200 --> 00:22:06,691 00:21:09,391 --> 00:21:11,746 我恐怕還是太早
337 00:22:08,271 --> 00:22:10,705 因我有一種預感
338 00:22:10,773 --> 00:22:14,209 某種懸而未決的厄運…
339 00:22:14,277 --> 00:22:19,214 將痛苦的開始它可怕的日子
340 00:22:19,282 --> 00:22:21,716 隨著今晚的狂歡
341 00:22:21,784 --> 00:22:24,719 而我這可憎恨的生命
342 00:22:24,787 --> 00:22:27,722 …將要終止
343 00:22:27,790 --> 00:22:32,727 由於某些不應該的死亡而喪失
344 00:22:32,795 --> 00:22:34,228 [bell tolling]
345 00:22:37,800 --> 00:22:41,236 但是我的命運事由上帝支配的
346 00:22:43,306 --> 00:22:45,240 讓祂指引我的前途吧…
347 00:22:50,179 --> 00:22:54,240 用我整個心歡迎來到寒舍
348 00:22:54,317 --> 00:22:59,254 噢,我親愛的艾蓮娜,我親愛的侄女
349 00:22:59,322 --> 00:23:02,189 歡迎所有人來作我的客人!
350 00:23:02,258 --> 00:23:05,193 及時行樂,紳士們 開心一點,女士們!
351 00:23:05,261 --> 00:23:06,694 歡迎,諸位先生
352 00:23:06,762 --> 00:23:09,196 想當年我也曾戴過假面具
353 00:23:09,265 --> 00:23:11,699 在漂亮的小姐耳邊低聲說些
354 00:23:11,767 --> 00:23:13,200 討她歡喜的話
355 00:23:13,269 --> 00:23:16,204 這是過去的事了,過去的事了。 歡迎你們,諸位先生
356 00:23:16,272 --> 00:23:19,207 小姐們,ho,ho!
357 00:23:19,275 --> 00:23:20,708 [音樂進行著]
358 00:25:59,101 --> 00:26:03,162 啊!她比滿堂的火炬還要亮
359 00:26:05,241 --> 00:26:07,903 她好像是掛在黑夜的頰上
360 00:26:07,977 --> 00:26:11,174 有如黑人戴的寶石耳墜
361 00:26:11,247 --> 00:26:16,776 美得太華麗而不適合使用,在世間太珍貴了
362 00:26:18,754 --> 00:26:22,212 那位小姐在她的伴侶中間
363 00:26:22,291 --> 00:26:26,819 像烏鴉中的白鴿那麼鮮豔
364 00:26:31,767 --> 00:26:34,065 我的心至此才愛嗎?
365 00:26:34,136 --> 00:26:37,628 放棄所有曾見過的
366 00:26:37,707 --> 00:26:42,076 因我直到今晚才看到真正的美
367 00:26:50,786 --> 00:26:52,913 聽他的聲音這人該是蒙太古
368 00:27:00,863 --> 00:27:04,663 叔叔,這個人是蒙太古,我們的仇敵
369 00:27:04,734 --> 00:27:06,668 一個惡棍惡意到這裡來
370 00:27:06,736 --> 00:27:08,670 存心破壞我們今晚的盛宴
371 00:27:08,738 --> 00:27:10,262 年輕的羅密歐,對嗎?
372 00:27:10,339 --> 00:27:12,671 大膽的奴才,臉上戴著古怪的面具來這裡
373 00:27:12,742 --> 00:27:14,505 來嘲弄我們的盛宴嗎?
374 00:27:14,577 --> 00:27:16,670 容忍他像一位莊嚴的紳士
375 00:27:16,746 --> 00:27:18,680 而且說真的,維洛納全城都誇獎他
376 00:27:18,748 --> 00:27:20,682 是位有美德且有好教養的年輕人
377 00:27:20,750 --> 00:27:22,684 就是把全城的財富都給我
378 00:27:22,752 --> 00:27:24,686 我也不願在我的家裡使他難堪
379 00:27:24,754 --> 00:27:27,052 所以你要忍耐一下,不必理會他
380 00:27:27,123 --> 00:27:29,683 舞曲開始!
381 00:27:29,759 --> 00:27:31,192 舞曲開始!
382 00:27:31,260 --> 00:27:32,693 [jingling]
383 00:27:47,777 --> 00:27:49,142 [laughs]
384 00:27:50,780 --> 00:27:53,495 [music plays]
385 00:29:04,666 --> 00:29:07,601 為什麼? 叔叔,這是可恥的!
386 00:29:07,669 --> 00:29:09,159 胡說!…
387 00:29:09,237 --> 00:29:11,603 你是個無禮的孩子
388 00:29:11,673 --> 00:29:14,107 你要在我的客人中引起暴亂嗎?
389 00:29:14,176 --> 00:29:16,610 到底這裡的主人是我,還是你?
390 00:29:16,678 --> 00:29:18,111 我不能容忍他
391 00:29:18,180 --> 00:29:20,307 你不能容忍他?他必須被容忍!
392 00:29:20,382 --> 00:29:21,815 我曉得了!
393 00:29:23,685 --> 00:29:26,620 我衷心的話…
394 00:29:35,197 --> 00:29:37,631 你是一個冒失鬼
395 00:29:37,699 --> 00:29:39,826 安靜,否則…
396 00:29:41,403 --> 00:29:42,802 喔
397 00:29:47,209 --> 00:29:49,643 多可恥,我會讓你安靜點
398 00:30:55,610 --> 00:30:59,205 李奧納多(Leonardo)要唱歌!
399 00:30:59,281 --> 00:31:01,875 李奧納多,請唱
400 00:31:12,694 --> 00:31:16,494 What is a youth?(青春是什麼)
401 00:31:16,565 --> 00:31:20,296 Impetuous fire (激烈燃燒的火)
402 00:31:20,368 --> 00:31:24,236 What is a maid? (少女是什麼?)
403 00:31:24,306 --> 00:31:27,537 Ice and desire (冰霜和欲望)
404 00:31:27,609 --> 00:31:31,010 The world wags on (年華如此遷移下去)
405 00:31:31,079 --> 00:31:35,516 A rose will bloom (玫瑰會盛開)
406 00:31:35,584 --> 00:31:39,987 It then will fade (然後會凋萎)
407 00:31:40,055 --> 00:31:44,492 So does a youth (青春也是)
408 00:31:44,559 --> 00:31:53,433 So does the fairest maid (最美的少女亦復如此)
409 00:31:53,502 --> 00:31:56,733 Comes the time (當那時,)
410 00:31:56,805 --> 00:31:58,238 When one sweet smile (臉上是甜美的微笑)
411 00:31:58,306 --> 00:32:03,767 Has its season for a while (那就是愛的季節)
412 00:32:03,845 --> 00:32:09,681 Then love's in love with me (我心裡充滿了依戀)
413 00:32:09,751 --> 00:32:13,517 Some may think only to marry (有人只想到結婚)
414 00:32:13,588 --> 00:32:17,149 Others will tease and tarry (有的人卻不屑且猶豫)
415 00:32:17,225 --> 00:32:20,592 Mine is the very best parry (我的藉口最是高超)
416 00:32:20,662 --> 00:32:24,325 Cupid he rules us all (邱比特牽著我們的鼻子走)
417 00:32:24,399 --> 00:32:27,994 Caper the caper (儘管嬉戲去吧) sing me the song (並為我唱一首歌)
418 00:32:28,069 --> 00:32:31,470 Death will come soon (死神不久將來臨) to hush us along (叫我們都閉住嘴)
419 00:32:31,540 --> 00:32:34,998 Sweeter than honey (比蜜還甜) and bitter as gall (比膽還苦)
420 00:32:35,076 --> 00:32:38,603 Love is a pastime (愛雖磨人) that never will pall (卻永不走味)
421 00:32:38,680 --> 00:32:42,673 Sweeter than honey (比蜜還甜) and bitter as gall (比膽還苦)
422 00:32:42,751 --> 00:32:48,519 Cupid he rules us all (邱比特牽著我們的鼻子走)
423 00:33:07,342 --> 00:33:12,143 A rose will bloom (玫瑰會盛開)
424 00:33:12,214 --> 00:33:16,241 And then will fade (然後會凋萎)
425 00:33:16,318 --> 00:33:23,156 So does a youth (青春也是)
426 00:33:23,225 --> 00:33:32,896 So does the fairest maid (最美的少女亦復如此)
427 00:33:34,469 --> 00:33:38,667 如果我的這一雙賤手冒犯了
428 00:33:38,740 --> 00:33:41,174 這個神聖之物
429 00:33:41,243 --> 00:33:44,303 贖罪的方法是
430 00:33:44,379 --> 00:33:50,579 我的雙唇,兩個赧顏的信徒,等待著
431 00:33:50,652 --> 00:33:57,490 用輕輕一吻來消除那粗糙接觸的痕跡
432 00:33:57,559 --> 00:33:59,823 噢
433 00:34:14,209 --> 00:34:20,148 好信徒,你怪罪你的手也未免太苛
434 00:34:20,215 --> 00:34:24,151 它這舉動只是表示虔誠的信心
435 00:34:24,219 --> 00:34:28,656 因聖者的手 乃朝聖者所相接
436 00:34:28,723 --> 00:34:33,660 手掌接觸手掌 便是信徒們的接吻
437 00:34:33,728 --> 00:34:37,664 聖人與信徒難道沒有嘴唇?
438 00:34:37,732 --> 00:34:41,668 有的,信徒,在祈禱時才有用場
439 00:34:41,736 --> 00:34:43,169 噢…
440 00:34:43,238 --> 00:34:47,174 那麼,親愛的聖人
441 00:34:47,242 --> 00:34:51,679 讓嘴唇代替手作所要作的…
442 00:34:56,751 --> 00:35:02,121 他們祈禱,請答應吧
443 00:35:02,190 --> 00:35:04,624 免得信仰變為失望
444 00:35:04,693 --> 00:35:06,627 聖人是不為人所動的
445 00:35:06,695 --> 00:35:08,629 雖然有求必應
446 00:35:08,697 --> 00:35:10,631 那麼妳不要動
447 00:35:14,202 --> 00:35:17,638 妳的回答我親自來領
448 00:35:20,208 --> 00:35:27,137 這樣用妳的嘴唇
449 00:35:27,215 --> 00:35:30,810 把我嘴唇上的罪過洗淨了
450 00:35:40,729 --> 00:35:44,665 可是你的罪惡沾染上了我的嘴唇
451 00:35:44,733 --> 00:35:46,667 我嘴唇上的罪惡?
452 00:35:46,735 --> 00:35:48,669 啊 你抱怨得可真妙!
453 00:35:48,737 --> 00:35:51,672 把我的罪惡還給我
454 00:35:53,408 --> 00:35:58,175 A rose will bloom (玫瑰會盛開)
455 00:35:58,246 --> 00:36:01,443 It then will fade (然後會凋萎)
456 00:36:01,516 --> 00:36:07,580 So does a youth (青春也是)
457 00:36:07,655 --> 00:36:20,557 So does the fairest maid (最美的少女亦復如此)
458 00:36:29,377 --> 00:36:30,639 茱麗葉!
459 00:36:30,712 --> 00:36:33,306 茱麗葉小姐!
460 00:36:33,381 --> 00:36:35,076 奶媽?
461 00:36:35,150 --> 00:36:37,812 妳的媽媽要和妳說句話
462 00:36:40,822 --> 00:36:43,382 快點,快點!
463 00:36:48,229 --> 00:36:49,662 誰是她母親?
464 00:36:49,731 --> 00:36:51,164 嗯~想結婚的光棍啊!
465 00:36:51,232 --> 00:36:54,167 她媽媽是這個房子的女主人
466 00:36:54,235 --> 00:36:57,170 一個有智慧又有美德的女士
467 00:36:57,238 --> 00:36:59,672 我看護她的女兒,就是你跟她說話的那位
468 00:36:59,741 --> 00:37:00,765 嗯
469 00:37:06,681 --> 00:37:09,616 我告訴你,誰要是能娶到她
470 00:37:09,684 --> 00:37:12,118 誰就可以得到她的家財
471 00:37:13,922 --> 00:37:17,688 她是凱普萊特的家人嗎?
472 00:37:19,093 --> 00:37:22,119 噢,我的天啊!
473 00:37:22,197 --> 00:37:25,462 我的性命落入敵人的手心
474 00:37:30,438 --> 00:37:33,339 什麼,我的女嘉賓們?
475 00:37:33,408 --> 00:37:35,137 什麼?你們要走了?
476 00:37:35,210 --> 00:37:37,644 很晚了,我們要早點走了
477 00:37:37,712 --> 00:37:39,907 我說,還早嘛!再見
478 00:37:39,981 --> 00:37:42,279 晚安,甜蜜的茱麗葉
479 00:37:47,222 --> 00:37:48,655 到這兒來,奶媽
480 00:37:48,723 --> 00:37:50,657 嗯?
481 00:37:50,725 --> 00:37:52,283 那年輕的紳士是誰?
482 00:37:52,360 --> 00:37:53,657 巴黎斯伯爵
483 00:37:53,728 --> 00:37:57,289 不,是那個人,在那邊的那個!
484 00:37:59,367 --> 00:38:01,096 我不知道
485 00:38:01,169 --> 00:38:03,103 去,問他的名字
486 00:38:05,673 --> 00:38:08,608 羅密歐,蒙太古家的人
487 00:38:08,676 --> 00:38:10,234 什麼?
488 00:38:10,311 --> 00:38:13,246 他的名字是羅密歐,蒙太古家的人
489 00:38:13,314 --> 00:38:15,942 你們的大仇人的獨生子
490 00:38:22,690 --> 00:38:27,627 我唯一的愛來自我唯一的恨
491 00:38:27,695 --> 00:38:32,632 當初不該遇到他,現在又嫌太晚了
492 00:38:34,702 --> 00:38:36,135 噢!
493 00:38:36,204 --> 00:38:39,139 我這一段愛情,結果怕不吉利
494 00:38:39,207 --> 00:38:42,005 我愛的是一個可恨的仇敵
495 00:38:51,719 --> 00:38:53,152 茱麗葉!
496 00:38:53,221 --> 00:38:55,689 茱麗葉小姐!
497 00:38:55,757 --> 00:38:59,158 夫人!
498 00:38:59,227 --> 00:39:03,425 羅密歐!
499 00:39:07,001 --> 00:39:08,263 茱麗葉!
500 00:39:09,671 --> 00:39:13,107 羅密歐!
501 00:39:13,174 --> 00:39:15,768 茱麗葉小姐!
502 00:39:17,111 --> 00:39:18,601 茱麗葉!
503 00:39:18,680 --> 00:39:22,741 羅密歐!
504 00:39:24,018 --> 00:39:25,610 [horn blows]
505 00:39:25,687 --> 00:39:28,121 羅密歐!
506 00:39:28,189 --> 00:39:30,123 羅密歐!
507 00:39:30,191 --> 00:39:32,125 [laughter]
508 00:39:32,193 --> 00:39:35,128 羅密歐!
509 00:39:35,196 --> 00:39:37,630 羅密歐!
510 00:39:37,699 --> 00:39:39,223 羅密歐!
511 00:39:39,300 --> 00:39:41,632 羅密歐!
512 00:39:41,703 --> 00:39:44,638 羅密歐!
513 00:39:44,706 --> 00:39:48,142 1,2,3
514 00:39:48,209 --> 00:39:53,647 - 羅密歐! - 羅密歐!
515 00:39:53,715 --> 00:39:55,148 他很聰明,我敢說
516 00:39:55,216 --> 00:39:58,344 他必是偷偷溜回家在床上了
517 00:39:58,419 --> 00:39:59,647 他跳進花園牆裡去了
518 00:39:59,721 --> 00:40:00,847 叫啊!馬庫修
519 00:40:00,922 --> 00:40:02,150 羅密歐!
520 00:40:02,223 --> 00:40:05,351 [whistles]
521 00:40:05,426 --> 00:40:07,394 羅密歐! 熱情的傢伙,瘋子!
522 00:40:07,462 --> 00:40:09,930 喔!愛人!
523 00:40:09,998 --> 00:40:12,330 喔! 羅密歐!
524 00:40:12,400 --> 00:40:16,496 他沒聽見,他沒有聲響
525 00:40:16,571 --> 00:40:18,004 他沒有動靜,這猴子死了
526 00:40:18,072 --> 00:40:23,973 他取笑傷口 但從來沒受過傷
527 00:40:24,140 --> 00:40:26,631 羅密歐,沒關係
528 00:40:26,709 --> 00:40:28,301 [狗吠聲]
529 00:40:29,712 --> 00:40:31,543 小聲些!
530 00:40:31,614 --> 00:40:35,778 窗口那邊透出的是什麼光亮?
531 00:40:48,364 --> 00:40:49,888 [bell ringing]
532 00:41:02,145 --> 00:41:04,409 是我的小姐
533 00:41:04,480 --> 00:41:09,508 噢,她是我的愛
534 00:41:09,585 --> 00:41:11,485 噢…
535 00:41:11,554 --> 00:41:15,012 啊,我但願她知道她是我的愛人
536 00:41:15,091 --> 00:41:18,527 她說話了,又好像是沒說什麼
537 00:41:18,594 --> 00:41:20,755 那又有什麼關係?
538 00:41:22,598 --> 00:41:27,035 她的眼睛在說話,我要回答他
539 00:41:27,103 --> 00:41:30,038 我太魯莽了
540 00:41:30,106 --> 00:41:33,041 她不是對我說話
541 00:41:33,109 --> 00:41:37,546 在整個天空中兩顆最美麗的星星
542 00:41:37,613 --> 00:41:41,049 有事情正忙,懇求她的眼 在它們的領域裡閃耀
543 00:41:41,117 --> 00:41:45,053 直到它們回來
544 00:41:45,121 --> 00:41:48,181 看她怎樣手托香腮
545 00:41:48,257 --> 00:41:51,693 噢!我願是那手上的手套
546 00:41:51,761 --> 00:41:54,286 那樣,我就能摸到那面頰
547 00:41:56,132 --> 00:41:57,895 哎呀!
548 00:41:57,967 --> 00:41:59,958 她說話了
549 00:42:05,374 --> 00:42:08,707 噢,再說吧,美麗的天使
550 00:42:08,778 --> 00:42:13,511 噢!羅密歐!羅密歐
551 00:42:13,583 --> 00:42:17,019 你為什麼是羅密歐?
552 00:42:17,086 --> 00:42:22,149 否認你的父親,放棄你的姓氏
553 00:42:22,225 --> 00:42:26,161 如果你不肯 那麼你只消發誓做我的愛人
554 00:42:26,229 --> 00:42:28,527 那麼,我將不再是凱普萊特的族人
555 00:42:28,598 --> 00:42:30,031 我應該多聽一點…
556 00:42:30,099 --> 00:42:32,033 還是就此開始說話?
557 00:42:32,101 --> 00:42:34,035 只有你的名字是我的敵人
558 00:42:34,103 --> 00:42:37,834 你就是不姓蒙太古,你還是你自己
559 00:42:40,443 --> 00:42:42,138 蒙太古是什麼?
560 00:42:43,613 --> 00:42:49,176 它是沒有手,沒有腳,沒有臉
561 00:42:49,252 --> 00:42:53,052 也不是人身上任何其他一部分
562 00:42:53,122 --> 00:42:56,285 取別的名字吧!
563 00:42:58,127 --> 00:43:00,288 一個名字有什麼意義?
564 00:43:00,363 --> 00:43:02,797 就像我們不稱呼一株玫瑰花為玫瑰花
565 00:43:02,865 --> 00:43:05,800 而稱呼其他名字,它依舊芬芳一樣
566 00:43:05,868 --> 00:43:09,497 羅密歐也是一樣,他不要叫做羅密歐
567 00:43:09,572 --> 00:43:12,006 而仍然保持他所擁有的完美
568 00:43:12,074 --> 00:43:15,043 沒有了那個稱呼
569 00:43:15,111 --> 00:43:18,512 羅密歐,放棄你的名字
570 00:43:18,581 --> 00:43:21,516 因為名字不是你的一部份
571 00:43:21,584 --> 00:43:23,677 為彌補這損失 請把我整個拿去吧
572 00:43:26,422 --> 00:43:28,720 我就依照妳的話了
573 00:43:28,791 --> 00:43:30,782 只要你稱我為愛人,我就算是取了新的名字
574 00:43:30,860 --> 00:43:34,023 從今以後我永遠不再是羅密歐
575 00:43:34,096 --> 00:43:37,532 誰在那兒?在這夜幕低垂的夜晚
576 00:43:37,600 --> 00:43:39,295 結結巴巴的在和我說話?
577 00:43:39,368 --> 00:43:43,168 我知用一名字無法告訴你我是誰
578 00:43:43,239 --> 00:43:45,036 聖人,我自己很厭惡的名字
579 00:43:45,107 --> 00:43:46,472 因為它是你的敵人
580 00:43:46,542 --> 00:43:49,340 如果我寫出來,我寧願把它撕碎
581 00:43:52,114 --> 00:43:54,548 我的耳朵吸進你說的字尚不滿百
582 00:43:54,617 --> 00:43:57,552 但是我已辨出那個聲音
583 00:43:57,620 --> 00:43:59,554 然而我認得這聲音
584 00:43:59,622 --> 00:44:02,682 你不是羅密歐,蒙太古家的人嗎?
585 00:44:02,758 --> 00:44:05,192 都不是,美麗的小姐 如果你都不喜歡的話
586 00:44:05,261 --> 00:44:07,991 告訴我,你怎樣來到此地的 並且為什麼?
587 00:44:08,064 --> 00:44:10,498 大果樹的壁很高,很難爬過來
588 00:44:10,566 --> 00:44:12,830 這個地方沒有路,想想看你是誰?
589 00:44:12,902 --> 00:44:15,496 假如有任何我的親人發現你在這
590 00:44:15,571 --> 00:44:17,004 用愛情的輕翅
591 00:44:17,073 --> 00:44:19,007 我越過這些高牆
592 00:44:19,075 --> 00:44:21,509 因為石頭做的藩籬擋不住愛
593 00:44:21,577 --> 00:44:24,512 愛人能做到的事我都有膽量去做
594 00:44:24,580 --> 00:44:26,309 所以你的親人無法阻止我
595 00:44:26,382 --> 00:44:27,440 噓!
596 00:44:29,585 --> 00:44:32,554 如果他們看見你,他們會殺了你
597 00:44:32,622 --> 00:44:37,025 我有夜幕遮蔽我,不讓他們發現
598 00:44:37,093 --> 00:44:40,085 只要妳愛我…
599 00:44:41,931 --> 00:44:43,865 讓他們在此地看到我也無妨
600 00:44:43,933 --> 00:44:46,868 在他們的仇恨之中結束我的生命
601 00:44:46,936 --> 00:44:50,269 也比得不到你的愛 而苟延殘喘要好一些
602 00:44:53,109 --> 00:44:55,009 你愛我嗎?
603 00:44:55,077 --> 00:44:58,240 我知道你會說是。而我會接受你的話
604 00:44:58,314 --> 00:44:59,747 假如你發誓
605 00:44:59,815 --> 00:45:01,180 你也可能證明那是虛偽的
606 00:45:01,250 --> 00:45:05,653 對於情人們的偽誓 據說,天神也只好一笑置之
607 00:45:05,721 --> 00:45:07,985 噢!和善的羅密歐
608 00:45:08,057 --> 00:45:13,154 假如你真的愛我,忠誠的說出來
609 00:45:13,229 --> 00:45:15,993 假如你覺得我太輕易就可獲得
610 00:45:16,065 --> 00:45:19,557 我就會皺著眉頭板起面孔拒絕你
611 00:45:19,635 --> 00:45:22,934 所以你要求愛,但不是世界上其他的
612 00:45:23,005 --> 00:45:28,170 事實上,我很喜愛美好的蒙太古…
613 00:45:32,271 --> 00:45:34,704 也許你因此以為我太輕佻
614 00:45:34,772 --> 00:45:35,864
615 00:45:35,940 --> 00:45:38,703 但信任我,紳士,我會證明…
616 00:45:38,775 --> 00:45:40,742 我比那些假裝冷淡的人更為真誠
617 00:45:43,778 --> 00:45:46,211 我必須承認…
618 00:45:46,280 --> 00:45:47,713 …我應該再冷淡一些
619 00:45:47,781 --> 00:45:50,715 但是你在我不提防的時候
620 00:45:50,783 --> 00:45:53,216 偷聽到我的真情
621 00:45:53,285 --> 00:45:57,152 所以請原諒我
622 00:45:57,220 --> 00:46:00,154 不要以為我的委身相愛 是由於輕狂
623 00:46:00,222 --> 00:46:03,088 實在是黑夜泄漏了我的愛情
624 00:46:03,157 --> 00:46:06,648 小姐,我指著那聖潔的月亮發誓
625 00:46:06,727 --> 00:46:08,627 噢!不要對月發誓
626 00:46:08,695 --> 00:46:10,161 善變的月
627 00:46:10,229 --> 00:46:14,665 隨著它運行的軌道,在每月裡變化
628 00:46:14,733 --> 00:46:18,758 以免證明你的愛像它一樣善變
629 00:46:18,835 --> 00:46:21,234 我該對什麼發誓?
630 00:46:21,303 --> 00:46:23,237 完全不用發誓
631 00:46:23,305 --> 00:46:27,672 假如你要的話…
632 00:46:27,741 --> 00:46:29,674 就指著你優美的自身起誓好了
633 00:46:29,742 --> 00:46:32,676 他是我偶像崇拜的神
634 00:46:32,744 --> 00:46:35,178 而我將會相信你
635 00:46:35,246 --> 00:46:40,238 假如我心中最愛的…我發誓…
636 00:46:40,316 --> 00:46:42,180 噢!茱麗葉!
637 00:46:58,261 --> 00:47:01,627 親愛的,晚安
638 00:47:01,697 --> 00:47:05,131 這愛情的蓓蕾 經過夏日的薰風吹拂
639 00:47:05,198 --> 00:47:09,133 等我們下次見面時 會變成一朵美麗的花
640 00:47:15,706 --> 00:47:20,300 晚安!晚安!
641 00:47:20,375 --> 00:47:23,810 願我心上的舒適安詳
642 00:47:23,878 --> 00:47:26,812 同樣的來到你的心上
643 00:47:32,717 --> 00:47:35,184 噢!你要讓我不滿意的離開你嗎?
644 00:47:36,753 --> 00:47:40,016 今晚你要怎樣才能滿意呢?
645 00:47:40,088 --> 00:47:43,921 交換你忠誠的愛的誓言給我
646 00:47:43,991 --> 00:47:45,652 哦
647 00:47:55,231 --> 00:47:59,166 在你要求之前我已經給你了
648 00:47:59,234 --> 00:48:01,963 但是我願我還沒有給過你
649 00:48:04,671 --> 00:48:06,604 妳想收回妳的誓言?
650 00:48:06,672 --> 00:48:08,936 為什麼,愛人?
651 00:48:09,008 --> 00:48:13,943 只是為了表示慷慨再給你一次
652 00:48:17,480 --> 00:48:23,610 然而我的願望只在我能給予的事
653 00:48:23,684 --> 00:48:26,618 我的慷慨像海一般的廣闊無垠
654 00:48:26,686 --> 00:48:28,118 我的愛如它一樣深
655 00:48:28,187 --> 00:48:31,121 我給你的越多,我自己有的也越多
656 00:48:31,189 --> 00:48:33,122 因為兩者都是無限的
657 00:48:33,190 --> 00:48:34,623 茱麗葉!
658 00:48:34,691 --> 00:48:36,123 好奶媽!
659 00:48:36,192 --> 00:48:39,627 甜蜜的蒙太古,可不要負心
660 00:48:39,694 --> 00:48:42,127 夫人!
661 00:48:42,196 --> 00:48:45,130 再待一下子,我會回來
662 00:48:45,198 --> 00:48:47,631 夫人!茱麗葉小姐!
663 00:48:55,705 --> 00:48:58,298 噢!幸福的,幸福的夜晚!
664 00:49:00,041 --> 00:49:02,907 噢! 我真害怕這晚上
665 00:49:02,976 --> 00:49:05,068 全部只是夢一場
666 00:49:05,144 --> 00:49:07,578 太令人喜悅的甜蜜,怕不是真的
667 00:49:07,646 --> 00:49:11,637 再說三句話,親愛的羅密歐 可真要再會了
668 00:49:11,715 --> 00:49:14,581 假如你的愛是崇高的
669 00:49:14,650 --> 00:49:17,083 有意和我結婚,明天給我消息
670 00:49:17,152 --> 00:49:19,643 有一樣可促成我奔向你
671 00:49:19,720 --> 00:49:22,587 哪裡和何時你要舉行婚禮
672 00:49:22,655 --> 00:49:25,089 我將我的命運擺在你的腳下
673 00:49:25,158 --> 00:49:27,819 而跟隨著你,我的主人,到全世界
674 00:49:27,893 --> 00:49:29,086 小姐!
675 00:49:29,160 --> 00:49:32,219 我來了,就來
676 00:49:32,295 --> 00:49:35,593 但假如你的意向不是這樣,我就要懇求你
677 00:49:35,664 --> 00:49:36,756 小姐!茱麗葉
678 00:49:36,832 --> 00:49:38,093 等一下,我來了!
679 00:49:38,166 --> 00:49:41,328 停止追求,讓我獨自去哀傷…
680 00:49:41,401 --> 00:49:42,834 明天我會派人去
681 00:49:42,903 --> 00:49:45,462 願我的靈魂得救
682 00:49:45,538 --> 00:49:48,199 我對你說一千遍再見!
683 00:49:51,975 --> 00:49:53,602 羅密歐!
684 00:49:53,676 --> 00:49:56,405 明天什麼時間我派人去?
685 00:49:56,478 --> 00:49:57,604 在九點的時候
686 00:49:57,679 --> 00:49:59,612 我不會錯過
687 00:49:59,680 --> 00:50:01,909 要到二十年才能挨到那個時間
688 00:50:03,283 --> 00:50:04,214 羅密歐!
689 00:50:12,688 --> 00:50:15,054 我忘了我為什麼叫你回來
690 00:50:16,524 --> 00:50:18,616 讓我站在這裡直到你記起來
691 00:50:18,692 --> 00:50:22,127 我只是愛和你在一起
692 00:50:22,195 --> 00:50:23,355 為了使你永久站在那裡,我將永遠想不起
693 00:50:23,429 --> 00:50:24,861 那麼我就永久的等著
694 00:50:24,930 --> 00:50:26,864 好讓妳永久的想不起
695 00:50:26,932 --> 00:50:29,866 因為除了這個地方 我也不記得還有什麼家
696 00:50:29,934 --> 00:50:32,197 哦
697 00:50:49,079 --> 00:50:51,444 [rooster crowing]
698 00:50:57,018 --> 00:50:59,952 晚安,晚安!
699 00:51:00,020 --> 00:51:03,580 離別是這樣又甜蜜又心傷
700 00:51:03,656 --> 00:51:06,715 我要對你說再見 一直說到明天到來
701 00:51:47,952 --> 00:51:49,612 哇!
702 00:52:15,769 --> 00:52:17,066 哇!
703 00:53:07,371 --> 00:53:10,237 羅倫斯神父!
704 00:53:10,306 --> 00:53:13,035 是哪個早起甜蜜的舌頭向我致敬?
705 00:53:13,108 --> 00:53:15,041 早安,神父!
706 00:53:15,109 --> 00:53:17,043 哈!哈!
707 00:53:17,111 --> 00:53:19,544 嘿!
708 00:53:22,595 --> 00:53:25,290 孩子,你起床這樣的早 必定是心裡有什麼煩惱
709 00:53:25,363 --> 00:53:28,798 必定是心裡有什麼煩惱
710 00:53:28,866 --> 00:53:30,890 所以你今天這樣的早起
711 00:53:30,967 --> 00:53:32,900 必定是有什麼煩惱是驚擾了你
712 00:53:32,968 --> 00:53:36,403 若不是這樣,我就要猜中
713 00:53:36,470 --> 00:53:38,903 我們的羅密歐夜裡根本沒有上床
714 00:53:38,972 --> 00:53:42,134 後面這個是對了,我得到比睡眠更甜蜜的安息
715 00:53:42,208 --> 00:53:44,402 神寬恕你的罪,你是跟羅沙琳一起嗎?
716 00:53:44,475 --> 00:53:46,908 和羅沙琳在一起?神父,不
717 00:53:46,977 --> 00:53:49,911 我已忘了那個名字和它給我的痛苦
718 00:53:49,979 --> 00:53:51,412 那才是我的好男孩
719 00:53:51,480 --> 00:53:53,413 但你又去了哪裡?
720 00:53:53,481 --> 00:53:55,914 不待你再問,我要讓你知道
721 00:53:55,983 --> 00:53:58,417 我參加了我仇敵的晚宴
722 00:53:58,484 --> 00:54:00,850 在那裡突然間有一個人傷了我
723 00:54:00,920 --> 00:54:03,854 講清楚些,好孩子,不要那麼累贅
724 00:54:03,922 --> 00:54:06,048 謎一般的懺悔 只能得到謎一般的赦罪 明白說吧
725 00:54:06,123 --> 00:54:09,853 那麼 只知我心中最愛的人確定了
726 00:54:09,926 --> 00:54:12,359 就是富有的凱普萊特的美麗女兒
727 00:54:12,428 --> 00:54:15,863 如我對她,她也是中意我…
728 00:54:15,930 --> 00:54:18,363 兩情相悅,
729 00:54:18,432 --> 00:54:20,365 只差你用婚禮來撮合
730 00:54:20,433 --> 00:54:22,366 我們何時,何地,如何的得以相見
731 00:54:22,434 --> 00:54:24,868 如何的談情說愛,如何的交換誓言
732 00:54:24,935 --> 00:54:26,266 我會告訴你一切
733 00:54:26,337 --> 00:54:27,860 但我祈求你
734 00:54:27,937 --> 00:54:30,201 答應今天就給我們舉行婚禮
735 00:54:30,273 --> 00:54:32,365 啊?
736 00:54:32,441 --> 00:54:34,635 神聖的法蘭西斯呀!
737 00:54:34,709 --> 00:54:36,869 你不是很愛羅沙琳嗎?
738 00:54:36,943 --> 00:54:38,376 這麼快就放棄了?
739 00:54:38,445 --> 00:54:40,378 但她們在嘲弄我,神父!
740 00:54:40,446 --> 00:54:43,380 年輕人的愛情 不是出自真心 741 00:54:43,448 --> 00:54:44,881 只是靠了眼睛
742 00:54:44,949 --> 00:54:46,381 聽我說,神父
743 00:54:46,450 --> 00:54:48,383 為了羅沙琳....
744 00:54:48,451 --> 00:54:50,885 多少淚水洗過你的瘦臉
745 00:54:50,953 --> 00:54:52,385 你是否變了?
746 00:54:52,454 --> 00:54:53,887 你可以把一句老話重溫
747 00:54:53,955 --> 00:54:56,889 男人既然薄倖,女人當然也會變心
748 00:54:56,957 --> 00:54:59,390 為了愛羅沙琳 你常指責我
749 00:54:59,459 --> 00:55:01,392 為了你的愚呆,不是愛,我的學生
750 00:55:01,460 --> 00:55:04,553 是,是為了愛,你曾叫我把愛情埋葬
751 00:55:04,629 --> 00:55:07,563 沒叫你埋一個,把另外一個掘出來
752 00:55:07,631 --> 00:55:09,154 來!朝三暮四的青年
753 00:55:24,408 --> 00:55:26,841 來吧!年輕人
754 00:55:26,910 --> 00:55:29,344 來,跟我來
755 00:55:29,412 --> 00:55:33,346 為了一個理由,我願意助你一臂之力
756 00:55:33,414 --> 00:55:34,847 神父!
757 00:55:36,249 --> 00:55:38,842 這婚姻可能成為一段美滿良緣
758 00:55:38,918 --> 00:55:41,351 轉變你們兩家的積怨為愛
759 00:55:41,419 --> 00:55:42,852 讓我們開始吧!
760 00:55:42,921 --> 00:55:44,854 我很焦急的在等待
761 00:55:44,922 --> 00:55:46,355 噓! 明智地,慢慢地
762 00:55:46,423 --> 00:55:49,357 要穩要慢。跑快了會要跌倒。
763 00:55:49,425 --> 00:55:50,857 哈 哈 哈!
764 00:55:50,926 --> 00:55:52,325 噓!
765 00:55:56,429 --> 00:55:58,862 這個魔鬼羅密歐跑到哪裡去了?
766 00:55:58,931 --> 00:56:00,364 嗯?
767 00:56:01,866 --> 00:56:03,800 他今晚沒回家嗎?
768 00:56:03,868 --> 00:56:06,301 嗯?
769 00:56:06,369 --> 00:56:07,801 哦?
770 00:56:07,870 --> 00:56:09,804 他今晚沒回家嗎?
771 00:56:09,872 --> 00:56:10,803 誰?
772 00:56:10,872 --> 00:56:11,998 羅密歐
773 00:56:12,073 --> 00:56:15,803 沒有回到他父親的家 我問過他家的傭人
774 00:56:15,876 --> 00:56:18,309 嘿,提伯特,老凱普萊特的親戚
775 00:56:18,377 --> 00:56:21,311 寄了一封信到他父親的家裡
776 00:56:22,880 --> 00:56:24,814 挑戰書,一定是
777 00:56:24,882 --> 00:56:26,314 羅密歐會答覆他的
778 00:56:26,382 --> 00:56:29,316 任何一個會寫字的人 都會回信
779 00:56:29,384 --> 00:56:32,318 不,我是說他會挺身會見那個寫信的人
780 00:56:32,386 --> 00:56:34,319 被挑戰,就敢應戰。
781 00:56:34,387 --> 00:56:36,821 唉呀,可憐的羅密歐,他已經死了
782 00:56:36,890 --> 00:56:39,323 被一個蒼白少女的黑眼珠給刺殺了
783 00:56:39,391 --> 00:56:42,325 耳裡只有愛的歌
784 00:56:42,393 --> 00:56:45,327 邱比特的禿箭
785 00:56:45,395 --> 00:56:48,329 射裂了他的心臟的正中心
786 00:56:50,600 --> 00:56:53,295 他還能打得過提伯特嗎?
787 00:56:53,368 --> 00:56:56,200 噫,提伯特算得什麼?
788 00:56:56,270 --> 00:57:00,069 我告訴你說,它不是一隻尋常的貓 (隱喻:列那狐的故事中 貓劍客名叫提伯特)
789 00:57:05,510 --> 00:57:07,136 啊,你們兩位早安!
790 00:57:10,346 --> 00:57:12,279 [sniff]
791 00:57:12,347 --> 00:57:14,781 這是不是很令人痛心的事
792 00:57:14,850 --> 00:57:17,283 我們到處遇到這種討厭的蒼蠅
793 00:57:17,351 --> 00:57:19,284 這種時髦販子
794 00:57:19,352 --> 00:57:22,787 這種滿口法文pardonnez-moi's的傢伙
795 00:57:22,855 --> 00:57:24,287 羅密歐先生,早安(法文)
796 00:57:24,355 --> 00:57:25,788 早安(法文)
797 00:57:25,857 --> 00:57:27,289 早安
798 00:57:27,357 --> 00:57:29,790 你穿的是法國式的燈籠褲 所以對你說一句法國的應酬話
799 00:57:29,859 --> 00:57:31,292 嗯?
800 00:57:31,360 --> 00:57:33,793 你昨晚欺騙了我們
801 00:57:33,862 --> 00:57:35,795 我昨晚騙了你們什麼?
802 00:57:35,863 --> 00:57:37,797 你偷溜了,先生,溜了
803 00:57:37,865 --> 00:57:39,263 你不懂嗎?
804 00:57:39,332 --> 00:57:40,663 抱歉!好馬庫修
805 00:57:40,733 --> 00:57:42,063 我當時有要緊的事…
806 00:57:42,133 --> 00:57:43,293 噢! 哈 哈 哈!
807 00:57:43,368 --> 00:57:45,301 在那情形之下
808 00:57:45,369 --> 00:57:46,802 一個人難免不失禮
809 00:57:46,871 --> 00:57:48,303 你站到我們中間,賓瓦力歐
810 00:57:48,371 --> 00:57:49,804 我的頭昏了
811 00:57:49,873 --> 00:57:51,806 你的才智是一只很酸的蘋果
812 00:57:51,874 --> 00:57:53,306 可以做味道濃郁的蘋果醬
813 00:57:53,374 --> 00:57:55,308 喔!喔!喔!喔!
814 00:57:55,376 --> 00:57:56,808 哈哈哈!
815 00:57:56,877 --> 00:57:58,811 這不比為了
816 00:57:58,879 --> 00:58:01,005 戀愛而長吁短嘆要好些嗎?
817 00:58:01,080 --> 00:58:03,741 你現在有說有笑了
818 00:58:03,815 --> 00:58:05,748 現在你是羅密歐
819 00:58:05,816 --> 00:58:08,249 你現在是你的本來面目
820 00:58:08,317 --> 00:58:11,217 無論是天性如此或是有意做作
821 00:58:11,286 --> 00:58:13,754 因為一把鼻涕一把眼淚的情人 實在是像一個大傻瓜
822 00:58:13,821 --> 00:58:15,254 伸著舌頭東竄西竄的
823 00:58:15,322 --> 00:58:17,255 想把他的那根棍子藏在一個洞裡
824 00:58:17,323 --> 00:58:18,756 停下來,停下來
825 00:58:18,825 --> 00:58:21,759 你要求我停在我故事的開頭?
826 00:58:21,827 --> 00:58:23,760 你會用其他的使你的故事變長
827 00:58:23,828 --> 00:58:25,261 不、不、不,你在欺騙
828 00:58:25,329 --> 00:58:28,763 我只是說出我整個故事的深度
829 00:58:28,831 --> 00:58:30,888 而真的不想再爭論了
830 00:58:36,258 --> 00:58:37,690 好東西來了
831 00:58:37,759 --> 00:58:39,192 [laughter]
832 00:58:39,260 --> 00:58:42,023 這是艘好舢板
833 00:58:42,095 --> 00:58:43,186 A sail (船帆
834 00:58:43,262 --> 00:58:45,230 [all] 一條船!一條船!
835 00:58:45,298 --> 00:58:47,197 [laughter]
836 00:58:50,234 --> 00:58:54,862 兩條,兩條; 一個穿襯衫的,一個穿裙子的
837 00:58:54,936 --> 00:58:56,699 [laughter]
838 00:58:56,772 --> 00:58:58,204 噓!
839 00:58:58,272 --> 00:58:59,239 彼得
840 00:58:59,307 --> 00:59:01,638 奶媽
841 00:59:01,708 --> 00:59:03,800 我的扇子,彼得
842 00:59:03,876 --> 00:59:05,366 好彼得,將她的臉遮起來
843 00:59:05,444 --> 00:59:07,638 因為她的扇子比她的臉好看一些
844 00:59:07,712 --> 00:59:09,509 哈 哈 哈!
845 00:59:09,579 --> 00:59:11,069 Oh!
846 00:59:12,215 --> 00:59:14,682 早安,紳士們
847 00:59:14,750 --> 00:59:17,013 祝妳晚安,老太太
848 00:59:17,085 --> 00:59:18,551 到午後了嗎?
849 00:59:18,619 --> 00:59:21,144 一點也不差,我告訴你
850 00:59:21,221 --> 00:59:23,518 因為日晷上那只淫穢的手
851 00:59:23,589 --> 00:59:25,522 現在正摸著正午那一點
852 00:59:25,590 --> 00:59:27,147 哈 哈 哈! Oh!
853 00:59:27,224 --> 00:59:29,852 就是你,你是什麼人?
854 00:59:29,927 --> 00:59:33,656 女士,上帝造的然後又由他自己毀掉的人
855 00:59:33,729 --> 00:59:36,663 真是說得好,
856 00:59:36,731 --> 00:59:39,164 由他自己毀掉,是不是?
857 00:59:39,232 --> 00:59:40,665 Hmm
858 00:59:40,734 --> 00:59:43,668 紳士們,你們有人能告訴我
859 00:59:43,736 --> 00:59:45,362 在哪裡我能找到年輕的羅密歐?
860 00:59:45,437 --> 00:59:49,167 [all] 羅密歐,羅密歐
861 00:59:49,239 --> 00:59:50,671 嘿!
862 00:59:50,740 --> 00:59:52,173 噓!
863 00:59:52,241 --> 00:59:54,674 在名叫羅密歐的人當中我是最年輕的一個
864 00:59:54,743 --> 00:59:56,176 在名叫羅密歐的人當中我是最年輕的一個
865 00:59:56,244 --> 00:59:58,677 如果你就是他,先生
866 00:59:58,746 --> 01:00:01,771 我要求私下跟你談一下
867 01:00:01,848 --> 01:00:04,111 [嘲笑聲]
868 01:00:06,784 --> 01:00:09,115 她將約他參加某個晚餐
869 01:00:09,186 --> 01:00:10,551 一個鴇母,一個鴇母
870 01:00:16,191 --> 01:00:17,680 一個鴇母!
871 01:00:17,758 --> 01:00:19,623 啊!
872 01:00:19,693 --> 01:00:22,956 [laughter]
873 01:00:23,028 --> 01:00:25,121 你們會被抓起來!
874 01:00:25,197 --> 01:00:27,061 她來了!
875 01:00:27,131 --> 01:00:28,621 馬庫修,不要!
876 01:00:28,699 --> 01:00:30,632 啊!
877 01:00:30,700 --> 01:00:33,133 一隻老野雞
878 01:00:33,202 --> 01:00:35,931 有一隻老野雞
879 01:00:36,003 --> 01:00:39,768 是齋期中的美味
880 01:00:39,840 --> 01:00:43,138 但是老野雞發霉了
881 01:00:43,209 --> 01:00:47,200 二十個人都吃不完
882 01:00:47,277 --> 01:00:50,404 沒吃完就先發了霉
883 01:00:50,480 --> 01:00:51,412 啊!
884 01:00:51,481 --> 01:00:52,777 [laughter and cheering]
885 01:00:52,848 --> 01:00:54,907 喔!
886 01:00:54,983 --> 01:00:58,246 [laughter]
887 01:00:58,318 --> 01:01:02,276 再會了,古代的女士
888 01:01:02,354 --> 01:01:04,082 喔!
889 01:01:04,155 --> 01:01:07,021 [laughter and shouting]
890 01:01:07,090 --> 01:01:11,082 差勁,下流胚子
891 01:01:11,160 --> 01:01:13,320 我不是肯和他打情罵俏的女人
892 01:01:13,395 --> 01:01:16,261 我不是和無賴漢為伍的人
893 01:01:16,330 --> 01:01:19,093 差勁,下流胚子
894 01:01:19,165 --> 01:01:22,099 下流胚子
895 01:01:22,167 --> 01:01:23,429 請問,先生,這是哪個....
896 01:01:23,502 --> 01:01:25,435 多麼無禮的傢伙
897 01:01:25,503 --> 01:01:27,266 有這麼多整人的把戲?
898 01:01:27,338 --> 01:01:29,897 是一個愛說話的紳士,奶媽
899 01:01:29,973 --> 01:01:31,940 會在一分鐘內說
900 01:01:32,007 --> 01:01:33,940 多於他一個月所說的
901 01:01:34,008 --> 01:01:35,270 如果說什麼調戲我的話,我要教他受點報應
902 01:01:35,343 --> 01:01:37,242 我也可以對付
903 01:01:37,310 --> 01:01:38,572 二十個這樣的粗漢
904 01:01:38,645 --> 01:01:42,080 如果我對付不了他 我可以找到能對付他的人
905 01:01:42,147 --> 01:01:44,115 哈 哈 哈!
906 01:01:45,249 --> 01:01:49,116 哈 哈 哈!
907 01:01:49,185 --> 01:01:53,621 你.... 居然站在一旁
908 01:01:53,688 --> 01:01:56,087 讓每一個惡棍
909 01:01:56,157 --> 01:01:58,818 隨意擺布我
910 01:01:58,892 --> 01:02:02,554 喔…
911 01:02:02,628 --> 01:02:05,562 沒用的廢物!
912 01:02:05,629 --> 01:02:08,563 先生,請過來說句話
913 01:02:08,631 --> 01:02:09,928 喔!
914 01:02:15,135 --> 01:02:17,069 氣死人!
915 01:02:17,137 --> 01:02:21,071 [organ playing]
916 01:02:38,150 --> 01:02:40,584 [choir singing]
917 01:02:59,665 --> 01:03:03,532 我的小姐交待我要求你出來
918 01:03:03,601 --> 01:03:06,034 她所交待我說的話
919 01:03:06,102 --> 01:03:08,035 我會保密
920 01:03:08,103 --> 01:03:10,536 但首先我告訴你
921 01:03:10,605 --> 01:03:14,040 如果你逗著我們家小姐作一場荒唐夢
922 01:03:14,107 --> 01:03:15,540 奶媽
923 01:03:15,609 --> 01:03:17,041 就如大家說的
924 01:03:17,109 --> 01:03:19,542 那可是很惡劣的行為
925 01:03:19,611 --> 01:03:21,044 如他們說的,因為我們小姐很年輕
926 01:03:21,112 --> 01:03:23,545 所以,假如你要欺騙她
927 01:03:23,614 --> 01:03:27,049 老實說,對任何淑女都是很壞的事
928 01:03:27,116 --> 01:03:28,548 和沒有道德的作法
929 01:03:28,617 --> 01:03:32,052 奶媽,向你的小姐和女主人推薦我
930 01:03:32,119 --> 01:03:34,143 我鄭重向你聲明
931 01:03:34,221 --> 01:03:35,654 交待她準備
932 01:03:35,722 --> 01:03:39,054 請她今日午後設法出來做懺悔
933 01:03:39,124 --> 01:03:43,058 在羅倫斯神父的齋房裡
934 01:03:43,126 --> 01:03:47,255 她可作懺悔,然後行婚禮
935 01:03:47,330 --> 01:03:49,559 喔!
936 01:03:49,631 --> 01:03:51,064 喔!
937 01:03:52,633 --> 01:03:54,100 這是給你辛苦的一點意思
938 01:03:54,167 --> 01:03:57,068 不,真的,先生,不要錢
939 01:03:57,135 --> 01:03:59,069 拿去,我說你一定要
940 01:03:59,137 --> 01:04:00,228 不要
941 01:04:00,304 --> 01:04:01,999 那麼…
942 01:04:05,575 --> 01:04:08,600 先生,我家的小姐是最可愛的姑娘
943 01:04:08,677 --> 01:04:11,509 那時候她還是一個愛多嘴的小東西...
944 01:04:11,579 --> 01:04:13,011 再見!
945 01:04:13,080 --> 01:04:15,013 在鎮上有一個高貴的人
946 01:04:15,081 --> 01:04:17,015 叫巴黎斯,很渴望我們小姐
947 01:04:17,083 --> 01:04:21,017 我有時氣她,告訴她巴黎斯是較合適的人
948 01:04:21,085 --> 01:04:23,518 奶媽,向你的小姐讚美我
949 01:04:23,586 --> 01:04:25,019 一千次行了吧
950 01:04:25,088 --> 01:04:27,885 喔!喔!
951 01:04:52,606 --> 01:04:54,038 [sighs]
952 01:04:54,107 --> 01:04:58,042 當我派奶媽去時時鐘已九點
953 01:04:58,110 --> 01:05:01,976 她答應半個小時就回來…
954 01:05:02,045 --> 01:05:04,479 也許她無法遇見他
955 01:05:04,548 --> 01:05:06,481 噢,不是這樣
956 01:05:06,549 --> 01:05:08,482 她腳有問題了
957 01:05:08,550 --> 01:05:10,983 做為情人的信差應該考慮到
958 01:05:12,553 --> 01:05:14,986 她應有熱情和年輕人的熱血
959 01:05:15,054 --> 01:05:17,487 她應該行動快得像…
960 01:05:17,556 --> 01:05:18,989 一個球
961 01:05:19,057 --> 01:05:22,991 但是老人們,很多裝作他們已死
962 01:05:23,059 --> 01:05:26,994 呆呆慢慢地,癡重…
963 01:05:27,062 --> 01:05:29,689 和蒼白的走著
964 01:05:33,567 --> 01:05:34,999 噢 上帝,她回來了
965 01:05:35,067 --> 01:05:36,432 親愛的奶媽,有什麼消息?
966 01:05:36,502 --> 01:05:39,493 噢 上帝,你怎麼看起來很悲傷
967 01:05:39,571 --> 01:05:41,003 oh!
968 01:05:41,071 --> 01:05:42,504 就算消息是壞的
969 01:05:42,573 --> 01:05:44,005 然而請快樂的敘述他們
970 01:05:44,073 --> 01:05:45,506 [groaning]
971 01:05:45,575 --> 01:05:47,007 叫他走開
972 01:05:47,075 --> 01:05:50,009 彼得,待在門口
973 01:05:50,077 --> 01:05:52,510 去 去
974 01:05:52,579 --> 01:05:54,512 你有碰到他嗎?
975 01:05:54,580 --> 01:05:56,013 啊,我很疲倦
976 01:05:56,081 --> 01:05:57,513 讓我休息一下
977 01:05:57,582 --> 01:05:59,516 呸,我的骨頭好痛!
978 01:05:59,584 --> 01:06:01,970 喔!
979 01:06:02,104 --> 01:06:03,365 [groaning]
980 01:06:03,437 --> 01:06:06,872 甜蜜的,甜蜜的…
981 01:06:06,940 --> 01:06:08,874 甜蜜的奶媽
982 01:06:08,942 --> 01:06:11,375 告訴我,我的愛人說了什麼?
983 01:06:11,443 --> 01:06:13,376 哈哈哈!
984 01:06:13,444 --> 01:06:17,379 你的愛人說話像一個誠實的紳士
985 01:06:17,447 --> 01:06:22,382 有禮貌…和善的…
986 01:06:22,450 --> 01:06:25,384 和英俊的…而且我保證是…
987 01:06:25,452 --> 01:06:27,385 有美德的
988 01:06:27,453 --> 01:06:28,886 你的媽媽在哪裡?
989 01:06:28,955 --> 01:06:30,387 我的媽媽在哪裡?
990 01:06:30,455 --> 01:06:31,888 為什麼,她在裡面
991 01:06:31,957 --> 01:06:33,389 她應該在哪裡?
992 01:06:33,457 --> 01:06:34,890 你的回答多奇怪呀!
993 01:06:34,959 --> 01:06:37,392 「你的愛人說話像一個誠實的紳士」
994 01:06:37,460 --> 01:06:38,392 「你的母親在哪裡?」
995 01:06:38,461 --> 01:06:40,894 神的淑女,親愛的,妳怎麼這樣性急?
996 01:06:40,963 --> 01:06:42,395 好,算了吧
997 01:06:42,463 --> 01:06:44,896 這就是妳給我的酸痛的骨頭貼的膏藥嗎?
998 01:06:44,965 --> 01:06:46,398 以後你自己去送信吧!
999 01:06:46,466 --> 01:06:47,898 你怎麼這樣麻煩!
1000 01:06:47,967 --> 01:06:50,730 快!羅密歐說些什麼?
1001 01:06:53,971 --> 01:06:57,406 妳今天得到允許去作懺悔嗎?
1002 01:06:57,473 --> 01:06:58,906 得到了
1003 01:06:58,975 --> 01:07:00,407 [chuckling]
1004 01:07:00,475 --> 01:07:03,910 那麼,妳快去羅倫斯神父的寺院
1005 01:07:03,978 --> 01:07:08,413 那裡有一個丈夫等著娶妳為妻呢
1006 01:07:08,480 --> 01:07:11,073 哈哈哈!
1007 01:07:11,149 --> 01:07:15,414 現在放縱的熱血升到你臉頰上了
1008 01:07:15,485 --> 01:07:18,544 任何消息都使它們成為深紅色
1009 01:07:20,155 --> 01:07:21,918 你快去教堂!
1010 01:07:21,990 --> 01:07:24,082 我要吃飯去了
1011 01:07:24,158 --> 01:07:26,955 好奶媽,再見!
1012 01:07:27,026 --> 01:07:29,289 Ha ha ha!
1013 01:07:37,000 --> 01:07:39,934 願上天讚許這對神聖的結合
1014 01:07:40,002 --> 01:07:42,936 不要讓我們日後受煩惱之苦
1015 01:07:43,004 --> 01:07:45,938 阿門,阿門!
1016 01:07:46,005 --> 01:07:47,438 日後盡管有什麼煩惱來....
1017 01:07:47,506 --> 01:07:49,939 也不能抵消我和她見面時片刻的歡欣
1018 01:07:50,008 --> 01:07:52,942 這短短的一分鐘讓我在她的眼中
1019 01:07:53,010 --> 01:07:54,943 這些猛烈的快樂 會有猛烈的結局
1020 01:07:55,011 --> 01:07:56,444 在最得意的時候 突然消滅
1021 01:07:56,512 --> 01:07:57,944 就像火和火藥,
1022 01:07:58,013 --> 01:07:59,878 當他們一接吻,立刻炸光
1023 01:07:59,948 --> 01:08:01,881 最甜的蜜
1024 01:08:01,949 --> 01:08:03,382 固然本身是美味
1025 01:08:03,451 --> 01:08:04,883 固然本身是美味
1026 01:08:04,951 --> 01:08:06,384
1027 01:08:06,453 --> 01:08:08,386 可是不免有一點膩
1028 01:08:08,387 --> 01:08:09,715 可是不免有一點膩
1029 01:08:09,787 --> 01:08:11,015 吃起來要倒胃口
1030 01:08:11,088 --> 01:08:14,887 所以,溫和的愛著…
1031 01:08:14,958 --> 01:08:17,391 這樣愛才能持久
1032 01:08:17,460 --> 01:08:20,326 啊,小姐來了
1033 01:08:20,395 --> 01:08:23,488 這樣輕盈的腳步 永遠磨不壞 這鋪地的堅石板
1034 01:08:23,564 --> 01:08:25,394 茱麗葉!
1035 01:08:29,968 --> 01:08:32,401 聽我懺悔的神父,你晚安
1036 01:08:32,470 --> 01:08:35,904 孩子,羅密歐會代表我們兩個向妳答禮 1037 01:08:35,971 --> 01:08:37,404 茱麗葉
1038 01:08:37,473 --> 01:08:40,635 如果妳的歡樂之情 是和我一般的洋溢
1039 01:08:40,708 --> 01:08:43,403 如果妳有更大的本領加以描繪
1040 01:08:43,477 --> 01:08:44,909 那麼請妳用妳的談吐
1041 01:08:44,977 --> 01:08:46,410 來薰香這四周的空氣
1042 01:08:46,479 --> 01:08:49,413 除了乞丐以外,人們都能計算他們的價值
1043 01:08:49,481 --> 01:08:52,847 但是我的真愛是增長得如此過度
1044 01:08:52,916 --> 01:08:55,406 我無法統計我一半財富的總和
1045 01:08:55,485 --> 01:08:56,917 Tsk tsk tsk!
1046 01:08:56,985 --> 01:08:59,578 來,跟我來…
1047 01:08:59,653 --> 01:09:01,518 我們要趕快辦事
1048 01:09:01,589 --> 01:09:03,021 因為
1049 01:09:03,089 --> 01:09:05,023 因為,在教會把妳們結合起來之前
1050 01:09:05,091 --> 01:09:08,354 妳們不該長久的在這裡私下會面
1051 01:09:13,430 --> 01:09:15,863 [Organ plays]
1052 01:09:29,540 --> 01:09:34,601 [Woman singing]
1053 01:10:54,398 --> 01:10:57,196 Blah,blah,blah Blah,blah,blah
1054 01:10:57,267 --> 01:10:59,758 Blah,blah,blah Blah,blah,blah
1055 01:11:03,375 --> 01:11:05,866 我祈求你,好馬庫修,我們走吧
1056 01:11:05,944 --> 01:11:07,775 Blah,blah,blah,blah,blah
1057 01:11:07,847 --> 01:11:09,143 天氣很熱
1058 01:11:09,215 --> 01:11:10,341 Blah,blah,blah
1059 01:11:12,019 --> 01:11:13,384 凱普萊特的人在外面!
1060 01:11:13,453 --> 01:11:14,646 哈 哈 哈!
1061 01:11:14,721 --> 01:11:15,881 [Groans]
1062 01:11:15,957 --> 01:11:18,084 假如我們碰到了,我們將不逃避一場爭吵
1063 01:11:21,529 --> 01:11:22,962 現在,這些炎熱的日子…
1064 01:11:23,032 --> 01:11:24,430 …使得瘋狂的血騷動
1065 01:11:27,569 --> 01:11:29,001 馬庫修,我們離開吧
1066 01:11:29,071 --> 01:11:32,563 Blah,blah,blah blah,blah,blah!
1067 01:11:32,642 --> 01:11:34,974 你就像是那種人
1068 01:11:35,045 --> 01:11:37,480 走進酒店....
1069 01:11:37,549 --> 01:11:39,482 把劍往桌上一拍
1070 01:11:39,551 --> 01:11:41,985 說:「願上帝別令我需要你!」
1071 01:11:42,054 --> 01:11:43,487 blah,blah blah,blah;
1072 01:11:43,556 --> 01:11:45,489 當喝過第二杯
1073 01:11:45,558 --> 01:11:46,990 他無緣無故的抽出劍來 向酒保找麻煩了
1074 01:11:47,059 --> 01:11:48,492 如果有兩個這樣的人,
1075 01:11:48,561 --> 01:11:49,993 如果有兩個這樣的人,
1076 01:11:50,063 --> 01:11:51,496 很快的一個也剩不下
1077 01:11:51,565 --> 01:11:52,997 很快的一個也剩不下
1078 01:11:53,067 --> 01:11:54,500 因為這一個 會把那一個殺死的
1079 01:11:54,568 --> 01:11:56,467 為何你要跟一個人爭吵?
1080 01:11:56,537 --> 01:11:57,765 只因為在街上咳嗽
1081 01:11:57,839 --> 01:12:00,740 因為他吵醒了 你睡在…
1082 01:12:00,810 --> 01:12:02,003 太陽下的狗
1083 01:12:02,077 --> 01:12:03,510 Blah,blah,blah!
1084 01:12:03,579 --> 01:12:07,446 你居然還教訓我 不要和人吵架?
1085 01:12:09,519 --> 01:12:11,953 馬庫修…
1086 01:12:12,022 --> 01:12:14,547 用我的腦袋起誓,凱普萊特的人來了
1087 01:12:19,363 --> 01:12:22,457 用我的腳跟起誓,我不在意
1088 01:12:24,704 --> 01:12:26,968 [whistling]
1089 01:12:38,653 --> 01:12:40,483 [gurgling]
1090 01:12:42,325 --> 01:12:45,260 紳士們,日安
1091 01:12:45,327 --> 01:12:46,988 日安
1092 01:12:47,063 --> 01:12:49,623 一句話向你們中的一人說
1093 01:12:51,568 --> 01:12:54,503 只有一句話向我們中的一人說
1094 01:12:54,571 --> 01:12:56,004 配上某些東西
1095 01:12:56,074 --> 01:12:59,009 一句話之外再配上一拳吧
1096 01:12:59,077 --> 01:13:01,443 [laughter and jeers]
1097 01:13:03,081 --> 01:13:06,448 如果你們給我機會
1098 01:13:06,519 --> 01:13:07,781 先生,我很願意那麼做的
1099 01:13:07,854 --> 01:13:11,221 不給你機會 你就不能找個機會嗎?
1100 01:13:14,529 --> 01:13:17,293 馬庫修,你是羅密歐的夥伴
1101 01:13:17,366 --> 01:13:18,957 夥伴? 哈 哈 哈!
1102 01:13:19,034 --> 01:13:21,264 你把我們當作沿街賣唱的人嗎?
1103 01:13:21,336 --> 01:13:22,769 哈 哈 哈!
1104 01:13:22,839 --> 01:13:24,465 如果你把我們當作沿街賣唱的人
1105 01:13:24,540 --> 01:13:26,974 你只好聽一聽刺耳之音
1106 01:13:27,043 --> 01:13:29,773 這裡是我拉琴的弓
1107 01:13:29,846 --> 01:13:32,042 這就是使你起舞的傢伙
1108 01:13:32,116 --> 01:13:33,412 混帳!沿街賣唱!
1109 01:13:33,484 --> 01:13:35,975 這大眾聚會的地方不便談話
1110 01:13:36,053 --> 01:13:37,987 或是找個僻靜的地方。
1111 01:13:38,056 --> 01:13:39,989 或是冷靜的理論
1112 01:13:40,058 --> 01:13:41,490 再不就乾脆走開
1113 01:13:41,560 --> 01:13:43,494 這裡所有的雙眼皆看著我們
1114 01:13:43,563 --> 01:13:45,997 人們的眼睛是生來看的
1115 01:13:46,065 --> 01:13:47,497 讓他們看吧
1116 01:13:47,567 --> 01:13:49,000 馬庫修!
1117 01:13:49,069 --> 01:13:50,501 我絕不為了討人歡喜而移動一步,我...
1118 01:13:50,571 --> 01:13:54,007 好了,你且稍安勿躁
1119 01:13:54,075 --> 01:13:55,939 先生,我的人來了
1120 01:13:56,010 --> 01:13:58,877 馬庫修!
1121 01:14:08,024 --> 01:14:09,355 提伯特
1122 01:14:09,426 --> 01:14:11,860 羅密歐,我對你的仇恨
1123 01:14:11,929 --> 01:14:14,124 使我只能這樣稱你....
1124 01:14:14,198 --> 01:14:15,631 你是一個壞蛋 1125 01:14:15,701 --> 01:14:17,031 [whistles]
1126 01:14:17,101 --> 01:14:20,537 提伯特,我有必須愛你的理由
1127 01:14:20,606 --> 01:14:23,040 所以你這樣稱呼我
1128 01:14:23,108 --> 01:14:24,541 我也不動火
1129 01:14:24,611 --> 01:14:26,602 我不是壞蛋
1130 01:14:26,679 --> 01:14:28,111 所以,再見
1131 01:14:28,181 --> 01:14:30,115 我看你是不了解我
1132 01:14:30,184 --> 01:14:31,878 哈 哈 哈!
1133 01:14:31,952 --> 01:14:34,477 小子
1134 01:14:34,555 --> 01:14:38,492 這個不能免除你給我的傷害
1135 01:14:38,560 --> 01:14:40,994 所以,轉身拔劍吧
1136 01:14:41,063 --> 01:14:43,998 我要聲明我從來不曾傷害你
1137 01:14:44,066 --> 01:14:46,762 而且我愛你之深 是你所不能想像的
1138 01:14:46,837 --> 01:14:49,533 直到你能瞭解我的愛的理由
1139 01:14:49,606 --> 01:14:51,039 所以,好的凱普萊特
1140 01:14:51,109 --> 01:14:56,445 我對於你的姓氏 和對於我自己的是一樣的尊重
1141 01:14:56,515 --> 01:14:59,006 請不要動氣
1142 01:14:59,084 --> 01:15:02,315 [crowd murmuring]
1143 01:15:02,389 --> 01:15:04,185 哈 哈 哈!
1144 01:15:06,026 --> 01:15:07,720 不,不
1145 01:15:15,036 --> 01:15:16,970 Ugh!
1146 01:15:17,039 --> 01:15:18,471 Ugh!
1147 01:15:18,540 --> 01:15:20,974 [laughter]
1148 01:15:23,745 --> 01:15:25,474 哈 哈 哈!
1149 01:15:27,550 --> 01:15:28,983 [Benvolio] 不,馬庫修
1150 01:15:29,053 --> 01:15:30,986 啊,好心平氣和的卑鄙可恥的屈服 1151 01:15:31,055 --> 01:15:32,488 不,馬庫修,不!
1152 01:15:32,556 --> 01:15:33,989 讓開!
1153 01:15:34,059 --> 01:15:36,027 提伯特,你這捕老鼠的人!
1154 01:15:36,094 --> 01:15:38,654 你要跟我怎麼樣?
1155 01:15:38,730 --> 01:15:40,163 貓之王
1156 01:15:40,232 --> 01:15:42,996 我只要你九條命中的一條
1157 01:15:43,069 --> 01:15:45,230 我是想要你那一條命
1158 01:15:45,305 --> 01:15:48,240 至於其他八條
1159 01:15:48,308 --> 01:15:50,742 如果你鬥不過我
1160 01:15:50,811 --> 01:15:53,007 好馬丘修
1161 01:15:53,081 --> 01:15:56,516 你還不把劍抽出鞘來?
1162 01:15:56,584 --> 01:15:58,017 快一點
1163 01:15:58,087 --> 01:15:59,519 免得它被拔出來以前
1164 01:15:59,588 --> 01:16:03,024 我的劍已在你的耳邊
1165 01:16:09,533 --> 01:16:11,090 我奉陪便是,先生
1166 01:16:11,168 --> 01:16:12,601 哈 哈 哈!
1167 01:16:12,671 --> 01:16:15,003 溫和的馬庫修,收起你的劍
1168 01:16:16,542 --> 01:16:18,475 來呀!來呀!
1169 01:16:20,747 --> 01:16:22,475 [cheering]
1170 01:16:26,820 --> 01:16:28,480 賓瓦力歐,打掉他們的武器!
1171 01:16:28,555 --> 01:16:30,489 紳士們,這是可恥之事!不要這樣胡鬧!
1172 01:16:30,558 --> 01:16:32,992 王子已明令
1173 01:16:33,061 --> 01:16:34,550 禁止在維洛那街上鬥毆
1174 01:16:34,629 --> 01:16:36,494 提伯特!
1175 01:16:36,565 --> 01:16:38,726 馬庫修!
1176 01:16:38,801 --> 01:16:40,894 讓開!
1177 01:16:40,970 --> 01:16:42,904 讓開,懦夫!
1178 01:16:42,972 --> 01:16:43,961 Go hang thyself
1179 01:16:44,041 --> 01:16:46,009 [laughter]
1180 01:16:48,646 --> 01:16:50,510 [cheering]
1181 01:16:55,153 --> 01:16:56,518 Uh!
1182 01:16:56,588 --> 01:16:58,020 [men] 哈 哈 哈!
1183 01:17:01,193 --> 01:17:02,820 [cheering stops]
1184 01:17:21,617 --> 01:17:23,175 [whistling]
1185 01:17:23,253 --> 01:17:26,552 哈 哈 哈! 嘿!
1186 01:17:26,623 --> 01:17:28,055 哈 哈 哈!
1187 01:17:28,125 --> 01:17:30,058 [crowd groaning]
1188 01:17:32,363 --> 01:17:34,558 [cheering]
1189 01:17:39,171 --> 01:17:40,297 哈 哈 哈!
1190 01:17:40,372 --> 01:17:42,066 嘿!
1191 01:17:45,645 --> 01:17:47,078 啊!
1192 01:17:47,148 --> 01:17:49,081 割他的頭髮,提伯特!
1193 01:17:49,150 --> 01:17:51,049 [cheering]
1194 01:17:52,654 --> 01:17:55,589 哈 哈 哈!
1195 01:18:06,604 --> 01:18:08,537 Hey!
1196 01:18:08,606 --> 01:18:11,040 保持你的距離,提伯特
1197 01:18:13,111 --> 01:18:16,342 Hyah! Hyah! Hyah!
1198 01:18:16,415 --> 01:18:18,075 [laughter]
1199 01:18:19,620 --> 01:18:22,521 走開,懦夫!
1200 01:18:24,391 --> 01:18:28,691 快一點,提伯特,我們沒有時間等
1201 01:18:30,632 --> 01:18:34,193 啊,媽媽的小寶貝劍掉了
1202 01:18:34,270 --> 01:18:35,566 [laughter]
1203 01:18:35,638 --> 01:18:37,333 Hey!
1204 01:18:40,910 --> 01:18:41,842 提伯特,不要!
1205 01:18:41,912 --> 01:18:45,075 二位,自制一點!
1206 01:18:45,149 --> 01:18:46,581 提伯特,走!
1207 01:18:46,650 --> 01:18:48,584 馬庫修,冷靜點!
1208 01:19:01,167 --> 01:19:02,600 走開,走開…
1209 01:19:02,670 --> 01:19:05,537 逃走,提伯特,快逃走
1210 01:19:09,477 --> 01:19:11,034 [cheering]
1211 01:19:13,982 --> 01:19:15,415 我受傷了
1212 01:19:26,130 --> 01:19:28,564 Uh!
1213 01:19:28,633 --> 01:19:30,293 我受傷了
1214 01:19:30,368 --> 01:19:32,097 [賓瓦力歐] 什麼!你受傷了?
1215 01:19:32,171 --> 01:19:35,572 只是一個刮傷
1216 01:19:35,641 --> 01:19:37,632 一個刮傷就夠了
1217 01:19:37,711 --> 01:19:40,646 勇敢的人,傷害不可太大
1218 01:19:40,714 --> 01:19:44,582 沒有,它沒有如一口井那樣深
1219 01:19:44,652 --> 01:19:47,587 也沒有如教堂的門那樣寬
1220 01:19:47,656 --> 01:19:49,088 但足夠了
1221 01:19:49,156 --> 01:19:51,089 你明天再打聽我
1222 01:19:51,158 --> 01:19:54,093 你會發現我已經在墳墓裡了
1223 01:19:54,162 --> 01:19:55,493 [cheering]
1224 01:19:55,565 --> 01:19:58,090 我的隨從在哪裡?
1225 01:19:58,167 --> 01:20:01,102 去,小子,給我請個外科醫生
1226 01:20:01,171 --> 01:20:02,603 給我請個外科醫生!
1227 01:20:02,672 --> 01:20:04,606 哈 哈 哈!
1228 01:20:04,675 --> 01:20:06,266 他傷了你嗎?
1229 01:20:18,625 --> 01:20:22,061 你為什麼活見鬼的跑到我們兩個中間?
1230 01:20:22,129 --> 01:20:24,563 我是從你的胳膊底下受的傷
1231 01:20:24,632 --> 01:20:28,569 我完全是出於好意,我....
1232 01:20:34,143 --> 01:20:36,577 [cheering]
1233 01:20:36,646 --> 01:20:39,080 扶我到屋子裡,賓瓦力歐
1234 01:20:39,149 --> 01:20:40,446 我要昏倒了
1235 01:20:45,156 --> 01:20:47,089 [crowd] Whoa!
1236 01:20:47,158 --> 01:20:48,591 Whoa!
1237 01:20:48,660 --> 01:20:50,593 Whoa!
1238 01:20:50,662 --> 01:20:52,095 Whoa!
1239 01:20:52,165 --> 01:20:53,597 Yay!
1240 01:20:55,168 --> 01:20:58,603 你們兩家真該倒霉!
1241 01:21:02,676 --> 01:21:07,545 你們兩家餵我蛆....
1242 01:21:09,618 --> 01:21:11,551 我吃了苦頭
1243 01:21:11,620 --> 01:21:14,054 而且是大苦頭
1244 01:21:17,126 --> 01:21:18,718 你們這兩家....
1245 01:21:18,795 --> 01:21:20,318 他真滑稽!
1246 01:21:22,132 --> 01:21:24,066 馬庫修!
1247 01:21:24,135 --> 01:21:26,034 [laughter]
1248 01:21:27,638 --> 01:21:31,575 羅密歐,羅密歐…
1249 01:21:31,643 --> 01:21:33,576 勇敢的馬庫修死了
1250 01:21:33,645 --> 01:21:36,580 [crowd sneers]
1251 01:21:55,171 --> 01:21:57,605 今天的厄運還會…
1252 01:21:57,673 --> 01:21:59,903 …連續下去後
1253 01:21:59,976 --> 01:22:04,437 這只是開始,還有悲慘的結局
1254 01:22:04,516 --> 01:22:07,542 他在勝利中離開!
1255 01:22:07,619 --> 01:22:10,053 馬庫修被殺死了!
1256 01:22:10,122 --> 01:22:14,560 親戚的情份,我顧不得了
1257 01:22:14,627 --> 01:22:17,461 現在讓火眼的復仇之神 來做我的嚮導吧!
1258 01:22:17,530 --> 01:22:19,556 [cheering]
1259 01:22:19,633 --> 01:22:21,065 提伯特!
1260 01:22:22,637 --> 01:22:25,128 提伯特!
1261 01:22:25,206 --> 01:22:27,572 羅密歐!
1262 01:22:31,648 --> 01:22:33,581 提伯特!
1263 01:22:33,650 --> 01:22:35,083 羅密歐!
1264 01:22:36,419 --> 01:22:39,877 這邊!
1265 01:22:39,957 --> 01:22:42,084 提伯特!
1266 01:22:42,159 --> 01:22:44,593 羅密歐!
1267 01:22:44,662 --> 01:22:47,096 提伯特!
1268 01:22:53,172 --> 01:22:56,107 現在,提伯特…
1269 01:22:56,175 --> 01:22:58,109 你方才罵我為惡棍的話
1270 01:22:58,178 --> 01:23:00,612 現在請你收回
1271 01:23:00,682 --> 01:23:02,114 因為馬丘修的靈魂…
1272 01:23:02,182 --> 01:23:05,117 尚未遠離我們
1273 01:23:05,186 --> 01:23:08,053 等著你的靈魂去陪伴他
1274 01:23:08,122 --> 01:23:10,556 或是你,或是我
1275 01:23:10,626 --> 01:23:12,059 必須去陪伴他!
1276 01:23:12,127 --> 01:23:14,060 Aah!
1277 01:23:18,068 --> 01:23:20,935 讓他走!讓他走!
1278 01:23:27,079 --> 01:23:29,604 劍!羅密歐
1279 01:23:31,416 --> 01:23:32,849 你這可憐的男孩
1280 01:23:32,919 --> 01:23:34,852 註定要在這裡陪伴他
1281 01:23:34,921 --> 01:23:36,379 從此將與他一起
1282 01:23:36,547 --> 01:23:38,070 這個將要決定那件事
1283 01:23:51,030 --> 01:23:53,464 擊他的腿,羅密歐!
1284 01:23:55,034 --> 01:23:57,730 護住眼睛,羅密歐!
1285 01:23:59,006 --> 01:24:01,531 [cheering and shouting]
1286 01:24:06,714 --> 01:24:08,706 把你的劍給我
1287 01:24:23,001 --> 01:24:24,433 注意他的腳!
1288 01:24:24,502 --> 01:24:28,439 [crowd shouting]
1289 01:24:55,539 --> 01:24:57,472 Hyah!
1290 01:24:59,042 --> 01:25:02,478 [crowd shouting]
1291 01:25:10,990 --> 01:25:13,425 [羅密歐] 劍給我!
1292 01:25:13,494 --> 01:25:14,755 劍!
1293 01:25:14,828 --> 01:25:16,761 劍!
1294 01:25:16,830 --> 01:25:18,422 [crowd shouting]
1295 01:25:49,235 --> 01:25:50,725 羅密歐! 羅密歐!
1296 01:26:13,396 --> 01:26:14,385 [提伯特] 劍!
1297 01:26:14,465 --> 01:26:16,329 劍!
1298 01:26:16,400 --> 01:26:17,924 把劍給我!
1299 01:26:18,003 --> 01:26:19,492 你的劍,羅密歐!
1300 01:26:19,570 --> 01:26:21,127 劍,羅密歐!
1301 01:26:23,642 --> 01:26:25,268 [shouting stops]
1302 01:26:25,344 --> 01:26:27,106 Aah!
1303 01:26:27,179 --> 01:26:28,942 [提伯特劍掉下]
1304 01:26:33,921 --> 01:26:35,445 提伯特!
1305 01:26:35,523 --> 01:26:37,353 [crowd gasps]
1306 01:26:41,129 --> 01:26:43,359 羅密歐,離開,快逃
1307 01:26:43,432 --> 01:26:44,864 市民都圍過來了
1308 01:26:44,933 --> 01:26:46,366 不要驚恐的站著
1309 01:26:46,435 --> 01:26:48,368 王子將會判處你的死刑
1310 01:26:48,437 --> 01:26:49,734 你將會被抓走
1311 01:26:49,806 --> 01:26:51,363 趕快離開!
1312 01:26:51,441 --> 01:26:52,874 羅密歐!
1313 01:26:57,281 --> 01:27:00,876 噢,我是命運的呆子!
1314 01:27:00,953 --> 01:27:04,013 噢,羅密歐!快走,快走!
1315 01:27:10,163 --> 01:27:12,393 蒙太古家族的詛咒!
1316 01:27:12,465 --> 01:27:15,730 Oh,提伯特!
1317 01:27:15,803 --> 01:27:17,394 提伯特! 提伯特!
1318 01:27:17,471 --> 01:27:19,405 我最好的朋友
1319 01:27:19,474 --> 01:27:22,671 謙恭的提伯特,誠實的紳士
1320 01:27:22,744 --> 01:27:26,180 怎麼讓我活著看到你死!
1321 01:27:26,249 --> 01:27:27,409 哦,上帝!
1322 01:27:27,483 --> 01:27:29,416 是羅密歐親手殺死提伯特嗎?
1323 01:27:29,485 --> 01:27:32,420 是的,是的!這是什麼日子啊!是的
1324 01:27:32,489 --> 01:27:33,922 噢,奶媽
1325 01:27:33,992 --> 01:27:38,429 啊毒蛇一般的心腸,藏在花一般的臉下!
1326 01:27:38,496 --> 01:27:41,431 可曾有過這樣的一本書 內容如此惡劣
1327 01:27:41,499 --> 01:27:43,432 而卻如此美麗的裝訂著?
1328 01:27:43,501 --> 01:27:45,435 [crying]
1329 01:27:48,508 --> 01:27:50,441 男人都是不可靠
1330 01:27:50,510 --> 01:27:51,943 沒有信用,沒有誠心
1331 01:27:52,013 --> 01:27:54,447 全部是偽裝的,全部是欺騙的
1332 01:27:54,515 --> 01:27:56,949 全都不存在,全部是假裝的
1333 01:27:57,018 --> 01:27:58,814 可恥的羅密歐
1334 01:27:58,886 --> 01:28:02,447 有如此的想法,你的舌頭會生瘡!
1335 01:28:02,524 --> 01:28:04,958 他不是生來就可恥的
1336 01:28:05,027 --> 01:28:07,723 恥辱不敢踞在他的額上!
1337 01:28:07,797 --> 01:28:10,322 那個殺了你表兄的人,你還要說他好話嗎?
1338 01:28:10,400 --> 01:28:13,892 他是我丈夫,我應該說他的壞話嗎?
1339 01:28:13,971 --> 01:28:15,404 [crying]
1340 01:28:15,474 --> 01:28:17,908 [crying]
1341 01:28:17,976 --> 01:28:20,410 我可憐的夫君!
1342 01:28:20,479 --> 01:28:22,913 什麼樣的話語能使你的名字更平順
1343 01:28:22,982 --> 01:28:25,416 給你做了三小時妻子的我
1344 01:28:25,485 --> 01:28:27,510 把你的名聲割裂了....
1345 01:28:27,587 --> 01:28:30,249 [crying]
1346 01:28:30,323 --> 01:28:33,724 但是,你這壞人 是什麼原因你殺了我的表兄?
1347 01:28:33,894 --> 01:28:36,556 凱普萊特! 去找王子!
1348 01:28:36,631 --> 01:28:37,928 [crowd shouting]
1349 01:29:04,030 --> 01:29:06,328 說話,賓瓦力歐,說話!
1350 01:29:11,038 --> 01:29:12,971 說話
1351 01:29:13,040 --> 01:29:14,973 殿下!您大公無私....
1352 01:29:15,042 --> 01:29:17,237 我們的血不能白流 讓蒙泰鳩家也留點血,為我們報仇!
1353 01:29:17,311 --> 01:29:20,405 [crowd shouting]
1354 01:29:20,482 --> 01:29:23,417 賓瓦力歐,是誰發動這場流血的爭鬥?
1355 01:29:23,486 --> 01:29:25,044 是死在這裡的提伯特
1356 01:29:25,121 --> 01:29:26,917 [凱普萊特夫人] 不對!
1357 01:29:26,989 --> 01:29:30,425 羅密歐,對他說話很客氣
1358 01:29:30,494 --> 01:29:33,429 請他想想這場爭鬥是何等的無聊
1359 01:29:33,498 --> 01:29:35,328 並且特別提起 不可招您生氣
1360 01:29:35,400 --> 01:29:36,731 那是真的,殿下
1361 01:29:36,801 --> 01:29:38,427 情感使他作偽證
1362 01:29:38,503 --> 01:29:39,936 他說的不是真的
1363 01:29:40,005 --> 01:29:42,064 [crowd shouting]
1364 01:29:45,745 --> 01:29:47,177 我乞求殿下…
1365 01:29:47,247 --> 01:29:49,943 務必給予公正的裁判
1366 01:29:50,016 --> 01:29:55,080 羅密歐殺死提伯特,羅密歐不可以活下去
1367 01:29:55,157 --> 01:29:57,682 [crowd shouting]
1368 01:29:57,759 --> 01:29:59,692 羅密歐殺死了他
1369 01:30:10,474 --> 01:30:12,237 他殺死了馬庫修
1370 01:30:18,984 --> 01:30:22,784 他流血的代價要向誰索還?
1371 01:30:27,494 --> 01:30:29,928 不是因為他是羅密歐,殿下…
1372 01:30:29,998 --> 01:30:32,432 因為他是馬庫修的朋友
1373 01:30:32,500 --> 01:30:36,436 他錯在沒有依照法律的程序
1374 01:30:36,504 --> 01:30:38,564 結果了提伯特
1375 01:30:38,641 --> 01:30:39,971 關於這樁罪行
1376 01:30:40,042 --> 01:30:41,475 我把他立刻驅逐出境
1377 01:30:43,513 --> 01:30:46,949 [王子] 讓羅密歐快走
1378 01:30:47,017 --> 01:30:49,485 否則,一經發現....
1379 01:30:49,553 --> 01:30:52,647 便是他死的時候
1380 01:31:07,064 --> 01:31:09,498 噢,放逐…
1381 01:31:09,567 --> 01:31:11,001 仁慈點,說是死吧!
1382 01:31:11,069 --> 01:31:12,502 [banging]
1383 01:31:12,572 --> 01:31:14,666 不要說放逐
1384 01:31:14,742 --> 01:31:16,003 起來
1385 01:31:16,075 --> 01:31:19,011 有人在敲門,好羅密歐 你藏起來
1386 01:31:19,079 --> 01:31:20,307 誰在那裡?
1387 01:31:20,382 --> 01:31:21,508 [bang bang]
1388 01:31:21,583 --> 01:31:24,017 誰敲得這麼用力?
1389 01:31:24,086 --> 01:31:26,521 你從何處來?
1390 01:31:26,590 --> 01:31:28,023 你要作什麼?
1391 01:31:28,092 --> 01:31:30,025 [奶媽]讓我進來
1392 01:31:30,094 --> 01:31:32,528 你就會知道我的任務
1393 01:31:32,598 --> 01:31:34,531 我從茱麗葉小姐那邊過來的
1394 01:31:34,600 --> 01:31:37,035 [羅密歐正在哭]
1395 01:31:37,103 --> 01:31:39,036 請進
1396 01:31:39,105 --> 01:31:41,540 啊神聖的修士!啊!告訴我,神聖的修士
1397 01:31:41,610 --> 01:31:43,544 我們小姐的丈夫在哪裡?羅密歐在哪裡?
1398 01:31:43,612 --> 01:31:46,308 在那邊地上躺著呢
1399 01:31:46,382 --> 01:31:47,815 被他自己的眼淚給醉翻了
1400 01:31:47,884 --> 01:31:51,548 維洛那城牆以外 便沒有世界!
1401 01:31:51,622 --> 01:31:54,057 她也正是這樣的躺著
1402 01:31:54,125 --> 01:31:55,558 痛哭和流淚
1403 01:31:55,628 --> 01:31:57,094 流淚和痛哭
1404 01:31:57,164 --> 01:31:58,562 [crying]
1405 01:31:58,631 --> 01:32:00,064 站起來!
1406 01:32:00,133 --> 01:32:03,569 像個男子漢那樣站起來
1407 01:32:03,638 --> 01:32:06,004 為了茱麗葉的緣故,為了她
1408 01:32:06,074 --> 01:32:07,508 爬起來站好
1409 01:32:07,577 --> 01:32:11,013 你為什麼如此傷心?
1410 01:32:11,082 --> 01:32:12,514 奶媽
1411 01:32:12,582 --> 01:32:15,518 唉,到頭來都不免一死
1412 01:32:15,587 --> 01:32:17,020 你說到茱麗葉是嗎?
1413 01:32:17,090 --> 01:32:18,522 她怎麼樣呢?
1414 01:32:18,590 --> 01:32:21,024 她是不是把我看作為一個無情的兇手?
1415 01:32:21,094 --> 01:32:23,530 她在哪裡?她好嗎?
1416 01:32:23,597 --> 01:32:25,030 我的秘密妻子對於我們這一筆勾銷的愛
1417 01:32:25,100 --> 01:32:26,533 可說些什麼呢?
1418 01:32:26,602 --> 01:32:29,537 她沒說什麼,先生,只是哭了又哭
1419 01:32:29,605 --> 01:32:31,766 叫喚提伯特,然後又哭羅密歐
1420 01:32:31,841 --> 01:32:34,777 彷佛那個名字謀殺了她
1421 01:32:34,845 --> 01:32:37,542 告訴我,神父,告訴我
1422 01:32:37,615 --> 01:32:40,551 我的名字住在這身體上
1423 01:32:40,620 --> 01:32:42,052 哪一個下流的部分?
1424 01:32:42,123 --> 01:32:46,253 告訴我,我好搗毀那個可惡的地方
1425 01:32:46,328 --> 01:32:47,556 [nurse screaming]
1426 01:32:47,628 --> 01:32:49,061 放下那魯莽的手!
1427 01:32:49,131 --> 01:32:50,564 天哪!別管我!
1428 01:32:53,636 --> 01:32:56,071 你真令我驚愕
1429 01:32:56,140 --> 01:32:58,074 你是個男人嗎?
1430 01:32:58,143 --> 01:33:00,577 看你那樣子似乎是
1431 01:33:00,645 --> 01:33:02,579 你的淚卻是女人氣
1432 01:33:02,648 --> 01:33:06,516 你野蠻的行動表現像一隻野獸 一個野獸的無理性的狂熱
1433 01:33:06,586 --> 01:33:08,520 你殺死提伯特了?
1434 01:33:08,589 --> 01:33:11,024 你還要殺了你自己,以你活著的生命
1435 01:33:11,092 --> 01:33:12,525 …殺死你的心上人
1436 01:33:12,594 --> 01:33:14,027 …為了向自己發洩該死的恨?
1437 01:33:14,097 --> 01:33:16,531 醒醒吧!男人…
1438 01:33:18,601 --> 01:33:20,035 你的茱麗葉還活著
1439 01:33:20,105 --> 01:33:22,539 你要快樂
1440 01:33:22,607 --> 01:33:24,039 提伯特要殺了你
1441 01:33:24,110 --> 01:33:25,542 但是你卻殺了提伯特
1442 01:33:25,611 --> 01:33:27,044 在這一點上你也是幸運的
1443 01:33:27,114 --> 01:33:30,049 法律變成了你的朋友
1444 01:33:30,118 --> 01:33:31,948 "死刑"改成了"放逐"
1445 01:33:32,020 --> 01:33:33,452 在這一點上你又是幸運
1446 01:33:33,521 --> 01:33:37,049 一連串的好運降在你的身上
1447 01:33:39,629 --> 01:33:42,155 爬進她的寢室,去安慰她
1448 01:33:43,634 --> 01:33:47,071 但是注意不要耽擱到夜間警衛都已布了崗
1449 01:33:47,140 --> 01:33:49,574 因為那時候你就無法逃到曼酋亞
1450 01:33:49,642 --> 01:33:52,578 你要住在那裡,直到我們找到適當時間
1451 01:33:52,646 --> 01:33:55,081 公佈你結婚,和解你的朋友
1452 01:33:55,150 --> 01:33:58,085 要求殿下的寬恕,然後召喚你回去
1453 01:33:58,153 --> 01:34:01,089 以比你離去時的悲傷
1454 01:34:01,158 --> 01:34:03,252 超過二百萬倍的快樂心情
1455 01:34:06,598 --> 01:34:08,032 你先走,奶媽
1456 01:34:08,101 --> 01:34:09,533 代我向你們小姐問候
1457 01:34:09,602 --> 01:34:12,537 交待她叫全家早點睡覺
1458 01:34:12,606 --> 01:34:15,542 他們遭遇這樣嚴重的事故也容易早睡
1459 01:34:15,609 --> 01:34:17,544 羅密歐隨後就到
1460 01:35:10,914 --> 01:35:12,973 [birds chirping]
1461 01:36:23,274 --> 01:36:26,005 你要走了嗎?
1462 01:36:28,581 --> 01:36:33,520 天還未亮
1463 01:36:33,588 --> 01:36:36,523 是夜鶯在叫,不是雲雀
1464 01:36:36,592 --> 01:36:41,530 你聽了刺耳的聲音....
1465 01:36:41,598 --> 01:36:44,624 她每夜都在那棵石榴樹上叫
1466 01:36:44,702 --> 01:36:47,034 噢,相信我,愛人
1467 01:36:47,105 --> 01:36:50,542 那是夜鶯
1468 01:36:50,610 --> 01:36:53,545 它是雲雀…
1469 01:36:53,613 --> 01:36:56,549 早晨的報信者
1470 01:36:56,617 --> 01:36:58,551 沒有夜鶯
1471 01:37:00,123 --> 01:37:05,061 夜間的星火已經熄滅
1472 01:37:11,136 --> 01:37:18,567 歡樂的白晝 已經 輕輕的踏上雲霧迷濛的山巔
1473 01:37:21,149 --> 01:37:24,085 我必須離開
1474 01:37:24,154 --> 01:37:26,350 否則留著等死
1475 01:37:28,159 --> 01:37:32,096 那邊的亮光不是白天的亮光…
1476 01:37:32,164 --> 01:37:35,099 我知道的
1477 01:37:37,672 --> 01:37:39,935 所以,再停留一會吧
1478 01:37:40,007 --> 01:37:43,102 不必急於要走
1479 01:37:43,179 --> 01:37:44,611 噢,讓我被抓
1480 01:37:44,679 --> 01:37:47,114 讓我被處死
1481 01:37:47,184 --> 01:37:50,119 只消你願意這樣,我是很甘心的
1482 01:37:50,187 --> 01:37:53,123 我可以說那灰白色不是清晨的眼睛
1483 01:37:53,191 --> 01:37:55,126 也可以說....
1484 01:37:55,195 --> 01:37:57,629 那不是在我們頭上響徹雲霄的雲雀
1485 01:37:57,697 --> 01:37:58,959 那不是在我們頭上響徹雲霄的雲雀
1486 01:37:59,032 --> 01:38:04,131 我願停留,並不願意離去
1487 01:38:04,206 --> 01:38:07,572 來吧,死神,歡迎你。茱麗葉期望這樣
1488 01:38:07,643 --> 01:38:10,078 [lark chirping]
1489 01:38:10,148 --> 01:38:12,582 亮了
1490 01:38:12,650 --> 01:38:15,484 亮了,快離開此地,走,走開!
1491 01:38:15,553 --> 01:38:18,455 羅密歐,天亮了
1492 01:38:21,661 --> 01:38:25,598 那是雲雀唱出的曲調
1493 01:38:25,667 --> 01:38:30,104 發出這樣刺耳的銳音 唱得這樣難聽的,正是雲雀
1494 01:38:30,173 --> 01:38:33,109 有人說雲雀的歌喉婉轉悅人
1495 01:38:33,176 --> 01:38:37,114 這一隻卻不然,牠使我們分離
1496 01:38:37,182 --> 01:38:38,614 啊!現在走吧
1497 01:38:38,683 --> 01:38:40,777 天越來越亮了
1498 01:38:40,853 --> 01:38:42,285 天越來越亮
1499 01:38:42,355 --> 01:38:47,123 我們越來越悲傷
1500 01:38:47,194 --> 01:38:49,186 [banging on door]
1501 01:38:49,265 --> 01:38:50,630 小姐!
1502 01:38:50,699 --> 01:38:53,634 你媽媽到你的臥房來了
1503 01:38:55,706 --> 01:38:57,138 奶媽
1504 01:38:57,208 --> 01:39:00,144 你媽媽要到你的臥房來了
1505 01:39:00,212 --> 01:39:02,145 天已破曉了,看看四周
1506 01:39:04,317 --> 01:39:06,616 噢,你就要走了
1507 01:39:06,687 --> 01:39:08,085 我的丈夫!我的愛人!
1508 01:39:08,155 --> 01:39:11,591 你要隨時隨刻寫信來
1509 01:39:11,660 --> 01:39:14,095 因為每一分鐘將似漫長的好多天
1510 01:39:14,163 --> 01:39:17,599 啊!這樣計算 我將要變成很老才能再見我的羅密歐!
1511 01:39:17,668 --> 01:39:19,602 任何機會
1512 01:39:19,671 --> 01:39:21,605 我都不會放棄
1513 01:39:21,673 --> 01:39:24,108 我會傳達我的問候,我的愛給你
1514 01:39:26,680 --> 01:39:29,616 噢,你想我們會再見面嗎?
1515 01:39:31,186 --> 01:39:34,121 我不懷疑
1516 01:39:34,190 --> 01:39:36,624 而所有這些災難 在未來我們的時間裡
1517 01:39:36,693 --> 01:39:40,130 將作為甜蜜的談話資料
1518 01:39:42,200 --> 01:39:46,138 再見,再見
1519 01:39:46,205 --> 01:39:48,640 再吻一次,我就爬下去了
1520 01:39:53,715 --> 01:39:56,651 [rooster crows]
1521 01:40:12,673 --> 01:40:14,105 再見
1522 01:40:19,382 --> 01:40:22,375 再見!
1523 01:40:24,688 --> 01:40:27,123 [crying]
1524 01:40:27,192 --> 01:40:30,059 Oh,God!
1525 01:40:49,055 --> 01:40:51,148 [Juliet crying]
1526 01:40:51,223 --> 01:40:54,158 我們將要復仇
1527 01:40:54,227 --> 01:40:55,660 你不用害怕…
1528 01:40:55,729 --> 01:40:58,164 [Juliet] 不!
1529 01:40:58,232 --> 01:40:59,665 不要再哭
1530 01:40:59,735 --> 01:41:01,167 [Juliet sobbing]
1531 01:41:05,742 --> 01:41:08,109 這個被放逐的惡棍現在住在曼酋亞
1532 01:41:08,180 --> 01:41:11,115 我要派人通知那邊的一個人
1533 01:41:11,183 --> 01:41:15,621 給他一種非常劇毒的酒
1534 01:41:15,689 --> 01:41:18,624 讓他很快的和提伯特作伴去
1535 01:41:18,692 --> 01:41:21,126 不!
1536 01:41:21,195 --> 01:41:25,133 現在我要告訴你快樂的消息,孩子
1537 01:41:25,201 --> 01:41:28,637 唉,妳真有一個細心體貼的父親
1538 01:41:28,705 --> 01:41:31,641 他為了給妳排愁解悶
1539 01:41:31,710 --> 01:41:34,144 給你安排了一個出乎意料快樂的日子
1540 01:41:36,215 --> 01:41:39,652 在這愁苦的時候有好消息,那太好了
1541 01:41:39,720 --> 01:41:42,655 唉,我的孩子,下個星期四一大早
1542 01:41:42,723 --> 01:41:45,157 那年輕漂亮的貴族紳士
1543 01:41:45,227 --> 01:41:48,163 望族巴黎斯,在聖彼得教堂
1544 01:41:48,231 --> 01:41:51,166 在那裡將使你成為快樂的新娘
1545 01:41:52,737 --> 01:41:56,675 現在在聖彼得教堂,也是彼得主持
1546 01:41:56,743 --> 01:42:01,180 哼,我指著聖彼得教堂和聖彼得本人發誓
1547 01:42:01,248 --> 01:42:03,581 他不能在那裏使我做一個快樂的新娘!
1548 01:42:07,523 --> 01:42:09,286 所以,就這樣決定了
1549 01:42:12,696 --> 01:42:16,257 賢婿巴黎斯
1550 01:42:19,371 --> 01:42:23,469 現在怎樣了,夫人,你通知她我們的決定了嗎?
1551 01:42:23,543 --> 01:42:26,172 是的,但是她不肯
1552 01:42:26,247 --> 01:42:28,147 她謝謝你的好意
1553 01:42:28,217 --> 01:42:29,478 [crying]
1554 01:42:29,551 --> 01:42:32,919 我想這呆子想和她的死結婚
1555 01:42:34,758 --> 01:42:39,196 愚蠢的… 帶我去
1556 01:42:40,766 --> 01:42:43,201 帶我去,妻子
1557 01:42:43,268 --> 01:42:45,703 為何?她怎麼不接受?
1558 01:42:45,773 --> 01:42:48,207 她不感謝我們嗎?
1559 01:42:48,276 --> 01:42:50,710 她不覺得驕傲?
1560 01:42:50,779 --> 01:42:54,215 她沒有想想她的幸福,像她那麼沒價值
1561 01:42:54,284 --> 01:42:58,721 而我們精挑細選如此體面的紳士作她新郎?
1562 01:42:58,789 --> 01:43:01,315 該死的傻丫頭!讓我見她!
1563 01:43:01,392 --> 01:43:02,724 不知感恩的傢伙!
1564 01:43:02,795 --> 01:43:06,161 隨便妳到什麼地方去覓食,不要和我住在一起
1565 01:43:06,233 --> 01:43:07,893 幹什麼,你瘋了嗎?
1566 01:43:07,968 --> 01:43:09,663 掛上你年輕的行李!
1567 01:43:09,737 --> 01:43:10,863 不孝順的東西!
1568 01:43:10,939 --> 01:43:14,170 我告訴你,星期四你到教堂
1569 01:43:14,243 --> 01:43:17,179 否則永遠不要見我的面
1570 01:43:17,248 --> 01:43:19,682 噢,父親,好父親,我懇求你
1571 01:43:19,750 --> 01:43:22,184 不用說,不必回答,不必答覆我
1572 01:43:22,253 --> 01:43:23,687 不要對我回嘴,我的手指正在發癢
1573 01:43:23,756 --> 01:43:26,691 你這樣罵她,神會責備你
1574 01:43:26,760 --> 01:43:28,192 為什麼,我聰明的女士?
1575 01:43:28,261 --> 01:43:29,694 你閉嘴!
1576 01:43:29,763 --> 01:43:32,198 聰明人,一知半解去說你的閒話!
1577 01:43:32,267 --> 01:43:33,699 我沒有說背義的話
1578 01:43:33,768 --> 01:43:35,201 一個人也不能說話嗎?
1579 01:43:35,271 --> 01:43:36,703 別說了,妳這嘮嘮叨叨的蠢婆子!
1580 01:43:36,772 --> 01:43:38,706 和老太婆喝酒的時候 再說妳那些老話吧
1581 01:43:38,775 --> 01:43:40,208 在這裡,我們不需要
1582 01:43:40,278 --> 01:43:41,643 你太激動了
1583 01:43:41,712 --> 01:43:43,201 [crying]
1584 01:43:43,281 --> 01:43:46,046 神的食物使我瘋狂
1585 01:43:49,289 --> 01:43:50,415 星期四快到了
1586 01:43:50,490 --> 01:43:52,721 將手擺在心上 仔細盤算一下
1587 01:43:52,793 --> 01:43:55,785 如果妳是我的女兒 我就把妳嫁給我的朋友
1588 01:43:55,864 --> 01:43:57,230 如果妳不是我的女兒
1589 01:43:57,300 --> 01:44:00,063 隨便你上吊,要飯,挨餓,倒斃在街上
1590 01:44:00,136 --> 01:44:01,228 不!
1591 01:44:01,304 --> 01:44:03,830 因為我永遠不會再認妳的
1592 01:44:03,908 --> 01:44:06,901 我所有的財產也永遠不會讓妳分享
1593 01:44:06,978 --> 01:44:08,172 父親!
1594 01:44:08,247 --> 01:44:13,185 相信我的話,仔細想想
1595 01:44:13,253 --> 01:44:14,777 [sobbing]
1596 01:44:19,861 --> 01:44:22,854 不,不!
1597 01:44:22,932 --> 01:44:25,696 我親愛的媽媽,不要丟下我走開
1598 01:44:25,769 --> 01:44:28,204 將婚禮延下一個月或一星期!
1599 01:44:28,273 --> 01:44:31,265 不要對我說,因為我沒有話說!
1600 01:44:33,513 --> 01:44:36,710 作你該作的,因我已經跟你說過了
1601 01:44:40,288 --> 01:44:43,622 噢,天啊!
1602 01:44:43,693 --> 01:44:44,717 噢,奶媽?
1603 01:44:44,795 --> 01:44:46,728 這件事要如何阻止它?
1604 01:44:46,797 --> 01:44:48,730 你怎麼說?
1605 01:44:48,800 --> 01:44:51,736 妳沒有一句使我高興的話嗎?
1606 01:44:51,803 --> 01:44:54,067 給一點安慰吧,奶媽?
1607 01:44:54,140 --> 01:44:56,734 好,這就是安慰
1608 01:44:56,810 --> 01:44:59,244 羅密歐被放逐了…
1609 01:45:01,316 --> 01:45:03,682 什麼賭我都敢打
1610 01:45:03,753 --> 01:45:06,687 他永遠不敢回來面對你
1611 01:45:06,757 --> 01:45:10,694 就是敢回來,也只能偷偷摸摸的
1612 01:45:10,762 --> 01:45:15,201 事已至此
1613 01:45:15,267 --> 01:45:20,069 我想妳最好就嫁給這位伯爵
1614 01:45:30,788 --> 01:45:32,221 真心的話
1615 01:45:33,793 --> 01:45:36,728 他是個可愛的紳士
1616 01:45:40,184 --> 01:45:43,278 羅密歐和他比起來 只算是一塊破抹布
1617 01:45:44,690 --> 01:45:47,626 他是一隻鷹,小姐,沒有看過如此綠…
1618 01:45:47,695 --> 01:45:51,131 如此快,又如此美好的雙眼,那巴黎斯所擁有的
1619 01:45:51,199 --> 01:45:52,631 以我的心起誓
1620 01:45:52,700 --> 01:45:56,137 我想你的第二次婚姻是快樂的
1621 01:45:56,205 --> 01:45:58,969 因為它好過你的第一次
1622 01:46:00,543 --> 01:46:04,071 就是不比他好,妳的第一個丈夫是已經死了
1623 01:46:04,149 --> 01:46:07,084 和死也差不多,活在世上
1624 01:46:07,153 --> 01:46:10,089 而沒有用處
1625 01:46:10,156 --> 01:46:12,921 這是從你心中講出來的嗎?
1626 01:46:17,166 --> 01:46:19,259 也是靈魂裡的話
1627 01:46:21,672 --> 01:46:23,605 否則讓我的心和靈魂一齊受詛咒
1628 01:46:23,674 --> 01:46:25,106 阿門
1629 01:46:25,176 --> 01:46:26,109 [drawing curtain]
1630 01:46:26,178 --> 01:46:27,611 什麼?
1631 01:46:27,680 --> 01:46:32,447 好極了,你已經神奇的安慰了我
1632 01:46:35,690 --> 01:46:39,126 進去,告訴我的母親,就說
1633 01:46:39,195 --> 01:46:40,627 我得罪了父親,
1634 01:46:40,696 --> 01:46:42,630 到勞倫斯的修道院
1635 01:46:42,699 --> 01:46:45,634 去做懺悔請求赦罪去了
1636 01:46:47,038 --> 01:46:51,136 -我將會結婚 -而這是一個明智的作法
1637 01:46:51,210 --> 01:46:52,643 去吧!
1638 01:47:22,590 --> 01:47:25,525 你說你不知道小姐的意思
1639 01:47:25,594 --> 01:47:28,529 這件事辦得不平穩,我不喜歡
1640 01:47:28,598 --> 01:47:31,033 她過度的痛哭提伯特的死
1641 01:47:31,101 --> 01:47:33,535 所以我對她不便多說愛慕的話
1642 01:47:33,604 --> 01:47:36,539 因為一個流淚的家庭裡 愛神是無法露出笑臉來的
1643 01:47:36,609 --> 01:47:37,871 [腳步聲]
1644 01:47:42,115 --> 01:47:43,547 噢!
1645 01:47:47,623 --> 01:47:50,649 -很高興見到你 -我的小姐,我的妻子
1646 01:47:53,129 --> 01:47:56,963 等我可以做你妻的時候,你可以這樣說
1647 01:47:59,137 --> 01:48:02,107 妳來向這位神父作告解嗎?
1648 01:48:04,544 --> 01:48:07,012 神聖的神父,你現在有空嗎?
1649 01:48:07,080 --> 01:48:09,845 或者我應該晚上再來?
1650 01:48:09,918 --> 01:48:12,183 我現在有空為我哀思的孩子服務
1651 01:48:12,254 --> 01:48:14,746 伯爵,我們必須私下懇談
1652 01:48:14,824 --> 01:48:17,521 我怎麼可能打攪你們的祈禱呢!
1653 01:48:17,595 --> 01:48:20,928 茱麗葉,星期四一清早我來接妳
1654 01:48:22,601 --> 01:48:25,036 向你辭別…
1655 01:48:27,107 --> 01:48:30,542 請收下這神聖的一吻
1656 01:48:36,285 --> 01:48:38,048 [sobbing]
1657 01:48:38,121 --> 01:48:41,921 關上門,當你關好門時…
1658 01:48:41,994 --> 01:48:44,554 來陪我哭吧!沒有希望…
1659 01:48:44,630 --> 01:48:48,225 不能補救了,無可挽回了!
1660 01:48:58,147 --> 01:49:01,082 茱麗葉,我已知你的悲傷
1661 01:49:01,152 --> 01:49:04,018 不要告訴我你已聽到這件事,神父
1662 01:49:04,088 --> 01:49:07,024 除非你告訴我避免它的方法
1663 01:49:07,093 --> 01:49:10,529 以你的智慧,你難道無法幫助嗎…
1664 01:49:10,597 --> 01:49:12,530 [sobbing]
1665 01:49:23,114 --> 01:49:24,672 且慢,孩子!
1666 01:49:28,620 --> 01:49:31,556 我正在測試一種辦法
1667 01:49:31,625 --> 01:49:34,059 因它很危險,所以我不敢用
1668 01:49:37,132 --> 01:49:40,125 假如比起嫁給巴黎斯
1669 01:49:40,203 --> 01:49:42,067 而你有足夠的勇氣…
1670 01:49:42,139 --> 01:49:44,072 比起嫁給巴黎斯
1671 01:49:44,141 --> 01:49:45,574 我寧可從城裡的任何塔跳下去
1672 01:49:45,643 --> 01:49:47,406 或是要我走進一座新墳
1673 01:49:47,479 --> 01:49:50,073 把我藏在一個死屍的斂衣裡
1674 01:49:50,149 --> 01:49:51,207 那麼,不要急
1675 01:50:04,400 --> 01:50:05,526 回家去
1676 01:50:07,105 --> 01:50:08,537 假裝得很快樂
1677 01:50:11,343 --> 01:50:13,538 答應他們嫁給巴黎斯
1678 01:50:13,612 --> 01:50:14,977
1679 01:50:15,048 --> 01:50:17,881 明天是星期三
1680 01:50:20,622 --> 01:50:23,557 明天晚上,記得你要獨自一個人睡
1681 01:50:23,625 --> 01:50:27,220 不要讓奶媽和你睡在臥房裡
1682 01:50:35,641 --> 01:50:39,202 喝下這瓶藥,然後臥在床上…
1683 01:50:41,615 --> 01:50:47,681 這蒸餾過的藥汁 一股寒冷昏沉之感即將
1684 01:50:50,461 --> 01:50:53,589 透過妳的全身的血脈
1685 01:50:53,665 --> 01:50:56,494 …將變成冷又呆滯的體液
1686 01:50:56,628 --> 01:51:01,032 全身脈搏無法繼續活動
1687 01:51:01,101 --> 01:51:02,499 只有停止下來
1688 01:51:02,569 --> 01:51:08,133 沒有體溫和呼吸證實你是活的…
1689 01:51:12,048 --> 01:51:15,041 在這假死的狀態
1690 01:51:15,120 --> 01:51:21,026 你會持續四十二小時…
1691 01:51:27,068 --> 01:51:31,666 然後像從一場酣睡中醒來一般
1692 01:51:34,577 --> 01:51:39,642 同時 在妳將醒之前
1693 01:51:39,717 --> 01:51:43,016 我寫信給羅密歐告訴他我們的計畫
1694 01:51:43,089 --> 01:51:45,022 然後他會趕來
1695 01:51:45,091 --> 01:51:47,526 他和我將看著你醒來
1696 01:51:47,594 --> 01:51:52,191 在那個晚上,羅密歐將會帶著你到曼酋亞
1697 01:51:54,103 --> 01:51:55,611 給我,給我!
1698 01:51:55,777 --> 01:51:57,972 不要對我說什麼恐懼!
1699 01:51:58,048 --> 01:51:59,811 拿好了
1700 01:52:08,560 --> 01:52:09,993 要堅強起來
1701 01:52:10,064 --> 01:52:12,498 對這個決定要勇敢要抱著希望
1702 01:52:49,114 --> 01:52:51,048 現在怎樣,我頑固的女兒
1703 01:52:51,117 --> 01:52:53,050 你到哪裡遊蕩去了?
1704 01:52:53,119 --> 01:52:55,053 我去懺悔
1705 01:52:55,122 --> 01:52:57,556 為了我抗逆你的罪
1706 01:52:59,627 --> 01:53:01,561 原諒我,從此以後
1707 01:53:01,630 --> 01:53:04,997 我會永遠聽您的話
1708 01:53:05,067 --> 01:53:08,003 什麼,我很高興這樣!
1709 01:53:08,071 --> 01:53:10,505 這樣很好,站起來
1710 01:53:10,576 --> 01:53:12,840 事情就是應該這樣
1711 01:53:50,127 --> 01:53:52,220 愛啊!給我力量!
1712 01:54:18,095 --> 01:54:21,031 將這封信親手交給在…
1713 01:54:21,100 --> 01:54:22,192 曼酋亞的羅密歐
1714 01:54:51,640 --> 01:54:54,074 [woman screaming]
1715 01:54:57,213 --> 01:54:59,079 啊!
1716 01:54:59,149 --> 01:55:00,582 主人,我的主人!
1717 01:55:00,652 --> 01:55:04,383 她死了,茱麗葉死了!
1718 01:55:04,457 --> 01:55:07,255 -我的茱麗葉小姐,主人,她死了! -什麼?
1719 01:55:07,326 --> 01:55:09,021 茱麗葉!
1720 01:55:09,096 --> 01:55:10,825 茱麗葉!
1721 01:55:10,897 --> 01:55:12,831 茱麗葉!
1722 01:55:12,901 --> 01:55:14,869 我的寶貝,她在哪裡?
1723 01:55:17,607 --> 01:55:21,544 悲慘的日子
1724 01:55:21,612 --> 01:55:25,550 死亡在她臉上,就如早霜…
1725 01:55:25,618 --> 01:55:30,386 …覆蓋在整個原野中最美的花上
1726 01:55:38,067 --> 01:55:40,059 [singing in Latin]
1727 01:56:45,655 --> 01:56:48,146 [crying]
1728 01:57:24,139 --> 01:57:25,629 [singing stops]
1729 01:57:45,166 --> 01:57:46,860 主人
1730 01:57:46,935 --> 01:57:48,459 巴特薩!
1731 01:57:51,675 --> 01:57:53,108 我的茱麗葉處境怎麼樣?
1732 01:57:53,176 --> 01:57:56,373 如果她狀況好,就沒什麼好擔心
1733 01:57:56,447 --> 01:57:59,281 我的女士好嗎?
1734 01:58:05,960 --> 01:58:07,552 [sobbing]
1735 01:58:11,634 --> 01:58:13,534 她死了,主人
1736 01:58:13,604 --> 01:58:15,572 她死了
1737 01:58:15,639 --> 01:58:18,574 她的身體長眠在凱佈雷家的墳墓裡
1738 01:58:18,642 --> 01:58:22,580 我親見她下葬在她家族的墓穴裡面
1739 01:58:33,162 --> 01:58:37,099 那麼命運,我再也不信仰你!
1740 02:00:01,136 --> 02:00:02,228 好好的過日子
1741 02:00:03,740 --> 02:00:07,005 一切順利
1742 02:00:07,078 --> 02:00:09,512 再會,好孩子
1743 02:01:18,237 --> 02:01:19,533 茱麗葉
1744 02:02:09,671 --> 02:02:11,262 我的愛…
1745 02:02:16,180 --> 02:02:17,612 我的妻子
1746 02:02:20,184 --> 02:02:24,122 死神吸去了妳的甜蜜的氣息
1747 02:02:24,190 --> 02:02:27,284 但是沒有力量去摧毀妳的美貌
1748 02:02:32,200 --> 02:02:34,134 你沒有被征服…
1749 02:02:37,207 --> 02:02:42,145 在妳的嘴唇上,雙頰上
1750 02:02:42,213 --> 02:02:44,648 仍然可以看出美貌的紅紅的標幟
1751 02:02:46,386 --> 02:02:49,651 而死亡的蒼白還沒深入到那裡
1752 02:02:55,231 --> 02:02:57,199 提伯特
1753 02:03:02,740 --> 02:03:06,507 你染血的身體躺在那兒嗎?
1754 02:03:16,892 --> 02:03:20,829 我能夠在為你作些什麼
1755 02:03:20,898 --> 02:03:25,335 我現在就用殺害你的那一只手
1756 02:03:25,403 --> 02:03:31,172 去殺死你的敵人
1757 02:03:37,920 --> 02:03:39,853 原諒我,表兄
1758 02:03:50,435 --> 02:03:53,029 噢,親愛的茱麗葉
1759 02:03:57,945 --> 02:04:00,540 妳為什麼還是這樣美?
1760 02:04:02,953 --> 02:04:05,819 難道要我相信那空虛的死神也有愛意
1761 02:04:05,889 --> 02:04:08,324 而那邪惡可憎的怪物…
1762 02:04:08,393 --> 02:04:11,624 留你在這黑暗中當他的情婦?
1763 02:04:11,696 --> 02:04:18,399 因為害怕這件事,我更要長久和你廝守
1764 02:04:22,411 --> 02:04:28,352 永不再從這黑暗的夜晚宮殿離開
1765 02:04:30,421 --> 02:04:35,861 這裡,我就留在這裡與妳的侍婢蛆蟲為伍!
1766 02:04:35,929 --> 02:04:41,368 神啊
1767 02:04:41,436 --> 02:04:43,198 [sobbing]
1768 02:04:58,958 --> 02:05:02,724 眼睛,看妳的最後一眼吧!
1769 02:05:08,404 --> 02:05:12,341 胳膊,做妳最後一次的擁抱吧!
1770 02:05:14,913 --> 02:05:19,850 還有,嘴唇 啊你這呼吸的門戶
1771 02:05:19,918 --> 02:05:21,852 以一個正義的吻封上
1772 02:05:21,921 --> 02:05:24,685 向壟斷一切的死神去簽訂永恆的契約吧!
1773 02:06:02,475 --> 02:06:05,501 乾杯,我的愛
1774 02:06:32,948 --> 02:06:36,043 以一個吻…
1775 02:06:37,654 --> 02:06:39,382 我死去
1776 02:06:52,974 --> 02:06:54,407 誰在那裡?
1777 02:06:54,476 --> 02:06:57,912 一個朋友,一個你很熟的人
1778 02:06:57,980 --> 02:07:00,915 巴特薩,他在這兒多久了?
1779 02:07:00,985 --> 02:07:02,417 半個鐘頭整
1780 02:07:02,486 --> 02:07:04,853 跟我去地下墓室
1781 02:07:04,922 --> 02:07:06,356 我不敢去,先生
1782 02:07:06,426 --> 02:07:09,361 我的主人不知道我還沒走
1783 02:07:09,429 --> 02:07:12,023 那麼留在這兒,我自個兒下去
1784 02:07:13,935 --> 02:07:15,868 恐懼侵襲著我
1785 02:07:15,938 --> 02:07:19,203 啊!我很擔心怕發生了什麼不幸的事
1786 02:07:57,992 --> 02:07:59,424 羅密歐!
1787 02:08:10,442 --> 02:08:12,376 噢,是什麼兇惡的時辰
1788 02:08:12,445 --> 02:08:16,040 發生這樣悲慘的意外!
1789 02:08:59,506 --> 02:09:00,939 [Juliet] Ohh!
1790 02:09:08,450 --> 02:09:13,718 祥和的神父,我的丈夫在哪裡?
1791 02:09:15,460 --> 02:09:18,395 我記得很清楚我應該在哪裡
1792 02:09:18,463 --> 02:09:20,396 然後我在這裡
1793 02:09:20,465 --> 02:09:22,399 我的羅密歐在哪裡?
1794 02:09:22,468 --> 02:09:24,903 [trumpet plays in distance]
1795 02:09:24,973 --> 02:09:26,906 我聽到一些吵雜聲
1796 02:09:26,975 --> 02:09:29,409 我的羅密歐在哪裡?
1797 02:09:29,477 --> 02:09:33,415 小姐,來,離開那個死亡之處
1798 02:09:33,483 --> 02:09:34,915 有感染性的不自然的睡眠
1799 02:09:36,988 --> 02:09:39,924 我們所不能抵抗的力量
1800 02:09:39,992 --> 02:09:41,424 已經妨礙了我們的計畫
1801 02:09:41,493 --> 02:09:43,927 跟我來,夜巡的管理員要來了
1802 02:09:43,997 --> 02:09:46,090 我的羅密歐在哪裡?
1803 02:09:46,166 --> 02:09:47,929 [Juliet gasps]
1804 02:09:52,508 --> 02:09:54,772 來,走,乖茱麗葉
1805 02:09:56,014 --> 02:09:57,446
1806 02:09:57,514 --> 02:09:59,447 我不敢再留下來
1807 02:09:59,516 --> 02:10:00,949 不!
1808 02:10:01,019 --> 02:10:03,818 我不敢再留下來
1809 02:10:03,890 --> 02:10:05,379 茱麗葉!
1810 02:10:05,457 --> 02:10:07,391 [trumpet]
1811 02:10:07,460 --> 02:10:09,895 我不敢再留下來
1812 02:10:09,964 --> 02:10:12,399 我不敢再留下來!
1813 02:10:53,021 --> 02:10:55,046 這是什麼?
1814 02:11:00,530 --> 02:11:04,227 是毒藥,我懂了 使得他年輕輕的就死去
1815 02:11:07,973 --> 02:11:09,906 啊好貪婪的人!
1816 02:11:09,975 --> 02:11:12,910 全喝乾了,不留下一滴
1817 02:11:12,979 --> 02:11:14,913 …給我讓我隨你而去?
1818 02:11:14,982 --> 02:11:16,915 我要吻你的嘴唇
1819 02:11:16,985 --> 02:11:19,919 或許有些毒藥尚留在上面
1820 02:11:19,989 --> 02:11:22,925 興奮劑使我死
1821 02:11:28,500 --> 02:11:30,935 你的唇還是暖的!
1822 02:11:42,017 --> 02:11:44,782 噢,不!
1823 02:11:55,535 --> 02:11:57,469 帶路,男孩,哪一邊?
1824 02:11:57,538 --> 02:11:59,368 找一找教堂周圍
1825 02:11:59,439 --> 02:12:00,963 去,你們一些人…
1826 02:12:01,042 --> 02:12:02,474 咦,有人聲?
1827 02:12:07,050 --> 02:12:08,142 不!
1828 02:12:12,558 --> 02:12:17,996 那麼,我要快一點 啊!正好有一把短刀
1829 02:12:19,566 --> 02:12:22,502 這就是你的刀鞘
1830 02:12:22,571 --> 02:12:26,007 你就在那裏生鏽,讓我死吧!
1831 02:12:26,074 --> 02:12:28,008 [moaning]
1832 02:12:46,001 --> 02:12:48,026 [bells tolling]
1833 02:14:16,440 --> 02:14:18,875 這兩家仇人在哪裡?
1834 02:14:21,447 --> 02:14:22,708 凱普萊特!
1835 02:14:26,453 --> 02:14:27,886 蒙太古!
1836 02:14:35,966 --> 02:14:39,903 看你們的恨招來了什麼樣的災禍…
1837 02:14:41,473 --> 02:14:46,571 上天發現一個方法,以愛來毀滅你們的快樂
1838 02:14:46,646 --> 02:14:56,387 而我因為裝作沒看見你們的不合
1839 02:14:56,459 --> 02:15:01,089 …也失去了一對親戚
1840 02:15:03,501 --> 02:15:06,198 全部都被懲罰了
1841 02:15:11,445 --> 02:15:13,846 全部都被懲罰了!
1842 02:15:44,989 --> 02:15:49,927 黎明帶來一片幽暗的和平
1843 02:15:49,996 --> 02:15:55,435 太陽因為悲傷,所以不願露面
1844 02:15:55,502 --> 02:15:58,939 因為從來沒有一個故事
1845 02:15:59,007 --> 02:16:04,207 比羅密歐與茱麗葉更令人哀痛
1846 02:16:06,409 --> 02:16:09,209 ~劇終~
1 00:00:24,211 --> 00:00:28,648 Two households, both alike in dignity,
2 00:00:28,716 --> 00:00:35,144 in fair Verona where we lay our scene,
3 00:00:35,222 --> 00:00:40,159 from ancient grudge break to new mutiny,
4 00:00:40,227 --> 00:00:45,665 where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.
5 00:00:45,733 --> 00:00:49,999 From forth the fatal loins of these two foes...
6 00:00:51,739 --> 00:00:57,678 a pair of star-crossed lovers take their life,
7 00:00:57,745 --> 00:01:03,115 whose misadventured piteous overthrows
8 00:01:03,184 --> 00:01:09,123 do with their death... bury their parents'strife.
9 00:01:22,503 --> 00:01:24,130 [laughing]
10 00:01:29,210 --> 00:01:32,145 But the quarrel is between our masters and us their men.
11 00:01:32,213 --> 00:01:34,408 Ah, 'tis all one.
12 00:01:34,482 --> 00:01:36,143 [laughing]
13 00:01:36,217 --> 00:01:39,482 Here come the house of the Montagues.
14 00:01:42,223 --> 00:01:43,656 Ah, good morrow.
15 00:01:43,724 --> 00:01:45,521 Good morrow to you, sir.
16 00:01:45,593 --> 00:01:48,653 Quarrel, I will back thee.
17 00:01:48,729 --> 00:01:50,162 Right.
18 00:01:50,231 --> 00:01:51,823 Fail me not.
19 00:02:01,842 --> 00:02:05,107 Do you bite your thumb at us, sir?
20 00:02:05,179 --> 00:02:08,114 I do bite my thumb, sir.
21 00:02:08,182 --> 00:02:13,119 Do you bite your thumb at us, sir?
22 00:02:13,187 --> 00:02:15,621 No, sir.
23 00:02:15,690 --> 00:02:18,625 I do not bite my thumb at you, sir,
24 00:02:18,693 --> 00:02:21,127 but I do bite my thumb, sir.
25 00:02:21,195 --> 00:02:22,628 Do you quarrel, sir?
26 00:02:22,697 --> 00:02:28,135 Quarrel, sir? No, no, no, sir.
27 00:02:28,202 --> 00:02:30,636 If you do, sir, I am for you.
28 00:02:30,705 --> 00:02:32,639 I serve as good a man as you.
29 00:02:32,707 --> 00:02:33,639 No better?
30 00:02:33,708 --> 00:02:35,938 Yes, better, sir.
31 00:02:39,213 --> 00:02:42,148 You lie.
32 00:02:50,157 --> 00:02:51,647 [laughing]
33 00:02:54,662 --> 00:02:56,152 Draw!
34 00:02:56,230 --> 00:02:57,857 Draw if you be men!
35 00:02:57,932 --> 00:02:59,763 Gregory, remember thy swashing blow!
36 00:02:59,834 --> 00:03:01,597 [shouting]
37 00:03:04,171 --> 00:03:06,162 Kill the Capulets!
38 00:03:06,240 --> 00:03:08,105 [shouting]
39 00:03:21,689 --> 00:03:24,123 Part, fools! Put up your swords!
40 00:03:24,191 --> 00:03:26,125 You know not what you do!
41 00:03:26,193 --> 00:03:28,127 The Prince hath expressly forbid
42 00:03:28,195 --> 00:03:30,220 this bandying in Verona streets!
43 00:03:30,297 --> 00:03:32,128 Here come the Capulets!
44 00:03:34,201 --> 00:03:37,637 Tybalt, Capulet's kinsman!
45 00:03:44,712 --> 00:03:50,082 What, art thou drawn among these heartless hinds?
46 00:03:52,720 --> 00:03:55,655 Turn thee, Benvolio. Look upon thy death.
47 00:03:55,723 --> 00:03:57,156 I do but keep the peace.
48 00:03:57,224 --> 00:03:58,657 Put up thy sword
49 00:03:58,726 --> 00:04:01,092 or manage it to part these men with me.
50 00:04:01,162 --> 00:04:03,892 What, drawn and talk of peace?
51 00:04:03,964 --> 00:04:05,397 I hate the word,
52 00:04:05,466 --> 00:04:09,869 as I hate hell, all Montagues and thee.
53 00:04:09,937 --> 00:04:11,427 Have at thee, cowards!
54 00:04:11,505 --> 00:04:13,234 Capulet!
55 00:04:13,307 --> 00:04:14,604 Montague!
56 00:04:14,675 --> 00:04:16,939 [shouting]
57 00:04:17,011 --> 00:04:19,104 Capulet!
58 00:04:27,988 --> 00:04:29,888 Now hie thee home, fragment.
59 00:04:29,957 --> 00:04:32,221 You villain!
60 00:04:36,030 --> 00:04:37,622 Capulet!
61 00:04:37,698 --> 00:04:39,632 [shouting]
62 00:04:42,970 --> 00:04:46,235 Give me my long sword! Ho!
63 00:04:46,307 --> 00:04:47,638 Capulet!
64 00:04:47,708 --> 00:04:49,141 Down to the market square!
65 00:04:49,210 --> 00:04:51,144 Capulet!
66 00:04:51,212 --> 00:04:53,908 Follow me! Follow me!
67 00:04:53,981 --> 00:04:57,644 Kill that villain Montague!
68 00:05:00,187 --> 00:05:03,088 My noble uncle! My noble uncle!
69 00:05:03,157 --> 00:05:04,886 What?
70 00:05:04,959 --> 00:05:08,087 My sword! My sword!
71 00:05:08,162 --> 00:05:12,098 Thou shalt not stir a foot to seek a foe!
72 00:05:12,166 --> 00:05:16,000 Hold me not! Let me go!
73 00:05:16,070 --> 00:05:18,095 Montague!
74 00:05:18,172 --> 00:05:19,605 Montague!
75 00:05:19,673 --> 00:05:21,106 Kill the villain!
76 00:05:29,383 --> 00:05:31,112 [shouting]
77 00:05:41,028 --> 00:05:43,053 [woman screams]
78 00:05:45,966 --> 00:05:48,992 I'll strike thee, coward.
79 00:06:00,614 --> 00:06:02,081 [trumpet fanfare]
80 00:06:04,151 --> 00:06:05,778 The Prince!
81 00:06:05,853 --> 00:06:08,048 The Prince is coming! Put down your weapons!
82 00:06:08,122 --> 00:06:10,352 The Prince!
83 00:06:10,424 --> 00:06:12,585 The Prince!
84 00:06:15,029 --> 00:06:17,224 Here comes the Prince!
85 00:06:17,298 --> 00:06:19,459 Put your weapons down! The Prince!
86 00:06:26,674 --> 00:06:30,542 Rebellious subjects, enemies to peace,
87 00:06:30,611 --> 00:06:33,102 throw your mistempered weapons to the ground...
88 00:06:33,180 --> 00:06:34,943 Down with your weapons.
89 00:06:36,450 --> 00:06:40,409 And hear the sentence of your moved Prince.
90 00:06:44,692 --> 00:06:49,129 Three civil brawls bred of an airy word,
91 00:06:49,196 --> 00:06:50,686 by thee, old Capulet...
92 00:06:50,764 --> 00:06:52,356 No, no.
93 00:06:55,936 --> 00:06:58,268 And Montague...
94 00:06:58,339 --> 00:07:01,570 Have thrice disturbed the quiet of our streets.
95 00:07:04,645 --> 00:07:08,081 If ever you disturb our streets again,
96 00:07:08,148 --> 00:07:12,084 your lives shall pay the forfeit of the peace.
97 00:07:12,152 --> 00:07:17,590 For this time all the rest depart away!
98 00:07:20,160 --> 00:07:23,687 You, Capulet, shall go along with me.
99 00:07:23,764 --> 00:07:26,198 And, Montague, come you this afternoon.
100 00:07:29,169 --> 00:07:36,598 Once more, on pain of death, all men depart.
101 00:07:36,677 --> 00:07:38,076 [trumpet fanfare]
102 00:07:53,193 --> 00:07:56,128 Where is Romeo? Saw you him today?
103 00:07:56,196 --> 00:07:59,632 Right glad I am he was not at this fray.
104 00:07:59,700 --> 00:08:02,066 Madam, an hour before the worshipped sun
105 00:08:02,136 --> 00:08:04,627 peered forth the golden window of the east,
106 00:08:04,705 --> 00:08:08,072 a troubled mind drove me to walk abroad:
107 00:08:08,142 --> 00:08:10,576 where, underneath the grove of sycamore
108 00:08:10,644 --> 00:08:12,737 so early walking did I see your son.
109 00:08:12,813 --> 00:08:17,580 Towards him I made; but he was ware of me,
110 00:08:17,651 --> 00:08:19,551 and stole into the cover of the wood.
111 00:08:23,657 --> 00:08:27,559 Many a morning hath he there been seen.
112 00:08:32,499 --> 00:08:34,592 See, where he comes.
113 00:08:42,342 --> 00:08:44,606 So please you, step aside.
114 00:08:44,678 --> 00:08:48,114 I'll know his grievance, or be much denied.
115 00:08:48,182 --> 00:08:51,117 I would thou wert so happy by thy stay,
116 00:08:51,185 --> 00:08:52,618 to hear true shrift.
117 00:08:52,686 --> 00:08:55,120 Come, madam. Let's away.
118 00:09:26,753 --> 00:09:29,017 Good morrow, cousin.
119 00:09:34,161 --> 00:09:35,924 Is the day so young?
120 00:09:35,996 --> 00:09:37,725 But new struck nine.
121 00:09:37,798 --> 00:09:39,095 Ay me!
122 00:09:41,168 --> 00:09:42,601 Sad hours seem long.
123 00:09:48,675 --> 00:09:51,109 Was that my father that went hence so fast?
124 00:09:51,178 --> 00:09:52,611 Hmm?
125 00:09:52,679 --> 00:09:54,112 It was.
126 00:10:01,522 --> 00:10:04,252 What sadness lengthens Romeo's hours?
127 00:10:04,324 --> 00:10:11,287 Not having that, which having makes them short.
128 00:10:11,365 --> 00:10:14,425 Hmm. Hmm!
129 00:10:14,501 --> 00:10:16,128 But, Romeo...
130 00:10:16,203 --> 00:10:18,296 Farewell, Coz.
131 00:10:21,275 --> 00:10:23,140 [shouting]
132 00:10:25,112 --> 00:10:26,636 [woman screaming]
133 00:10:29,716 --> 00:10:31,650 God's me, what fray was here?
134 00:10:31,718 --> 00:10:33,151 Yet tell me not,
135 00:10:33,220 --> 00:10:36,155 for I have heard it all.
136 00:10:37,724 --> 00:10:43,663 Here's much to do with hate, but more with love.
137 00:10:43,730 --> 00:10:47,427 Soft, I will go along.
138 00:10:52,639 --> 00:10:56,166 But Montague is bound as well as l,
139 00:10:56,243 --> 00:10:59,178 in penalty alike,
140 00:10:59,246 --> 00:11:01,111 and 'tis not hard, I think,
141 00:11:01,181 --> 00:11:04,617 for men as old as we to keep the peace.
142 00:11:04,685 --> 00:11:05,617 Oh...
143 00:11:05,686 --> 00:11:08,120 Of honorable reckoning are you both,
144 00:11:08,188 --> 00:11:11,624 and pity 'tis you lived at odds so long:
145 00:11:11,692 --> 00:11:15,628 but, but now, my lord,
146 00:11:15,696 --> 00:11:17,664 what say you to my suit?
147 00:11:17,731 --> 00:11:20,632 But saying o'er what I have said before,
148 00:11:20,701 --> 00:11:24,831 my child is yet a stranger in the world.
149 00:11:24,905 --> 00:11:29,604 She hath not seen the change of fourteen years.
150 00:11:31,111 --> 00:11:33,978 [laughing]
151 00:11:34,047 --> 00:11:37,141 Let two more summers wither in their pride,
152 00:11:37,217 --> 00:11:39,082 'ere we may think her ripe to be a bride.
153 00:11:39,152 --> 00:11:41,814 Younger than she are happy mothers made.
154 00:11:41,888 --> 00:11:43,651 [chuckling]
155 00:11:49,963 --> 00:11:53,660 And too soon marred are those so early made.
156 00:11:53,734 --> 00:11:56,669 The earth hath swallowed all my hopes but she,
157 00:11:56,737 --> 00:11:59,672 she is the hopeful lady of my earth.
158 00:11:59,740 --> 00:12:03,107 But woo her, gentle Paris, get her heart,
159 00:12:03,176 --> 00:12:06,612 my will to her consent is but a part.
160 00:12:06,680 --> 00:12:09,114 Oh, Peter!
161 00:12:09,182 --> 00:12:12,618 This night I hold an old accustomed feast
162 00:12:12,686 --> 00:12:15,120 whereto I have invited many a guest.
163 00:12:15,188 --> 00:12:18,123 Such as I love, you among the store,
164 00:12:18,191 --> 00:12:21,160 one more, most welcome, makes my number more.
165 00:12:29,202 --> 00:12:30,931 Nurse, where's my daughter?
166 00:12:31,004 --> 00:12:33,131 Call her forth to me.
167 00:12:33,206 --> 00:12:35,140 Now, by my maidenhead at 12 years old,
168 00:12:35,208 --> 00:12:36,698 I bade her come.
169 00:12:36,777 --> 00:12:40,110 Where is the girl? Juliet! Juliet!
170 00:12:40,180 --> 00:12:44,344 Where is the girl? Juliet!
171 00:12:44,418 --> 00:12:48,650 Where is the girl? Juliet!
172 00:12:48,722 --> 00:12:51,156 How now, who calls?
173 00:12:51,224 --> 00:12:53,215 Your mother! Your lady mother!
174 00:13:05,172 --> 00:13:08,107 Juliet, it's your mother, your lady mother.
175 00:13:08,175 --> 00:13:10,109 Make haste, girl. Make haste.
176 00:13:10,177 --> 00:13:11,906 Where were you?
177 00:13:14,181 --> 00:13:18,117 Madam, I am here. What is your will?
178 00:13:18,185 --> 00:13:20,619 This is the matter.
179 00:13:22,689 --> 00:13:25,123 Make haste, girls. Come on, come on.
180 00:13:25,192 --> 00:13:26,216 Nurse, um...
181 00:13:26,293 --> 00:13:29,023 give leave awhile, we must talk in secret.
182 00:13:36,703 --> 00:13:39,638 Nurse, come back again. I have remembered me.
183 00:13:39,706 --> 00:13:43,142 Thou's hear our counsel.
184 00:13:43,210 --> 00:13:45,144 Thou knowest my daughter's of a pretty age.
185 00:13:45,212 --> 00:13:47,146 I can tell her age unto an hour.
186 00:13:47,214 --> 00:13:48,538 She's not fourteen.
187 00:13:48,705 --> 00:13:50,536 I'll lay fourteen of my teeth.
188 00:13:50,607 --> 00:13:52,541 And yet to my teen be it spoke,
189 00:13:52,609 --> 00:13:54,543 I have but four, she's not fourteen.
190 00:13:54,611 --> 00:13:56,238 How long is it to Lammastide?
191 00:13:56,313 --> 00:13:58,042 A fortnight and odd days.
192 00:13:58,114 --> 00:14:00,480 Even or odd, of all the days of the year,
193 00:14:00,550 --> 00:14:02,484 come Lammas Eve at night shall she be fourteen.
194 00:14:02,552 --> 00:14:03,985 Susan and she--
195 00:14:04,054 --> 00:14:06,488 God rest all Christian souls were of an age.
196 00:14:06,556 --> 00:14:08,990 Well, Susan is with God. She was too good for me.
197 00:14:09,059 --> 00:14:10,856 But, as I said, on Lammas Eve
198 00:14:10,927 --> 00:14:13,020 at night shall she be fourteen.
199 00:14:13,096 --> 00:14:15,291 That shall she, marry! I remember it well.
200 00:14:15,365 --> 00:14:18,994 My lord and you were then at Mantua!
201 00:14:19,069 --> 00:14:21,503 Nay, I do bear a brain.
202 00:14:21,571 --> 00:14:24,005 For then she could, she could stand high lone.
203 00:14:24,074 --> 00:14:27,009 Nay, by the road she could have run and waddled all about,
204 00:14:27,077 --> 00:14:30,012 for even the day before she broke her brow;
205 00:14:30,080 --> 00:14:33,982 and then my husband-- God rest his soul, 'a were a merry man--
206 00:14:34,050 --> 00:14:35,483 took up the child.
207 00:14:35,552 --> 00:14:39,010 "Yea," quoth he, "dost thou fall upon thy face?
208 00:14:39,089 --> 00:14:41,956 "Thou wilt fall backward when thou hast more wit;
209 00:14:42,025 --> 00:14:43,014 wilt thou not, Jule?"
210 00:14:43,093 --> 00:14:45,027 Nurse!
211 00:14:45,095 --> 00:14:46,528 And by my holiday,
212 00:14:46,596 --> 00:14:49,030 the pretty wretch left crying and said, "Ay."
213 00:14:49,099 --> 00:14:50,327 [laughing]
214 00:14:53,103 --> 00:14:56,038 Enough of this, I pray thee hold thy peace.
215 00:14:56,106 --> 00:14:58,631 Yes, madam.
216 00:14:58,708 --> 00:15:02,371 Now, Juliet.
217 00:15:02,445 --> 00:15:03,969 [laughing]
218 00:15:04,047 --> 00:15:06,481 God mark thee to His grace
219 00:15:06,549 --> 00:15:09,916 Thou was the prettiest babe that 'er I nurs'd.
220 00:15:09,986 --> 00:15:11,977 And I might live to see thee married once,
221 00:15:12,055 --> 00:15:13,920 I have my wish.
222 00:15:13,990 --> 00:15:20,486 Marry, that "marry" is the very theme I came to talk of.
223 00:15:20,563 --> 00:15:21,757 Tell me, daughter Juliet,
224 00:15:21,831 --> 00:15:24,994 how stands your disposition to be married?
225 00:15:32,575 --> 00:15:35,009 It is an honor that I dream not of.
226 00:15:35,078 --> 00:15:37,512 An honor, were I not thy only nurse,
227 00:15:37,580 --> 00:15:40,481 I would say thou hadst sucked wisdom from my teat.
228 00:15:40,550 --> 00:15:43,018 Well, think of marriage now.
229 00:15:43,086 --> 00:15:46,021 Younger than you, here in Verona, ladies of esteem,
230 00:15:46,089 --> 00:15:47,522 are made already mothers.
231 00:15:47,590 --> 00:15:50,024 By my count I was your mother
232 00:15:50,093 --> 00:15:53,028 much upon these years that you are now a maid.
233 00:15:53,096 --> 00:15:54,529 Oh, yes, I remember.
234 00:15:54,597 --> 00:15:57,361 Thus then, in brief...
235 00:15:57,434 --> 00:16:00,301 the valiant Paris seeks you for his love.
236 00:16:00,370 --> 00:16:05,467 A man, young lady! Lady, such as all the world--
237 00:16:05,542 --> 00:16:07,476 Why he's a man of wax.
238 00:16:07,544 --> 00:16:09,478 Verona's summer hath not such a flower.
239 00:16:09,546 --> 00:16:11,480 Nay, he's a flower in faith.
240 00:16:11,548 --> 00:16:12,981 Shh.
241 00:16:13,049 --> 00:16:17,986 What say you? Can you love the gentleman?
242 00:16:19,556 --> 00:16:21,319 Madam! Madam!
243 00:16:21,391 --> 00:16:23,484 The guests have come, supper serv'd up,
244 00:16:23,560 --> 00:16:25,687 you call'd, my young lady ask'd for!
245 00:16:25,762 --> 00:16:27,992 We follow.
246 00:16:28,064 --> 00:16:32,000 Speak briefly, can you like of Paris' love?
247 00:16:32,068 --> 00:16:37,506 I'll look to like, if looking liking move.
248 00:16:37,574 --> 00:16:41,010 But no more deep will I endart mine eye,
249 00:16:41,077 --> 00:16:44,012 than your consent gives strength to make it fly.
250 00:16:47,584 --> 00:16:50,519 Juliet, the county stays.
251 00:16:50,587 --> 00:16:52,020 Madam, I come.
252 00:16:53,590 --> 00:16:58,527 Go, girl, seek happy nights for happy days.
253 00:16:58,795 --> 00:16:59,955 [music playing]
254 00:17:08,371 --> 00:17:09,963 [singing]
255 00:17:20,783 --> 00:17:24,219 Give me a case to put my visage in;
256 00:17:24,287 --> 00:17:26,255 a visor for a visor.
257 00:17:26,322 --> 00:17:30,986 What care I what curious eye doth quote deformities.
258 00:17:31,060 --> 00:17:34,496 Here are the beetle-brows shall blush for me.
259 00:17:34,564 --> 00:17:36,031 Ahh!
260 00:17:38,401 --> 00:17:40,494 What, shall this speech be spoke for our excuse?
261 00:17:40,570 --> 00:17:42,504 Or shall we on without apology?
262 00:17:42,572 --> 00:17:44,335 The date is out of such prolixity.
263 00:17:44,407 --> 00:17:46,272 Let them measure us by what they will.
264 00:17:46,342 --> 00:17:48,503 We'll measure them a measure and be gone.
265 00:17:48,578 --> 00:17:51,513 Come, knock and enter, and no sooner in,
266 00:17:51,581 --> 00:17:55,381 but every man betake him to his legs.
267 00:17:55,451 --> 00:17:58,011 And we mean well in going to this masque,
268 00:17:58,087 --> 00:17:59,486 but 'tis no wit to go.
269 00:17:59,556 --> 00:18:01,251 Why, may one ask?
270 00:18:01,324 --> 00:18:05,420 I dreamt a dream tonight.
271 00:18:05,495 --> 00:18:07,258 Ho, and so did I.
272 00:18:07,330 --> 00:18:10,822 Well, what was yours?
273 00:18:10,900 --> 00:18:14,233 That dreamers often lie.
274 00:18:14,304 --> 00:18:18,900 In bed asleep while they do dream things true.
275 00:18:18,975 --> 00:18:22,536 Oh, then I see Queen Mab hath been with you.
276 00:18:22,612 --> 00:18:25,274 Queen Mab?
277 00:18:25,348 --> 00:18:30,843 She is...She is the fairies' midwife.
278 00:18:30,920 --> 00:18:32,478 [laughter]
279 00:18:32,555 --> 00:18:33,920 And she comes in state
280 00:18:33,990 --> 00:18:36,424 no bigger than an agate stone
281 00:18:36,492 --> 00:18:38,483 on the forefinger of an alderman,
282 00:18:38,561 --> 00:18:41,792 drawn with a team of little atomies
283 00:18:41,864 --> 00:18:45,027 athwart men's noses as they lie asleep.
284 00:18:45,101 --> 00:18:50,004 Her wagon spokes are made of long spinner's legs;
285 00:18:50,073 --> 00:18:53,509 and the cover, of the wings of grasshoppers;
286 00:18:53,576 --> 00:18:58,013 the traces of the smallest spider's web;
287 00:18:58,081 --> 00:19:03,951 and the collars, mmm, of the moonshine's watery beams;
288 00:19:04,020 --> 00:19:06,488 her whip, crack!
289 00:19:06,556 --> 00:19:10,549 Is a cricket's bone; the lash of film;
290 00:19:10,627 --> 00:19:12,925 and in this state
291 00:19:12,996 --> 00:19:15,658 she gallops night by night through lovers' brains,
292 00:19:15,732 --> 00:19:19,168 and then they dream of love,
293 00:19:19,235 --> 00:19:23,672 o'er ladies' lips, who straight on kisses dream,
294 00:19:23,740 --> 00:19:29,178 which oft the angry Mab with blisters plagues,
295 00:19:29,245 --> 00:19:32,180 because their breaths with, er,
296 00:19:32,248 --> 00:19:33,681 sweetmeats tainted are.
297 00:19:33,750 --> 00:19:37,186 And sometime comes she with a tithe-pig's tail,
298 00:19:37,253 --> 00:19:40,188 tickling the parson's nose as he lies asleep,
299 00:19:40,256 --> 00:19:45,319 and dreams he of another benefice.
300 00:19:45,395 --> 00:19:49,195 [all] Amen.
301 00:19:49,265 --> 00:19:50,732 [laughter]
302 00:19:50,800 --> 00:19:53,564 Sometimes she driveth o'er a soldier's neck,
303 00:19:53,636 --> 00:19:55,069 and then dreams he
304 00:19:55,138 --> 00:19:58,505 of cutting foreign throats, of breaches,
305 00:19:58,574 --> 00:20:01,702 ambuscadoes, spanish blades, drums in his ear,
306 00:20:01,778 --> 00:20:03,211 at which he starts and wakes;
307 00:20:03,279 --> 00:20:06,715 and being thus frighted tries a prayer or two...
308 00:20:11,788 --> 00:20:14,222 and sleeps again.
309 00:20:14,290 --> 00:20:16,224 This is that very Mab
310 00:20:16,292 --> 00:20:19,227 that plaits the manes of horses in the night,
311 00:20:19,295 --> 00:20:23,231 and bakes the elf-locks in foul sluttish hairs,
312 00:20:23,299 --> 00:20:26,860 which once untangled much misfortune bodes.
313 00:20:26,936 --> 00:20:31,236 This is the hag, when maids lie on their backs,
314 00:20:31,307 --> 00:20:34,743 that presses them and learns them first to bear
315 00:20:34,811 --> 00:20:39,248 making them women of good carriage.
316 00:20:39,315 --> 00:20:41,044 This is she...
317 00:20:41,117 --> 00:20:44,245 This is she that...
318 00:20:44,320 --> 00:20:48,017 This...is she.
319 00:20:55,331 --> 00:20:57,765 Peace, Mercutio, peace.
320 00:20:57,834 --> 00:21:00,200 Thou talk'st of nothing.
321 00:21:00,269 --> 00:21:04,706 Thou talk'st of nothing.
322 00:21:07,276 --> 00:21:08,903 True.
323 00:21:08,978 --> 00:21:13,210 True, I talk of dreams;
324 00:21:13,282 --> 00:21:17,218 which are the children of an idle brain...
325 00:21:18,788 --> 00:21:23,225 Begot of nothing but vain fantasy;
326 00:21:23,292 --> 00:21:27,729 which is as thin of substance as the air,
327 00:21:27,797 --> 00:21:30,732 and more inconstant than the wind
328 00:21:30,800 --> 00:21:34,236 who woos even now the frozen bosom of the north,
329 00:21:34,303 --> 00:21:38,239 and being angered puffs away from thence,
330 00:21:38,307 --> 00:21:41,242 turning his side to the dew-dropping south.
331 00:21:45,615 --> 00:21:49,745 This wind you talk of blows us from ourselves.
332 00:21:49,819 --> 00:21:53,755 Strike drum. Come, lusty gentlemen.
333 00:21:53,823 --> 00:21:56,314 [music playing]
334 00:21:56,392 --> 00:21:57,757 [singing]
335 00:21:59,829 --> 00:22:02,195 Romeo, we shall arrive too late.
336 00:22:04,200 --> 00:22:06,691 I fear too early...
337 00:22:08,271 --> 00:22:10,705 For my mind misgives...
338 00:22:10,773 --> 00:22:14,209 Some consequence, yet hanging in the stars,
339 00:22:14,277 --> 00:22:19,214 shall bitterly begin his fearful date
340 00:22:19,282 --> 00:22:21,716 with this night's revels,
341 00:22:21,784 --> 00:22:24,719 and expire the term of a despised life
342 00:22:24,787 --> 00:22:27,722 closed in my breast,
343 00:22:27,790 --> 00:22:32,727 by some vile forfeit of untimely death.
344 00:22:32,795 --> 00:22:34,228 [bell tolling]
345 00:22:37,800 --> 00:22:41,236 But he that hath the steerage of my course...
346 00:22:43,306 --> 00:22:45,240 Direct my sail.
347 00:22:50,179 --> 00:22:54,240 Enter my poor house. Vido, vido, welcome.
348 00:22:54,317 --> 00:22:59,254 Oh, my lovely Helena, my lovely niece.
349 00:22:59,322 --> 00:23:02,189 Welcome all! Be merry, gentlemen.
350 00:23:02,258 --> 00:23:05,193 Be lively, ladies. Ahoy! Ahoy!
351 00:23:05,261 --> 00:23:06,694 Welcome, gentlemen.
352 00:23:06,762 --> 00:23:09,196 I have seen the day that I have worn a visor
353 00:23:09,265 --> 00:23:11,699 and could tell a whispering tale in a fair lady's ear,
354 00:23:11,767 --> 00:23:13,200 such as would please.
355 00:23:13,269 --> 00:23:16,204 'Tis gone, 'tis gone. You are welcome, gentlemen.
356 00:23:16,272 --> 00:23:19,207 Ladies, ho, ho!
357 00:23:19,275 --> 00:23:20,708 [music playing]
358 00:25:59,101 --> 00:26:03,162 She doth teach the torches to burn bright.
359 00:26:05,241 --> 00:26:07,903 It seems she hangs upon the cheek of night
360 00:26:07,977 --> 00:26:11,174 as a rich jewel in an Ethiop's ear;,
361 00:26:11,247 --> 00:26:16,776 beauty too rich for use, for earth too dear.
362 00:26:18,754 --> 00:26:22,212 So shows a snowy dove trooping with crows,
363 00:26:22,291 --> 00:26:26,819 as yonder lady o'er her fellow shows.
364 00:26:31,767 --> 00:26:34,065 Did my heart love till now?
365 00:26:34,136 --> 00:26:37,628 Forswear it sight,
366 00:26:37,707 --> 00:26:42,076 for I ne'er saw true beauty till this night.
367 00:26:50,786 --> 00:26:52,913 This by his voice should be a Montague.
368 00:27:00,863 --> 00:27:04,663 Uncle, this is a Montague, our foe;
369 00:27:04,734 --> 00:27:06,668 a villain that is hither come in spite,
370 00:27:06,736 --> 00:27:08,670 to scorn at our solemnity this night.
371 00:27:08,738 --> 00:27:10,262 Young Romeo is it?
372 00:27:10,339 --> 00:27:12,671 Dares the slave come hither covered in an antic face,
373 00:27:12,742 --> 00:27:14,505 to fear and scorn at our solemnity?
374 00:27:14,577 --> 00:27:16,670 'A bears him like a courtly gentleman;
375 00:27:16,746 --> 00:27:18,680 and to say truth, Verona brags of him
376 00:27:18,748 --> 00:27:20,682 to be a virtuous and well managed youth.
377 00:27:20,750 --> 00:27:22,684 I would not for the wealth of all this town
378 00:27:22,752 --> 00:27:24,686 here in my house do him disparagement.
379 00:27:24,754 --> 00:27:27,052 Therefore have patience, take no note of him.
380 00:27:27,123 --> 00:27:29,683 The Moureska!
381 00:27:29,759 --> 00:27:31,192 The Moureska!
382 00:27:31,260 --> 00:27:32,693 [jingling]
383 00:27:47,777 --> 00:27:49,142 [laughs]
384 00:27:50,780 --> 00:27:53,495 [music plays]
385 00:29:04,666 --> 00:29:07,601 Why, Uncle, 'tis a shame!
386 00:29:07,669 --> 00:29:09,159 Go to.
387 00:29:09,237 --> 00:29:11,603 You are a saucy boy.
388 00:29:11,673 --> 00:29:14,107 You'll make a mutiny among my guests!
389 00:29:14,176 --> 00:29:16,610 Am I the master here, or you?
390 00:29:16,678 --> 00:29:18,111 I will not endure him.
391 00:29:18,180 --> 00:29:20,307 You will not endure! He shall be endured!
392 00:29:20,382 --> 00:29:21,815 Or I know what!
393 00:29:23,685 --> 00:29:26,620 Well said, my hearts.
394 00:29:35,197 --> 00:29:37,631 You're a princox.
395 00:29:37,699 --> 00:29:39,826 Be quiet or...
396 00:29:41,403 --> 00:29:42,802 Ah.
397 00:29:47,209 --> 00:29:49,643 For shame! I'll make you quiet.
398 00:30:55,610 --> 00:30:59,205 Leonardo will sing!
399 00:30:59,281 --> 00:31:01,875 Leonardo, I pray thee, sing.
400 00:31:12,694 --> 00:31:16,494 What is a youth?
401 00:31:16,565 --> 00:31:20,296 Impetuous fire
402 00:31:20,368 --> 00:31:24,236 What is a maid?
403 00:31:24,306 --> 00:31:27,537 Ice and desire
404 00:31:27,609 --> 00:31:31,010 The world wags on
405 00:31:31,079 --> 00:31:35,516 A rose will bloom
406 00:31:35,584 --> 00:31:39,987 It then will fade
407 00:31:40,055 --> 00:31:44,492 So does a youth
408 00:31:44,559 --> 00:31:53,433 So does the fairest maid
409 00:31:53,502 --> 00:31:56,733 Comes the time
410 00:31:56,805 --> 00:31:58,238 When one sweet smile
411 00:31:58,306 --> 00:32:03,767 Has its season for a while
412 00:32:03,845 --> 00:32:09,681 Then love's in love with me
413 00:32:09,751 --> 00:32:13,517 Some may think only to marry
414 00:32:13,588 --> 00:32:17,149 Others will tease and tarry
415 00:32:17,225 --> 00:32:20,592 Mine is the very best parry
416 00:32:20,662 --> 00:32:24,325 Cupid he rules us all
417 00:32:24,399 --> 00:32:27,994 Caper the caper, sing me the song
418 00:32:28,069 --> 00:32:31,470 Death will come soon to hush us along
419 00:32:31,540 --> 00:32:34,998 Sweeter than honey and bitter as gall
420 00:32:35,076 --> 00:32:38,603 Love is a pastime that never will pall
421 00:32:38,680 --> 00:32:42,673 Sweeter than honey and bitter as gall
422 00:32:42,751 --> 00:32:48,519 Cupid he rules us all
423 00:33:07,342 --> 00:33:12,143 A rose will bloom
424 00:33:12,214 --> 00:33:16,241 And then will fade
425 00:33:16,318 --> 00:33:23,156 So does a youth
426 00:33:23,225 --> 00:33:32,896 So does the fairest maid
427 00:33:34,469 --> 00:33:38,667 If I profane with my unworthiest hand
428 00:33:38,740 --> 00:33:41,174 this holy shrine,
429 00:33:41,243 --> 00:33:44,303 the gentle sin is this;
430 00:33:44,379 --> 00:33:50,579 my lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand
431 00:33:50,652 --> 00:33:57,490 to smooth the rough touch with a gentle kiss.
432 00:33:57,559 --> 00:33:59,823 Oh.
433 00:34:14,209 --> 00:34:20,148 Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much
434 00:34:20,215 --> 00:34:24,151 which mannerly devotion shows in this;
435 00:34:24,219 --> 00:34:28,656 for saints have hands that pilgrims' hands do touch
436 00:34:28,723 --> 00:34:33,660 and palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss.
437 00:34:33,728 --> 00:34:37,664 Have not saints lips, and holy palmers too?
438 00:34:37,732 --> 00:34:41,668 Ay, pilgrim, lips that they must use in prayer.
439 00:34:41,736 --> 00:34:43,169 Oh...
440 00:34:43,238 --> 00:34:47,174 O then, dear saint,
441 00:34:47,242 --> 00:34:51,679 let lips do what hands do...
442 00:34:56,751 --> 00:35:02,121 They pray, grant thou,
443 00:35:02,190 --> 00:35:04,624 lest faith turn to despair.
444 00:35:04,693 --> 00:35:06,627 Saints do not move,
445 00:35:06,695 --> 00:35:08,629 though grants for prayers' sake.
446 00:35:08,697 --> 00:35:10,631 Then move not...
447 00:35:14,202 --> 00:35:17,638 While my prayer's effect I take.
448 00:35:20,208 --> 00:35:27,137 Thus from my lips, by thine,
449 00:35:27,215 --> 00:35:30,810 my sin is purged.
450 00:35:40,729 --> 00:35:44,665 Then have my lips the sin that they have took.
451 00:35:44,733 --> 00:35:46,667 Sin from my lips!
452 00:35:46,735 --> 00:35:48,669 O trespass sweetly urged!
453 00:35:48,737 --> 00:35:51,672 Give me my sin again.
454 00:35:53,408 --> 00:35:58,175 A rose will bloom
455 00:35:58,246 --> 00:36:01,443 It then will fade
456 00:36:01,516 --> 00:36:07,580 So does a youth
457 00:36:07,655 --> 00:36:20,557 So does the fairest maid
458 00:36:29,377 --> 00:36:30,639 Juliet!
459 00:36:30,712 --> 00:36:33,306 Lady Juliet!
460 00:36:33,381 --> 00:36:35,076 Nurse?
461 00:36:35,150 --> 00:36:37,812 Your mother craves a word with you.
462 00:36:40,822 --> 00:36:43,382 Make haste, make haste!
463 00:36:48,229 --> 00:36:49,662 What is her mother?
464 00:36:49,731 --> 00:36:51,164 Hmm. Merry, bachelor,
465 00:36:51,232 --> 00:36:54,167 her mother is the lady of the house,
466 00:36:54,235 --> 00:36:57,170 and a good lady, and wise, and virtuous;
467 00:36:57,238 --> 00:36:59,672 I nursed her daughter that you talked withal.
468 00:36:59,741 --> 00:37:00,765 Hmm.
469 00:37:06,681 --> 00:37:09,616 I tell you he that shall lay hold of her
470 00:37:09,684 --> 00:37:12,118 shall have the chinks.
471 00:37:13,922 --> 00:37:17,688 Is she a Capulet?
472 00:37:19,093 --> 00:37:22,119 Ah, dear account!
473 00:37:22,197 --> 00:37:25,462 My life is my foe's debt.
474 00:37:30,438 --> 00:37:33,339 What, ho, my mistresses?
475 00:37:33,408 --> 00:37:35,137 What, will you be gone?
476 00:37:35,210 --> 00:37:37,644 It seems so, poor God, it is so very late.
477 00:37:37,712 --> 00:37:39,907 We'll call it early, by and by.
478 00:37:39,981 --> 00:37:42,279 Good night, sweet, my Lady Juliet.
479 00:37:47,222 --> 00:37:48,655 Come hither, nurse.
480 00:37:48,723 --> 00:37:50,657 Hmm?
481 00:37:50,725 --> 00:37:52,283 What is yon gentleman?
482 00:37:52,360 --> 00:37:53,657 Count Paris.
483 00:37:53,728 --> 00:37:57,289 No. What's he that follows there?
484 00:37:59,367 --> 00:38:01,096 Oh! I know not.
485 00:38:01,169 --> 00:38:03,103 Go, ask his name.
486 00:38:05,673 --> 00:38:08,608 Hmm. Romeo, of the house of Montague.
487 00:38:08,676 --> 00:38:10,234 What?
488 00:38:10,311 --> 00:38:13,246 His name is Romeo, and a Montague;
489 00:38:13,314 --> 00:38:15,942 the only son of your great enemy.
490 00:38:22,690 --> 00:38:27,627 My only love sprung from my only hate,
491 00:38:27,695 --> 00:38:32,632 too early seen unknown, and known too late!
492 00:38:34,702 --> 00:38:36,135 Oh!
493 00:38:36,204 --> 00:38:39,139 Prodigious birth of love it is to me
494 00:38:39,207 --> 00:38:42,005 that I must love a loathed enemy.
495 00:38:51,719 --> 00:38:53,152 Juliet!
496 00:38:53,221 --> 00:38:55,689 My Lady Juliet!
497 00:38:55,757 --> 00:38:59,158 Madam!
498 00:38:59,227 --> 00:39:03,425 Romeo!
499 00:39:07,001 --> 00:39:08,263 Juliet!
500 00:39:09,671 --> 00:39:13,107 Romeo!
501 00:39:13,174 --> 00:39:15,768 Lady Juliet!
502 00:39:17,111 --> 00:39:18,601 Juliet!
503 00:39:18,680 --> 00:39:22,741 Romeo!
504 00:39:24,018 --> 00:39:25,610 [horn blows]
505 00:39:25,687 --> 00:39:28,121 Romeo!
506 00:39:28,189 --> 00:39:30,123 Romeo!
507 00:39:30,191 --> 00:39:32,125 [laughter]
508 00:39:32,193 --> 00:39:35,128 Romeo!
509 00:39:35,196 --> 00:39:37,630 Romeo!
510 00:39:37,699 --> 00:39:39,223 Romeo!
511 00:39:39,300 --> 00:39:41,632 Romeo!
512 00:39:41,703 --> 00:39:44,638 Romeo!
513 00:39:44,706 --> 00:39:48,142 1, 2, 3.
514 00:39:48,209 --> 00:39:53,647 - Romeo! - Romeo!
515 00:39:53,715 --> 00:39:55,148 He is wise,
516 00:39:55,216 --> 00:39:58,344 and on my life hath stolen him home to bed.
517 00:39:58,419 --> 00:39:59,647 He leaped this orchard wall.
518 00:39:59,721 --> 00:40:00,847 Call, good Mercutio.
519 00:40:00,922 --> 00:40:02,150 Romeo!
520 00:40:02,223 --> 00:40:05,351 [whistles]
521 00:40:05,426 --> 00:40:07,394 Romeo! Passion! Lover!
522 00:40:07,462 --> 00:40:09,930 O-hooo! Madman!
523 00:40:09,998 --> 00:40:12,330 O-hooo! Romeo!
524 00:40:12,400 --> 00:40:16,496 He heareth not, he stirreth not, he moveth not.
525 00:40:16,571 --> 00:40:18,004 The ape is dead.
526 00:40:18,072 --> 00:40:23,973 He jests at scars that never felt a wound.
527 00:40:24,140 --> 00:40:26,631 Romeo, it's all right.
528 00:40:26,709 --> 00:40:28,301 [dog barking]
529 00:40:29,712 --> 00:40:31,543 But soft,
530 00:40:31,614 --> 00:40:35,778 what light through yonder window breaks?
531 00:40:48,364 --> 00:40:49,888 [bell ringing]
532 00:41:02,145 --> 00:41:04,409 It is my lady,
533 00:41:04,480 --> 00:41:09,508 oh, it is my love.
534 00:41:09,585 --> 00:41:11,485 Oh...
535 00:41:11,554 --> 00:41:15,012 O that she knew she were.
536 00:41:15,091 --> 00:41:18,527 She speaks, yet she says nothing.
537 00:41:18,594 --> 00:41:20,755 What of that?
538 00:41:22,598 --> 00:41:27,035 Her eye discourses, I will answer it.
539 00:41:27,103 --> 00:41:30,038 I am too bold,
540 00:41:30,106 --> 00:41:33,041 'tis not to me she speaks.
541 00:41:33,109 --> 00:41:37,546 Two of the fairest stars in all the heavens,
542 00:41:37,613 --> 00:41:41,049 having some business, do entreat her eyes
543 00:41:41,117 --> 00:41:45,053 to twinkle in their spheres till they return.
544 00:41:45,121 --> 00:41:48,181 See how she leans her cheek upon her hand.
545 00:41:48,257 --> 00:41:51,693 Oh, that I were a glove upon that hand,
546 00:41:51,761 --> 00:41:54,286 that I might touch that cheek.
547 00:41:56,132 --> 00:41:57,895 Ay me!
548 00:41:57,967 --> 00:41:59,958 She speaks.
549 00:42:05,374 --> 00:42:08,707 Oh, speak again, bright angel.
550 00:42:08,778 --> 00:42:13,511 O Romeo, Romeo,
551 00:42:13,583 --> 00:42:17,019 wherefore art thou, Romeo?
552 00:42:17,086 --> 00:42:22,149 Deny thy father, and refuse thy name.
553 00:42:22,225 --> 00:42:26,161 Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love,
554 00:42:26,229 --> 00:42:28,527 and I'll no longer be a Capulet.
555 00:42:28,598 --> 00:42:30,031 Shall I hear more,
556 00:42:30,099 --> 00:42:32,033 or shall I speak at this?
557 00:42:32,101 --> 00:42:34,035 'Tis but thy name that is my enemy.
558 00:42:34,103 --> 00:42:37,834 Thou art thyself, though not a Montague.
559 00:42:40,443 --> 00:42:42,138 What is Montague?
560 00:42:43,613 --> 00:42:49,176 It is nor hand nor foot, nor arm nor face
561 00:42:49,252 --> 00:42:53,052 nor any other part belonging to a man.
562 00:42:53,122 --> 00:42:56,285 O be some other name.
563 00:42:58,127 --> 00:43:00,288 What's in a name?
564 00:43:00,363 --> 00:43:02,797 That which we call a rose
565 00:43:02,865 --> 00:43:05,800 by any other name would smell as sweet;
566 00:43:05,868 --> 00:43:09,497 so Romeo would, were he not Romeo called,
567 00:43:09,572 --> 00:43:12,006 retain that dear perfection
568 00:43:12,074 --> 00:43:15,043 which he owes without that title.
569 00:43:15,111 --> 00:43:18,512 Romeo, doff thy name,
570 00:43:18,581 --> 00:43:21,516 and for that name which is no part of thee,
571 00:43:21,584 --> 00:43:23,677 take all myself.
572 00:43:26,422 --> 00:43:28,720 I'll take thee at thy word.
573 00:43:28,791 --> 00:43:30,782 Call me but love, and I'll be new baptized;
574 00:43:30,860 --> 00:43:34,023 henceforth I never will be Romeo.
575 00:43:34,096 --> 00:43:37,532 What man art thou, that thus bescreened in night
576 00:43:37,600 --> 00:43:39,295 so stumblest on my counsel?
577 00:43:39,368 --> 00:43:43,168 By a name I know not how to tell thee who I am.
578 00:43:43,239 --> 00:43:45,036 My name, dear saint, is hateful to myself,
579 00:43:45,107 --> 00:43:46,472 because it is an enemy to thee.
580 00:43:46,542 --> 00:43:49,340 Had I it written, I would tear the word.
581 00:43:52,114 --> 00:43:54,548 My ears have not yet drunk
582 00:43:54,617 --> 00:43:57,552 a hundred words of that tongue's utterance,
583 00:43:57,620 --> 00:43:59,554 yet I know the sound.
584 00:43:59,622 --> 00:44:02,682 Art thou not Romeo, and a Montague?
585 00:44:02,758 --> 00:44:05,192 Neither, fair maid, if either thee dislike.
586 00:44:05,261 --> 00:44:07,991 How cam'st thou hither, tell me and wherefore?
587 00:44:08,064 --> 00:44:10,498 The orchard walls are high and hard to climb,
588 00:44:10,566 --> 00:44:12,830 and the place death, considering who thou art,
589 00:44:12,902 --> 00:44:15,496 if any of my kinsmen find thee here.
590 00:44:15,571 --> 00:44:17,004 With love's light wings
591 00:44:17,073 --> 00:44:19,007 did I o'er perch these walls,
592 00:44:19,075 --> 00:44:21,509 for stony limits cannot hold love out,
593 00:44:21,577 --> 00:44:24,512 and what love can do, that dares love attempt.
594 00:44:24,580 --> 00:44:26,309 Therefore thy kinsmen are no stop to me.
595 00:44:26,382 --> 00:44:27,440 Sshhh!
596 00:44:29,585 --> 00:44:32,554 If they do see thee, they will murder thee.
597 00:44:32,622 --> 00:44:37,025 I have night's cloak to hide me from their eyes.
598 00:44:37,093 --> 00:44:40,085 And but thou love me...
599 00:44:41,931 --> 00:44:43,865 Let them find me here
600 00:44:43,933 --> 00:44:46,868 my life were better ended by their hate,
601 00:44:46,936 --> 00:44:50,269 than death prorogued, wanting of thy love.
602 00:44:53,109 --> 00:44:55,009 Dost thou love me?
603 00:44:55,077 --> 00:44:58,240 I know thou wilt say ay, and I will take thy word;
604 00:44:58,314 --> 00:44:59,747 yet if thou swearest,
605 00:44:59,815 --> 00:45:01,180 thou mayst prove false;
606 00:45:01,250 --> 00:45:05,653 at lovers' perjuries they say jove laughs.
607 00:45:05,721 --> 00:45:07,985 O gentle Romeo,
608 00:45:08,057 --> 00:45:13,154 if thou dost love, pronounce it faithfully.
609 00:45:13,229 --> 00:45:15,993 Or if thou thinkest I am too quickly won,
610 00:45:16,065 --> 00:45:19,557 I'll frown and be perverse, and say thee nay,
611 00:45:19,635 --> 00:45:22,934 so thou wilt woo but else not for the world.
612 00:45:23,005 --> 00:45:28,170 In truth, fair Montague, I am too fond...
613 00:45:31,247 --> 00:45:33,681 And therefore thou mayst think my haviour light.
614 00:45:33,749 --> 00:45:34,841 No.
615 00:45:34,917 --> 00:45:37,681 But trust me, gentleman, I'll prove more true
616 00:45:37,753 --> 00:45:39,721 than those that have more cunning to be strange.
617 00:45:42,758 --> 00:45:45,192 I should have been more strange,
618 00:45:45,261 --> 00:45:46,694 I must confess,
619 00:45:46,762 --> 00:45:49,697 but that thou overheard'st, ere I was ware,
620 00:45:49,765 --> 00:45:52,199 my true love's passion;
621 00:45:52,268 --> 00:45:56,136 therefore pardon me,
622 00:45:56,205 --> 00:45:59,140 and not impute this yielding to light love,
623 00:45:59,208 --> 00:46:02,075 which the dark night hath so discovered.
624 00:46:02,144 --> 00:46:05,636 Lady, by yonder blessed moon, I swear.
625 00:46:05,715 --> 00:46:07,615 Oh, swear not by the moon,
626 00:46:07,683 --> 00:46:09,150 th'inconstant moon,
627 00:46:09,218 --> 00:46:13,655 that monthly changes in her circled orb,
628 00:46:13,723 --> 00:46:17,750 lest that thy love prove likewise variable.
629 00:46:17,827 --> 00:46:20,227 What shall I swear by?
630 00:46:20,296 --> 00:46:22,230 Do not swear at all.
631 00:46:22,298 --> 00:46:26,667 Or if thou wilt...
632 00:46:26,736 --> 00:46:28,670 Swear by thy gracious self,
633 00:46:28,738 --> 00:46:31,673 which is the god of my idolatry,
634 00:46:31,741 --> 00:46:34,175 and I'll believe thee.
635 00:46:34,243 --> 00:46:39,237 If my heart's dear love, I swear...
636 00:46:39,315 --> 00:46:41,180 Oh, Juliet!
637 00:46:57,266 --> 00:47:00,633 Sweet, good night.
638 00:47:00,703 --> 00:47:04,139 This bud of love by summer's ripening breath
639 00:47:04,206 --> 00:47:08,142 may prove a beauteous flower when next we meet.
640 00:47:14,717 --> 00:47:19,313 Good night, good night.
641 00:47:19,388 --> 00:47:22,824 As sweet repose and rest come to thy heart
642 00:47:22,892 --> 00:47:25,827 as that within my breast.
643 00:47:31,734 --> 00:47:34,202 O, wilt thou leave me so unsatisfied?
644 00:47:35,771 --> 00:47:39,036 What satisfaction canst thou have tonight?
645 00:47:39,108 --> 00:47:42,942 Th' exchange of thy love's faithful vow for mine.
646 00:47:43,012 --> 00:47:44,673 Ahh.
647 00:47:54,256 --> 00:47:58,192 I gave thee mine before thou didst request it.
648 00:47:58,260 --> 00:48:00,990 And yet I would it were to give again.
649 00:48:03,699 --> 00:48:05,633 Wouldst thou withdraw it?
650 00:48:05,701 --> 00:48:07,965 For what purpose, love?
651 00:48:08,037 --> 00:48:12,974 But to be frank and give it thee again.
652 00:48:16,512 --> 00:48:22,644 And yet I wish but for the thing I have,
653 00:48:22,718 --> 00:48:25,653 my bounty is as boundless as the sea,
654 00:48:25,721 --> 00:48:27,154 my love as deep.
655 00:48:27,223 --> 00:48:30,158 The more I give to thee, the more I have,
656 00:48:30,226 --> 00:48:32,160 for both are infinite.
657 00:48:32,228 --> 00:48:33,661 Juliet!
658 00:48:33,729 --> 00:48:35,162 Anon, good nurse!
659 00:48:35,231 --> 00:48:38,667 Sweet Montague, be true.
660 00:48:38,734 --> 00:48:41,168 Madam!
661 00:48:41,237 --> 00:48:44,172 Stay but a little, I will come again.
662 00:48:44,240 --> 00:48:46,674 Madam! Lady Juliet!
663 00:48:54,750 --> 00:48:57,344 O blessed, blessed night!
664 00:48:59,088 --> 00:49:01,955 Oh! I am afeard, being in night,
665 00:49:02,024 --> 00:49:04,117 all this is but a dream,
666 00:49:04,193 --> 00:49:06,627 too flattering-sweet to be substantial.
667 00:49:06,695 --> 00:49:10,688 Three words, dear Romeo, and good night indeed.
668 00:49:10,766 --> 00:49:13,633 If that thy bent of love be honorable,
669 00:49:13,702 --> 00:49:16,136 thy purpose marriage, send me word tomorrow,
670 00:49:16,205 --> 00:49:18,696 by one that I'll procure to come to thee.
671 00:49:18,774 --> 00:49:21,641 Where and what time thou wilt perform the rite,
672 00:49:21,710 --> 00:49:24,144 and all my fortunes at thy foot I'll lay
673 00:49:24,213 --> 00:49:26,875 and follow thee, my lord, throughout the world.
674 00:49:26,949 --> 00:49:28,143 Madam!
675 00:49:28,217 --> 00:49:31,277 I come, anon.
676 00:49:31,353 --> 00:49:34,652 But if thou meanest not well, I do beseech thee--
677 00:49:34,723 --> 00:49:35,815 Lady Juliet!
678 00:49:35,891 --> 00:49:37,153 By and by I come!
679 00:49:37,226 --> 00:49:40,389 To cease thy suit and leave me to my grief.
680 00:49:40,462 --> 00:49:41,895 Tomorrow will I send.
681 00:49:41,964 --> 00:49:44,524 So thrive my soul.
682 00:49:44,600 --> 00:49:47,262 A thousand times good night!
683 00:49:51,040 --> 00:49:52,667 Romeo!
684 00:49:52,741 --> 00:49:55,471 At what o'clock tomorrow shall I send to thee?
685 00:49:55,544 --> 00:49:56,670 At the hour of nine.
686 00:49:56,745 --> 00:49:58,679 I will not fail.
687 00:49:58,747 --> 00:50:00,977 'Tis twenty years till then.
688 00:50:02,351 --> 00:50:03,283 Romeo!
689 00:50:11,760 --> 00:50:14,126 I have forgot why I did call thee back.
690 00:50:15,597 --> 00:50:17,690 Let me stand here till thou remember it.
691 00:50:17,766 --> 00:50:21,202 I shall forget, to have thee still stand there,
692 00:50:21,270 --> 00:50:22,430 remembering how I love thy company.
693 00:50:22,504 --> 00:50:23,937 And I'll still stay,
694 00:50:24,006 --> 00:50:25,940 to have thee still forget,
695 00:50:26,008 --> 00:50:28,943 forgetting any other home but this.
696 00:50:29,011 --> 00:50:31,275 Ahh.
697 00:50:48,163 --> 00:50:50,529 [rooster crowing]
698 00:50:56,105 --> 00:50:59,040 Good night, good night!
699 00:50:59,108 --> 00:51:02,669 Parting is such sweet sorrow
700 00:51:02,745 --> 00:51:05,805 that I shall say good night till it be morrow.
701 00:51:47,056 --> 00:51:48,717 Woo!
702 00:52:14,883 --> 00:52:16,180 Woo!
703 00:53:06,502 --> 00:53:09,369 Friar Laurence!
704 00:53:09,438 --> 00:53:12,168 What early tongue so sweet saluteth me?
705 00:53:12,241 --> 00:53:14,175 Good morrow, father!
706 00:53:14,243 --> 00:53:16,177 Ha ha ha!
707 00:53:16,245 --> 00:53:18,679 Hey!
708 00:53:21,731 --> 00:53:24,427 Young son, it argues a distempered head
709 00:53:24,500 --> 00:53:27,936 so soon to bid good morrow to thy bed.
710 00:53:28,004 --> 00:53:30,029 Therefore thy earliness doth me assure
711 00:53:30,106 --> 00:53:32,040 thou art uproused with some distemperature.
712 00:53:32,108 --> 00:53:35,544 Or if not so, then here I put it right
713 00:53:35,611 --> 00:53:38,045 our Romeo hath not been in bed tonight.
714 00:53:38,114 --> 00:53:41,277 The last is true. The sweeter rest was mine.
715 00:53:41,351 --> 00:53:43,546 God pardon sin! Wast thou with Rosaline?
716 00:53:43,619 --> 00:53:46,053 With Rosaline, my ghostly father, no.
717 00:53:46,122 --> 00:53:49,057 I have forgot that name and that name's woe.
718 00:53:49,125 --> 00:53:50,558 That's my good son.
719 00:53:50,626 --> 00:53:52,560 Well, where hast thou been then?
720 00:53:52,628 --> 00:53:55,062 I'll tell thee ere thou ask it me again.
721 00:53:55,131 --> 00:53:57,565 I have been feasting with mine enemy,
722 00:53:57,633 --> 00:53:59,999 where on a sudden one hath wounded me.
723 00:54:00,069 --> 00:54:03,004 Be plain, good son, and homely in thy drift.
724 00:54:03,072 --> 00:54:05,199 Riddling confession finds but riddling shrift.
725 00:54:05,274 --> 00:54:09,005 Then plainly know my heart's dear love is set,
726 00:54:09,078 --> 00:54:11,512 on the fair daughter of rich Capulet.
727 00:54:11,581 --> 00:54:15,017 As mine on hers, so hers is set on mine,
728 00:54:15,084 --> 00:54:17,518 and all combined, save what thou must combine
729 00:54:17,587 --> 00:54:19,521 by holy marriage.
730 00:54:19,589 --> 00:54:21,523 When and where, and how we met,
731 00:54:21,591 --> 00:54:24,025 we woo'd, and made exchange of vow,
732 00:54:24,093 --> 00:54:25,424 I'll tell thee as we pass.
733 00:54:25,495 --> 00:54:27,019 But this I pray,
734 00:54:27,096 --> 00:54:29,360 that thou consent to marry us today.
735 00:54:29,432 --> 00:54:31,525 Hmmm?
736 00:54:31,601 --> 00:54:33,796 Holy Saint Francis!
737 00:54:33,870 --> 00:54:36,031 Is Rosaline, that thou didst love so dear,
738 00:54:36,105 --> 00:54:37,538 so soon forsaken?
739 00:54:37,607 --> 00:54:39,541 Thou doest not mock me, Father!
740 00:54:39,609 --> 00:54:42,544 Young men's love then lies not truly in their hearts,
741 00:54:42,612 --> 00:54:44,045 but in their eyes.
742 00:54:44,113 --> 00:54:45,546 Hear me, Father.
743 00:54:45,615 --> 00:54:47,549 Jesu Maria! What a deal of brine
744 00:54:47,617 --> 00:54:50,051 hath washed thy sallow cheeks for Rosaline!
745 00:54:50,119 --> 00:54:51,552 And art thou changed?
746 00:54:51,621 --> 00:54:53,054 Pronounce this sentence then.
747 00:54:53,122 --> 00:54:56,057 Women may fall when there's no strength in men.
748 00:54:56,125 --> 00:54:58,559 Thou chidst me oft for loving Rosaline.
749 00:54:58,628 --> 00:55:00,562 Doting, not for loving, pupil mine.
750 00:55:00,630 --> 00:55:03,724 Yes, for loving and, and badest me bury love.
751 00:55:03,800 --> 00:55:06,735 Not in a grave to lay one in,
752 00:55:06,803 --> 00:55:08,327 another out to have.
753 00:55:23,586 --> 00:55:26,020 Come, young waverer,
754 00:55:26,089 --> 00:55:28,523 come, go with me.
755 00:55:28,591 --> 00:55:32,527 In one respect I'll thy assistant be.
756 00:55:32,595 --> 00:55:34,028 O Father!
757 00:55:35,431 --> 00:55:38,025 For this alliance may so happy prove
758 00:55:38,101 --> 00:55:40,535 to turn your households' rancor to pure love.
759 00:55:40,603 --> 00:55:42,036 O, let us hence!
760 00:55:42,105 --> 00:55:44,039 I stand on sudden haste.
761 00:55:44,107 --> 00:55:45,540 Shh! Wisely and slow,
762 00:55:45,608 --> 00:55:48,543 they stumble that run fast.
763 00:55:48,611 --> 00:55:50,044 Ha ha ha!
764 00:55:50,113 --> 00:55:51,512 Shh!
765 00:55:55,618 --> 00:55:58,052 Where the devil should this Romeo be?
766 00:55:58,121 --> 00:55:59,554 Hmm?
767 00:56:01,057 --> 00:56:02,991 Came he not home tonight?
768 00:56:03,059 --> 00:56:05,493 Hmm?
769 00:56:05,561 --> 00:56:06,994 Huh?
770 00:56:07,063 --> 00:56:08,997 Came he not home tonight?
771 00:56:09,065 --> 00:56:09,997 Who?
772 00:56:10,066 --> 00:56:11,192 Romeo.
773 00:56:11,267 --> 00:56:14,998 O no, not to his father's. I spoke with his man.
774 00:56:15,071 --> 00:56:17,505 Hey, Tybalt, the kinsman to old Capulet,
775 00:56:17,573 --> 00:56:20,508 hath sent a letter to his father's house.
776 00:56:22,078 --> 00:56:24,012 A challenge, on my life.
777 00:56:24,080 --> 00:56:25,513 Romeo will answer it.
778 00:56:25,581 --> 00:56:28,516 Any man that can write may answer a letter.
779 00:56:28,584 --> 00:56:31,519 Nay, he will answer the letter's master,
780 00:56:31,587 --> 00:56:33,521 how he dares, being dared.
781 00:56:33,589 --> 00:56:36,023 Alas, poor Romeo, he is already dead;
782 00:56:36,092 --> 00:56:38,526 stabbed with a white wench's black eye;
783 00:56:38,594 --> 00:56:41,529 run through the ear with a love song;
784 00:56:41,597 --> 00:56:44,532 the very pin of his heart cleft
785 00:56:44,600 --> 00:56:47,535 with the blind bow-boy's buttshaft.
786 00:56:49,807 --> 00:56:52,503 And is he a man to encounter Tybalt?
787 00:56:52,576 --> 00:56:55,409 Why, what is Tybalt!
788 00:56:55,479 --> 00:56:59,279 More than Prince of Cats, I can tell you.
789 00:57:04,722 --> 00:57:06,349 Ah, good morrow to you both.
790 00:57:09,560 --> 00:57:11,494 [sniff]
791 00:57:11,562 --> 00:57:13,996 That we should be thus afflicted
792 00:57:14,065 --> 00:57:16,499 with these strange flies,
793 00:57:16,567 --> 00:57:18,501 these fashionmongers,
794 00:57:18,569 --> 00:57:22,005 these pardonnez moi's.
795 00:57:22,073 --> 00:57:23,506 Ah, Signor Romeo,
796 00:57:23,574 --> 00:57:25,007 Bonjour.
797 00:57:25,076 --> 00:57:26,509 Bonjour.
798 00:57:26,577 --> 00:57:29,011 There's a French salutation to your French slop.
799 00:57:29,080 --> 00:57:30,513 Huh?
800 00:57:30,581 --> 00:57:33,015 You gave us the counterfeit fairly last night.
801 00:57:33,084 --> 00:57:35,018 What counterfeit did I give you?
802 00:57:35,086 --> 00:57:37,020 The slip, sir, the slip,
803 00:57:37,088 --> 00:57:38,487 can you not conceive?
804 00:57:38,556 --> 00:57:39,887 Pardon, good Mercutio.
805 00:57:39,957 --> 00:57:41,288 My business was great--
806 00:57:41,358 --> 00:57:42,518 Oh! Ha ha ha!
807 00:57:42,593 --> 00:57:44,527 In such a case as mine
808 00:57:44,595 --> 00:57:46,028 a man may strain courtesy.
809 00:57:46,097 --> 00:57:47,530 Come between us, good Benvolio;
810 00:57:47,598 --> 00:57:49,031 my wit faints.
811 00:57:49,100 --> 00:57:51,034 Thy wit is very bitter sweeting
812 00:57:51,102 --> 00:57:52,535 it is most sharp sauce.
813 00:57:52,603 --> 00:57:54,537 Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!
814 00:57:54,605 --> 00:57:56,038 Ha ha ha!
815 00:57:56,107 --> 00:57:58,041 Why, is not this better now
816 00:57:58,109 --> 00:58:00,236 than groaning for love?
817 00:58:00,311 --> 00:58:02,973 Now art thou sociable,
818 00:58:03,047 --> 00:58:04,981 now art thou Romeo;
819 00:58:05,049 --> 00:58:07,483 now art thou what thou art,
820 00:58:07,551 --> 00:58:10,452 by art as well as by nature.
821 00:58:10,521 --> 00:58:12,989 For this driveling love is like a great natural
822 00:58:13,057 --> 00:58:14,490 that runs malling up and down
823 00:58:14,558 --> 00:58:16,492 to hide his bauble in a hole.
824 00:58:16,560 --> 00:58:17,993 Stop there, stop there.
825 00:58:18,062 --> 00:58:20,997 Thou desirest me to stop in my tale against the hair?
826 00:58:21,065 --> 00:58:22,999 Thou wouldst else have made thy tale large.
827 00:58:23,067 --> 00:58:24,500 No, no, no, thou art deceived;
828 00:58:24,568 --> 00:58:28,004 For I was come to the whole depth of my tale,
829 00:58:28,072 --> 00:58:30,129 and meant to occupy the argument no longer.
830 00:58:35,501 --> 00:58:36,934 Here's goodly gear.
831 00:58:37,003 --> 00:58:38,436 [laughter]
832 00:58:38,504 --> 00:58:41,268 Here's a fine barge.
833 00:58:41,340 --> 00:58:42,432 A sail.
834 00:58:42,508 --> 00:58:44,476 [all] A sail, a sail.
835 00:58:44,544 --> 00:58:46,444 [laughter]
836 00:58:49,482 --> 00:58:54,112 Two, two; a shirt and a smock.
837 00:58:54,186 --> 00:58:55,949 [laughter]
838 00:58:56,022 --> 00:58:57,455 Shh!
839 00:58:57,523 --> 00:58:58,490 Peter.
840 00:58:58,558 --> 00:59:00,890 Anon.
841 00:59:00,960 --> 00:59:03,053 My fan, Peter.
842 00:59:03,129 --> 00:59:04,619 Good, Peter, to hide her face,
843 00:59:04,697 --> 00:59:06,892 for her fan's the fairer of the two.
844 00:59:06,966 --> 00:59:08,763 Ha ha ha!
845 00:59:08,834 --> 00:59:10,324 Oh!
846 00:59:11,470 --> 00:59:13,938 God ye good morrow, gentlemen.
847 00:59:14,006 --> 00:59:16,270 God ye good den, fair gentlewoman.
848 00:59:16,342 --> 00:59:17,809 Is it good den, I pray?
849 00:59:17,877 --> 00:59:20,402 Well, 'tis no less I tell you,
850 00:59:20,479 --> 00:59:22,777 for the bawdy hand of the dial
851 00:59:22,848 --> 00:59:24,782 is now upon the prick of noon.
852 00:59:24,850 --> 00:59:26,408 Ha ha ha! Oh!
853 00:59:26,485 --> 00:59:29,113 Out upon you, what a man are you?
854 00:59:29,188 --> 00:59:32,919 One, gentlewoman, that God hath made himself to mar.
855 00:59:32,992 --> 00:59:35,927 By my troth it is well said,
856 00:59:35,995 --> 00:59:38,429 for himself to mar quoth 'a?
857 00:59:38,497 --> 00:59:39,930 Hmm.
858 00:59:39,999 --> 00:59:42,934 Gentleman, can any of you tell me
859 00:59:43,002 --> 00:59:44,629 where I may find young Romeo?
860 00:59:44,704 --> 00:59:48,435 [all] Romeo, Romeo.
861 00:59:48,507 --> 00:59:49,940 Hey!
862 00:59:50,009 --> 00:59:51,442 Shh!
863 00:59:51,510 --> 00:59:53,944 I am the youngest of that name
864 00:59:54,013 --> 00:59:55,446 for fault of a worse.
865 00:59:55,514 --> 00:59:57,948 If you be he, sir,
866 00:59:58,017 --> 01:00:01,043 I desire some conference with you.
867 01:00:01,120 --> 01:00:03,384 [jeering and laughing]
868 01:00:06,058 --> 01:00:08,390 She will indite him to some supper.
869 01:00:08,461 --> 01:00:09,826 A bawd, a bawd.
870 01:00:15,468 --> 01:00:16,958 A bawd!
871 01:00:17,036 --> 01:00:18,901 Aah!
872 01:00:18,971 --> 01:00:22,236 [laughter]
873 01:00:22,308 --> 01:00:24,401 You filthy varmint you!
874 01:00:24,477 --> 01:00:26,342 Here she comes!
875 01:00:26,412 --> 01:00:27,902 Mercutio, no!
876 01:00:27,980 --> 01:00:29,914 Aah!
877 01:00:29,982 --> 01:00:32,416 An old hare hoar
878 01:00:32,485 --> 01:00:35,215 And an old hare hoar
879 01:00:35,287 --> 01:00:39,053 Is very good meat, in lent
880 01:00:39,125 --> 01:00:42,424 But a hare that is a hoar
881 01:00:42,495 --> 01:00:46,488 Is too much for a score
882 01:00:46,565 --> 01:00:49,693 When it hoars ere it be spent
883 01:00:49,769 --> 01:00:50,701 [nurse] Aah!
884 01:00:50,770 --> 01:00:52,067 [laughter and cheering]
885 01:00:52,138 --> 01:00:54,197 Ooh!
886 01:00:54,273 --> 01:00:57,538 [laughter]
887 01:00:57,610 --> 01:01:01,569 Farewell, ancient lady.
888 01:01:01,647 --> 01:01:03,376 Ooh!
889 01:01:03,449 --> 01:01:06,316 [laughter and shouting]
890 01:01:06,385 --> 01:01:10,378 Scurvy knave, scurvy knave.
891 01:01:10,456 --> 01:01:12,617 I'm none of his flirt-gills.
892 01:01:12,692 --> 01:01:15,559 I'm none of his skein mates.
893 01:01:15,628 --> 01:01:18,392 Er, cur, lousy knave,
894 01:01:18,464 --> 01:01:21,399 lousy, lousy knave.
895 01:01:21,467 --> 01:01:22,729 I pray you, sir.
896 01:01:22,802 --> 01:01:24,736 What saucy merchant was this
897 01:01:24,804 --> 01:01:26,567 that was so full of his property?
898 01:01:26,639 --> 01:01:29,199 A gentleman, nurse, that loves to hear himself talk,
899 01:01:29,275 --> 01:01:31,243 and will speak more in a minute
900 01:01:31,310 --> 01:01:33,244 than he will stand to in a month.
901 01:01:33,312 --> 01:01:34,574 I'll take him down,
902 01:01:34,647 --> 01:01:36,547 an 'a were lustier than he is,
903 01:01:36,615 --> 01:01:37,877 and twenty such jacks;
904 01:01:37,950 --> 01:01:41,386 and if I cannot, I'll find those that shall.
905 01:01:41,454 --> 01:01:43,422 Ha ha ha!
906 01:01:44,557 --> 01:01:48,425 Ha ha ha!
907 01:01:48,494 --> 01:01:52,931 And thou must stand by too
908 01:01:52,998 --> 01:01:55,398 and suffer every knave
909 01:01:55,468 --> 01:01:58,130 to use me at his pleasure.
910 01:01:58,204 --> 01:02:01,867 Ooh...
911 01:02:01,941 --> 01:02:04,876 Punk rampant!
912 01:02:04,944 --> 01:02:07,879 Pray you, sir, a word.
913 01:02:07,947 --> 01:02:09,244 Ooh!
914 01:02:14,453 --> 01:02:16,387 Beef wit.
915 01:02:16,455 --> 01:02:20,391 [organ playing]
916 01:02:37,476 --> 01:02:39,910 [choir singing]
917 01:02:58,998 --> 01:03:02,866 My young lady bid me inquire you out.
918 01:03:02,935 --> 01:03:05,369 What she did bid me say,
919 01:03:05,437 --> 01:03:07,371 I will keep to myself;,
920 01:03:07,439 --> 01:03:09,873 but first let me tell ye,
921 01:03:09,942 --> 01:03:13,378 if ye should lead her in a fool's paradise--
922 01:03:13,445 --> 01:03:14,878 Nurse.
923 01:03:14,947 --> 01:03:16,380 Shh! As they say,
924 01:03:16,448 --> 01:03:18,882 it were a very gross kind of behavior;,
925 01:03:18,951 --> 01:03:20,384 for the gentlewoman is young;
926 01:03:20,452 --> 01:03:22,886 and therefore if you should deal double with her,
927 01:03:22,955 --> 01:03:26,391 it were an ill thing to be offered to any gentlewoman,
928 01:03:26,458 --> 01:03:27,891 and very weak dealing.
929 01:03:27,960 --> 01:03:31,396 Nurse, commend me to thy lady and mistress,
930 01:03:31,463 --> 01:03:33,488 I protest unto thee.
931 01:03:33,566 --> 01:03:34,999 Bid her devise,
932 01:03:35,067 --> 01:03:38,400 some means to come to shrift this afternoon,
933 01:03:38,470 --> 01:03:42,406 and there she shall at Friar Laurence's cell
934 01:03:42,474 --> 01:03:46,604 be shrived and married.
935 01:03:46,679 --> 01:03:48,909 Oh!
936 01:03:48,981 --> 01:03:50,414 Oh!
937 01:03:51,984 --> 01:03:53,451 Here's for thy pains.
938 01:03:53,519 --> 01:03:56,420 No, no truly, sir, not a penny.
939 01:03:56,488 --> 01:03:58,422 Go to, I say you shall.
940 01:03:58,490 --> 01:03:59,582 No.
941 01:03:59,658 --> 01:04:01,353 Well...
942 01:04:04,930 --> 01:04:07,956 Sir, my mistress is the sweetest lady.
943 01:04:08,033 --> 01:04:10,866 Lord, Lord, when she were a little prating thing.
944 01:04:10,936 --> 01:04:12,369 Good-bye. Oh!
945 01:04:12,438 --> 01:04:14,372 O there is a noble man in town,
946 01:04:14,440 --> 01:04:16,374 One Paris, that would fain lay knife aboard.
947 01:04:16,442 --> 01:04:20,378 I anger her sometimes and say that Paris is the properer man.
948 01:04:20,446 --> 01:04:22,880 Nurse, commend me to thy lady.
949 01:04:22,948 --> 01:04:24,381 A thousand times.
950 01:04:24,450 --> 01:04:27,248 Ooh! Ooh!
951 01:04:51,977 --> 01:04:53,410 [sighs]
952 01:04:53,479 --> 01:04:57,415 The clock struck nine when I did send the nurse,
953 01:04:57,483 --> 01:05:01,351 in half an hour she promised to return...
954 01:05:01,420 --> 01:05:03,854 perchance she cannot meet him;
955 01:05:03,923 --> 01:05:05,857 ahh, that's not so,
956 01:05:05,925 --> 01:05:07,859 oh, she's lame,
957 01:05:07,927 --> 01:05:10,361 love's heralds should be thoughts!
958 01:05:11,931 --> 01:05:14,365 Had she affections and warm youthful blood,
959 01:05:14,433 --> 01:05:16,867 she would be as swift in motion
960 01:05:16,936 --> 01:05:18,369 as a ball.
961 01:05:18,437 --> 01:05:22,373 But old folks, many feign as they were dead,
962 01:05:22,441 --> 01:05:26,377 unwieldy, slow, heavy...
963 01:05:26,445 --> 01:05:29,073 And pale as lead.
964 01:05:32,952 --> 01:05:34,385 O God, she comes.
965 01:05:34,453 --> 01:05:35,818 O honey nurse, what news?
966 01:05:35,888 --> 01:05:38,880 O Lord, why look'st thou sad?
967 01:05:38,958 --> 01:05:40,391 Oh!
968 01:05:40,459 --> 01:05:41,892 Though news be sad,
969 01:05:41,961 --> 01:05:43,394 yet tell them merrily.
970 01:05:43,462 --> 01:05:44,895 [groaning]
971 01:05:44,964 --> 01:05:46,397 Send the man away.
972 01:05:46,465 --> 01:05:49,400 Peter, stay at the gate.
973 01:05:49,468 --> 01:05:51,902 Go on.
974 01:05:51,971 --> 01:05:53,905 Hast thou met with him?
975 01:05:53,973 --> 01:05:55,406 Oh, I am aweary.
976 01:05:55,474 --> 01:05:56,907 Give me leave awhile.
977 01:05:56,976 --> 01:05:58,910 Fie, how my bones ache!
978 01:05:58,978 --> 01:06:01,365 Ooh!
979 01:06:01,499 --> 01:06:02,761 [groaning]
980 01:06:02,833 --> 01:06:06,269 Sweet, sweet...
981 01:06:06,337 --> 01:06:08,271 Sweet nurse.
982 01:06:08,339 --> 01:06:10,773 Tell me, what says my love?
983 01:06:10,841 --> 01:06:12,775 Ha ha ha!
984 01:06:12,843 --> 01:06:16,779 Your love says like an honest gentleman,
985 01:06:16,847 --> 01:06:21,784 and courteous, and kind,
986 01:06:21,852 --> 01:06:24,787 and handsome, and, I warrant him,
987 01:06:24,855 --> 01:06:26,789 a virtuous--
988 01:06:26,857 --> 01:06:28,290 Where is your mother?
989 01:06:28,359 --> 01:06:29,792 Where is my mother?
990 01:06:29,860 --> 01:06:31,293 Why, she is within.
991 01:06:31,362 --> 01:06:32,795 Where should she be?
992 01:06:32,863 --> 01:06:34,296 How oddly thou repliest!
993 01:06:34,365 --> 01:06:36,799 "Your love says like an honest gentleman,
994 01:06:36,867 --> 01:06:37,799 where is your mother?"
995 01:06:37,868 --> 01:06:40,302 Oh, God's lady, are you so hot?
996 01:06:40,371 --> 01:06:41,804 Marry, come up I trow.
997 01:06:41,872 --> 01:06:44,306 Is this the poultice for my aching bones?
998 01:06:44,375 --> 01:06:45,808 Henceforward do your messages yourself.
999 01:06:45,876 --> 01:06:47,309 Here's such a coil!
1000 01:06:47,378 --> 01:06:50,142 Come! What says Romeo?
1001 01:06:53,384 --> 01:06:56,820 Have you got leave to go to shrift today?
1002 01:06:56,887 --> 01:06:58,320 I have.
1003 01:06:58,389 --> 01:06:59,822 [chuckling]
1004 01:06:59,890 --> 01:07:03,326 Then, hie you hence to Friar Laurence's cell,
1005 01:07:03,394 --> 01:07:07,831 there stays a husband to make you a wife.
1006 01:07:07,898 --> 01:07:10,492 Ha ha ha!
1007 01:07:10,568 --> 01:07:14,834 Now comes the wanton blood up in your cheeks.
1008 01:07:14,905 --> 01:07:17,965 They'll be in scarlet straight at any news.
1009 01:07:19,577 --> 01:07:21,340 Hie you to church!
1010 01:07:21,412 --> 01:07:23,505 I'll to dinner.
1011 01:07:23,581 --> 01:07:26,379 Honest nurse, farewell!
1012 01:07:26,450 --> 01:07:28,714 Ha ha ha!
1013 01:07:36,427 --> 01:07:39,362 So smile the heavens upon this holy act,
1014 01:07:39,430 --> 01:07:42,365 that after-hours with sorrow chide us not.
1015 01:07:42,433 --> 01:07:45,368 Amen, amen.
1016 01:07:45,436 --> 01:07:46,869 Come what sorrow can,
1017 01:07:46,937 --> 01:07:49,371 it cannot countervail the exchange of joy
1018 01:07:49,440 --> 01:07:52,375 that one short minute gives me in her sight.
1019 01:07:52,443 --> 01:07:54,377 These violent delights have violent ends,
1020 01:07:54,445 --> 01:07:55,878 and in their triumph die,
1021 01:07:55,946 --> 01:07:57,379 like fire and powder,
1022 01:07:57,448 --> 01:07:59,313 which as they kiss consume.
1023 01:07:59,383 --> 01:08:01,317 The sweetest honey is loathsome
1024 01:08:01,385 --> 01:08:02,818 in its own...
1025 01:08:02,887 --> 01:08:04,320 Deliciousness.
1026 01:08:04,388 --> 01:08:05,821 Deliciousness.
1027 01:08:05,890 --> 01:08:07,824 And in the taste confounds the...
1028 01:08:07,892 --> 01:08:09,154 Appetite.
1029 01:08:09,226 --> 01:08:10,454 Appetite.
1030 01:08:10,527 --> 01:08:14,327 Therefore love moderately...
1031 01:08:14,398 --> 01:08:16,832 Long love doth so.
1032 01:08:16,901 --> 01:08:19,768 Ah, here comes the lady.
1033 01:08:19,837 --> 01:08:22,931 O, so light a foot will ne'er wear out the everlasting flint.
1034 01:08:23,007 --> 01:08:24,838 Juliet!
1035 01:08:29,413 --> 01:08:31,847 Good even to my ghostly confessor.
1036 01:08:31,916 --> 01:08:35,352 Romeo shall thank thee, daughter, for us both.
1037 01:08:35,419 --> 01:08:36,852 Ah, Juliet,
1038 01:08:36,921 --> 01:08:40,084 if the measure of thy joy be heaped like mine,
1039 01:08:40,157 --> 01:08:42,853 that thy skill be more to blazon it,
1040 01:08:42,927 --> 01:08:44,360 then sweeten with thy breath
1041 01:08:44,428 --> 01:08:45,861 this neighbor air.
1042 01:08:45,930 --> 01:08:48,865 They are but beggars that can count their worth.
1043 01:08:48,933 --> 01:08:52,300 But my true love is grown to such excess,
1044 01:08:52,369 --> 01:08:54,860 I cannot sum up sum of half my wealth.
1045 01:08:54,939 --> 01:08:56,372 Tsk tsk tsk!
1046 01:08:56,440 --> 01:08:59,034 Come, come with me...
1047 01:08:59,109 --> 01:09:00,974 We will make short work.
1048 01:09:01,045 --> 01:09:02,478 For, by your leaves,
1049 01:09:02,546 --> 01:09:04,480 you shall not stay alone
1050 01:09:04,548 --> 01:09:07,813 till holy church incorporate two in one.
1051 01:09:12,890 --> 01:09:15,324 [organ plays]
1052 01:09:29,006 --> 01:09:34,069 [woman singing]
1053 01:10:53,524 --> 01:10:56,322 Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
1054 01:10:56,393 --> 01:10:58,884 Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
1055 01:11:02,500 --> 01:11:04,991 I pray thee, good Mercutio, let's retire.
1056 01:11:05,069 --> 01:11:06,900 Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
1057 01:11:06,971 --> 01:11:08,268 The day is hot.
1058 01:11:08,339 --> 01:11:09,465 Blah, blah, blah.
1059 01:11:11,142 --> 01:11:12,507 The Capulets abroad!
1060 01:11:12,576 --> 01:11:13,770 Ha ha ha!
1061 01:11:13,844 --> 01:11:15,004 [groans]
1062 01:11:15,079 --> 01:11:17,206 If we meet we shall not 'scape a brawl.
1063 01:11:20,651 --> 01:11:22,084 For now these hot days,
1064 01:11:22,153 --> 01:11:23,552 is the mad blood stirring.
1065 01:11:26,690 --> 01:11:28,123 Mercutio, let's retire.
1066 01:11:28,192 --> 01:11:31,684 Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah!
1067 01:11:31,762 --> 01:11:34,094 Thou art like one of these fellows
1068 01:11:34,165 --> 01:11:36,599 that when he enters the confines of a tavern
1069 01:11:36,667 --> 01:11:38,601 claps me his sword on the table,
1070 01:11:38,669 --> 01:11:41,103 and says, "God send me no need of thee:"
1071 01:11:41,172 --> 01:11:42,605 blah, blah, blah, blah;
1072 01:11:42,673 --> 01:11:44,607 and by the operation of the second cup,
1073 01:11:44,675 --> 01:11:46,108 draws him on the drawer,
1074 01:11:46,177 --> 01:11:47,610 when indeed there is no need.
1075 01:11:47,678 --> 01:11:49,111 Am I like such a fellow?
1076 01:11:49,180 --> 01:11:50,613 Nay and there were two such
1077 01:11:50,681 --> 01:11:52,114 we should have none shortly,
1078 01:11:52,183 --> 01:11:53,616 for the one would kill the other.
1079 01:11:53,684 --> 01:11:55,584 Why thou hast quarreled with a man
1080 01:11:55,653 --> 01:11:56,881 for coughing in the street,
1081 01:11:56,954 --> 01:11:59,855 because he hath wakened thy dog that hath lain asleep
1082 01:11:59,924 --> 01:12:01,118 in the sun.
1083 01:12:01,192 --> 01:12:02,625 Blah, blah, blah!
1084 01:12:02,693 --> 01:12:06,561 And thou wilt tutor me from quarreling! Hah!
1085 01:12:08,632 --> 01:12:11,066 Mercutio...
1086 01:12:11,135 --> 01:12:13,660 By my head, here come the Capulets.
1087 01:12:18,475 --> 01:12:21,569 By my heel, I care not.
1088 01:12:23,814 --> 01:12:26,078 [whistling]
1089 01:12:37,761 --> 01:12:39,592 [gurgling]
1090 01:12:41,432 --> 01:12:44,367 Gentlemen, good den.
1091 01:12:44,435 --> 01:12:46,096 Good den.
1092 01:12:46,170 --> 01:12:48,730 A word with one of you.
1093 01:12:50,674 --> 01:12:53,609 And but one word with one of us.
1094 01:12:53,677 --> 01:12:55,110 Couple it with something,
1095 01:12:55,179 --> 01:12:58,114 make it a word and a blow.
1096 01:12:58,182 --> 01:13:00,548 [laughter and jeers]
1097 01:13:02,186 --> 01:13:05,553 You shall find me apt enough to that, sir,
1098 01:13:05,623 --> 01:13:06,885 and you will give me occasion.
1099 01:13:06,957 --> 01:13:10,324 Can you not take some occasion without the giving?
1100 01:13:13,631 --> 01:13:16,395 Mercutio, thou consortest with Romeo.
1101 01:13:16,467 --> 01:13:18,059 Consort? Ha ha ha!
1102 01:13:18,135 --> 01:13:20,365 What dost thou make us minstrels?
1103 01:13:20,437 --> 01:13:21,870 Ha ha ha!
1104 01:13:21,939 --> 01:13:23,566 An you make minstrels of us,
1105 01:13:23,641 --> 01:13:26,075 you look to hear nothing but discords.
1106 01:13:26,143 --> 01:13:28,873 Here's my fiddlestick.
1107 01:13:28,946 --> 01:13:31,141 Here's that shall make you dance.
1108 01:13:31,215 --> 01:13:32,512 Zounds! Consort!
1109 01:13:32,583 --> 01:13:35,074 We talk here in the public haunt of men.
1110 01:13:35,152 --> 01:13:37,086 Either withdraw unto some private place,
1111 01:13:37,154 --> 01:13:39,088 or reason coldly of your grievances,
1112 01:13:39,156 --> 01:13:40,589 or else depart;
1113 01:13:40,658 --> 01:13:42,592 here all eyes gaze on us.
1114 01:13:42,660 --> 01:13:45,094 Men's eyes were made to look,
1115 01:13:45,162 --> 01:13:46,595 and let them gaze.
1116 01:13:46,664 --> 01:13:48,097 Mercutio!
1117 01:13:48,165 --> 01:13:49,598 I will not budge for no man's pleasure, I.
1118 01:13:49,667 --> 01:13:53,103 Well, peace be with you, sir,
1119 01:13:53,170 --> 01:13:55,035 here comes my man.
1120 01:13:55,105 --> 01:13:57,972 Mercutio!
1121 01:14:07,117 --> 01:14:08,448 Tybalt.
1122 01:14:08,519 --> 01:14:10,953 Romeo, the love I bear thee
1123 01:14:11,021 --> 01:14:13,216 can afford no better term than this--
1124 01:14:13,290 --> 01:14:14,723 thou art a villain.
1125 01:14:14,792 --> 01:14:16,123 [whistles]
1126 01:14:16,193 --> 01:14:19,629 Tybalt, the reason that I have to love thee
1127 01:14:19,697 --> 01:14:22,131 doth much excuse the appertaining rage
1128 01:14:22,199 --> 01:14:23,632 to such a greeting--
1129 01:14:23,701 --> 01:14:25,692 villain am I none.
1130 01:14:25,769 --> 01:14:27,202 Therefore farewell,
1131 01:14:27,271 --> 01:14:29,205 I see thou knowest not me.
1132 01:14:29,273 --> 01:14:30,968 Ha ha ha!
1133 01:14:31,041 --> 01:14:33,566 Boy...
1134 01:14:33,644 --> 01:14:37,580 This shall not excuse the injuries thou hast done me,
1135 01:14:37,648 --> 01:14:40,082 therefore turn and draw.
1136 01:14:40,150 --> 01:14:43,085 I do protest I never injured thee,
1137 01:14:43,153 --> 01:14:45,849 but love thee better than thou canst devise.
1138 01:14:45,923 --> 01:14:48,619 Till thou shalt know the reason of my love.
1139 01:14:48,692 --> 01:14:50,125 And so, good Capulet,
1140 01:14:50,194 --> 01:14:55,530 which name I tender as dearly as mine own,
1141 01:14:55,599 --> 01:14:58,090 be satisfied.
1142 01:14:58,168 --> 01:15:01,399 [crowd murmuring]
1143 01:15:01,472 --> 01:15:03,269 Ha ha ha!
1144 01:15:05,109 --> 01:15:06,804 No, no.
1145 01:15:14,118 --> 01:15:16,052 Ugh!
1146 01:15:16,120 --> 01:15:17,553 Ugh!
1147 01:15:17,621 --> 01:15:20,055 [laughter]
1148 01:15:22,826 --> 01:15:24,555 Ha ha ha!
1149 01:15:26,630 --> 01:15:28,063 [Benvolio] No, Mercutio.
1150 01:15:28,132 --> 01:15:30,066 O calm, dishonorable, vile submission!
1151 01:15:30,134 --> 01:15:31,567 No, Mercutio, no!
1152 01:15:31,635 --> 01:15:33,068 Leave me...
1153 01:15:33,137 --> 01:15:35,105 Tybalt, you ratcatcher!
1154 01:15:35,172 --> 01:15:37,732 What wouldest thou have with me?
1155 01:15:37,808 --> 01:15:39,241 Good King of Cats,
1156 01:15:39,309 --> 01:15:42,073 nothing but one of your nine lives,
1157 01:15:42,146 --> 01:15:44,307 that I mean to make bold withal...
1158 01:15:44,381 --> 01:15:47,316 And as you shall use me hereafter...
1159 01:15:47,384 --> 01:15:49,818 Dry-beat the rest of the eight.
1160 01:15:49,887 --> 01:15:52,082 Please, good Mercutio.
1161 01:15:52,156 --> 01:15:55,592 Will you pluck your sword out of his pilcher
1162 01:15:55,659 --> 01:15:57,092 by the ears?
1163 01:15:57,161 --> 01:15:58,594 Make haste,
1164 01:15:58,662 --> 01:16:02,098 lest mine be about your ears ere it be out.
1165 01:16:08,605 --> 01:16:10,163 I am for you, sir.
1166 01:16:10,240 --> 01:16:11,673 Ha ha ha!
1167 01:16:11,742 --> 01:16:14,074 Gentle Mercutio, put thy rapier up.
1168 01:16:15,612 --> 01:16:17,546 Come, come.
1169 01:16:19,817 --> 01:16:21,546 [cheering]
1170 01:16:25,889 --> 01:16:27,550 Benvolio, beat down their weapons!
1171 01:16:27,624 --> 01:16:29,558 Gentlemen, for shame! Forbear this outrage!
1172 01:16:29,626 --> 01:16:32,060 The Prince expressly hath forbid this bandying
1173 01:16:32,129 --> 01:16:33,619 in Verona streets.
1174 01:16:33,697 --> 01:16:35,562 Tybalt!
1175 01:16:35,632 --> 01:16:37,793 Mercutio!
1176 01:16:37,868 --> 01:16:39,961 Leave us!
1177 01:16:40,037 --> 01:16:41,971 Leave us away, you coward!
1178 01:16:42,039 --> 01:16:43,028 Go hang thyself.
1179 01:16:43,107 --> 01:16:45,075 [laughter]
1180 01:16:47,711 --> 01:16:49,576 [cheering]
1181 01:16:54,218 --> 01:16:55,583 Uh!
1182 01:16:55,652 --> 01:16:57,085 [men] Ha ha ha!
1183 01:17:00,257 --> 01:17:01,884 [cheering stops]
1184 01:17:20,677 --> 01:17:22,235 [whistling]
1185 01:17:22,312 --> 01:17:25,611 Ha ha ha! Hey!
1186 01:17:25,682 --> 01:17:27,115 Ha ha ha!
1187 01:17:27,184 --> 01:17:29,118 [crowd groaning]
1188 01:17:31,421 --> 01:17:33,616 [cheering]
1189 01:17:38,228 --> 01:17:39,354 Ha ha ha!
1190 01:17:39,429 --> 01:17:41,124 Hey!
1191 01:17:44,701 --> 01:17:46,134 Aah!
1192 01:17:46,203 --> 01:17:48,137 Cut his hair, Tybalt!
1193 01:17:48,205 --> 01:17:50,105 [cheering]
1194 01:17:51,708 --> 01:17:54,643 Ha ha ha!
1195 01:18:05,656 --> 01:18:07,590 Hey!
1196 01:18:07,658 --> 01:18:10,092 Keep your distance, Tybalt.
1197 01:18:12,162 --> 01:18:15,393 Hyah! Hyah! Hyah!
1198 01:18:15,465 --> 01:18:17,126 [laughter]
1199 01:18:18,669 --> 01:18:21,570 Keep away, coward!
1200 01:18:23,440 --> 01:18:27,740 Make haste, Tybalt, we cannot wait all day.
1201 01:18:29,680 --> 01:18:33,241 Ah, mother's baby has dropped his sword.
1202 01:18:33,317 --> 01:18:34,614 [laughter]
1203 01:18:34,685 --> 01:18:36,380 Hey!
1204 01:18:39,957 --> 01:18:40,889 Tybalt, no!
1205 01:18:40,958 --> 01:18:44,121 Abstain from this crusade!
1206 01:18:44,194 --> 01:18:45,627 Tybalt, go!
1207 01:18:45,696 --> 01:18:47,630 Mercutio, come down!
1208 01:19:00,210 --> 01:19:01,643 Begone, begone...
1209 01:19:01,712 --> 01:19:04,579 Fly, Tybalt. Fly away.
1210 01:19:08,518 --> 01:19:10,076 [cheering]
1211 01:19:13,023 --> 01:19:14,456 I am hurt.
1212 01:19:25,168 --> 01:19:27,602 Uh!
1213 01:19:27,671 --> 01:19:29,332 I am hurt.
1214 01:19:29,406 --> 01:19:31,135 [Benvolio] What! Art thou hurt?
1215 01:19:31,208 --> 01:19:34,609 A scratch, a scratch,
1216 01:19:34,678 --> 01:19:36,669 marry 'tis enough.
1217 01:19:36,747 --> 01:19:39,682 Courage, man, the hurt cannot be much.
1218 01:19:39,750 --> 01:19:43,618 No, 'tis not so deep as a well,
1219 01:19:43,687 --> 01:19:46,622 nor so wide as a church door,
1220 01:19:46,690 --> 01:19:48,123 but 'tis enough;
1221 01:19:48,191 --> 01:19:50,125 you ask for me tomorrow,
1222 01:19:50,193 --> 01:19:53,128 and you shall find me a grave man.
1223 01:19:53,196 --> 01:19:54,527 [cheering]
1224 01:19:54,598 --> 01:19:57,123 Where is my page?
1225 01:19:57,200 --> 01:20:00,135 Go, villain, and fetch me a surgeon.
1226 01:20:00,203 --> 01:20:01,636 Fetch me a surgeon!
1227 01:20:01,705 --> 01:20:03,639 Ha ha ha!
1228 01:20:03,707 --> 01:20:05,299 Did he hurt you?
1229 01:20:17,654 --> 01:20:21,090 Why the devil came you between us?
1230 01:20:21,158 --> 01:20:23,592 I was hurt under your arm.
1231 01:20:23,660 --> 01:20:27,596 I thought all for the best, I...
1232 01:20:33,170 --> 01:20:35,604 [cheering]
1233 01:20:35,672 --> 01:20:38,106 Help me into some house, Benvolio,
1234 01:20:38,175 --> 01:20:39,472 or I shall faint.
1235 01:20:44,181 --> 01:20:46,115 [crowd] Whoa!
1236 01:20:46,183 --> 01:20:47,616 Whoa!
1237 01:20:47,684 --> 01:20:49,618 Whoa!
1238 01:20:49,686 --> 01:20:51,119 Whoa!
1239 01:20:51,188 --> 01:20:52,621 Yay!
1240 01:20:54,191 --> 01:20:57,627 A plague o' both your houses!
1241 01:21:01,698 --> 01:21:06,567 They have made worms' meat of me.
1242 01:21:08,638 --> 01:21:10,572 I have it,
1243 01:21:10,640 --> 01:21:13,074 and soundly too...
1244 01:21:16,146 --> 01:21:17,738 Your houses!
1245 01:21:17,814 --> 01:21:19,338 He jests!
1246 01:21:21,151 --> 01:21:23,085 Mercutio!
1247 01:21:23,153 --> 01:21:25,053 [laughter]
1248 01:21:26,656 --> 01:21:30,592 Romeo, Romeo...
1249 01:21:30,660 --> 01:21:32,594 brave Mercutio's dead.
1250 01:21:32,662 --> 01:21:35,597 [crowd sneers]
1251 01:21:54,184 --> 01:21:56,618 This day's black fate,
1252 01:21:56,686 --> 01:21:58,916 on more days doth depend.
1253 01:21:58,989 --> 01:22:03,449 This but begins the woe others must end.
1254 01:22:03,527 --> 01:22:06,553 He gone in triumph!
1255 01:22:06,630 --> 01:22:09,064 And Mercutio slain!
1256 01:22:09,132 --> 01:22:13,569 Away to heaven, respective lenity,
1257 01:22:13,637 --> 01:22:16,470 and fire-eyed fury be my conduct now!
1258 01:22:16,540 --> 01:22:18,565 [cheering]
1259 01:22:18,642 --> 01:22:20,075 Tybalt!
1260 01:22:21,645 --> 01:22:24,136 Tybalt!
1261 01:22:24,214 --> 01:22:26,580 Romeo!
1262 01:22:30,654 --> 01:22:32,588 Tybalt!
1263 01:22:32,656 --> 01:22:34,089 Romeo!
1264 01:22:35,425 --> 01:22:38,883 This way!
1265 01:22:38,962 --> 01:22:41,089 Tybalt!
1266 01:22:41,164 --> 01:22:43,598 Romeo!
1267 01:22:43,667 --> 01:22:46,101 Tybalt!
1268 01:22:52,175 --> 01:22:55,110 Now, Tybalt...
1269 01:22:55,178 --> 01:22:57,112 Take the villain back again,
1270 01:22:57,180 --> 01:22:59,614 that late thou gav'st me;
1271 01:22:59,683 --> 01:23:01,116 for Mercutio's soul
1272 01:23:01,184 --> 01:23:04,119 is but a little way above our heads,
1273 01:23:04,187 --> 01:23:07,054 staying for thine to keep him company:
1274 01:23:07,123 --> 01:23:09,557 either thou, or l, or both,
1275 01:23:09,626 --> 01:23:11,059 must go with him!
1276 01:23:11,127 --> 01:23:13,061 Aah!
1277 01:23:17,067 --> 01:23:19,934 Let him go! Let him go!
1278 01:23:26,076 --> 01:23:28,601 Sword, Romeo.
1279 01:23:30,413 --> 01:23:31,846 O thou wretched boy,
1280 01:23:31,915 --> 01:23:33,849 that didst consort him here,
1281 01:23:33,917 --> 01:23:35,375 shalt with him hence.
1282 01:23:35,542 --> 01:23:37,066 This shall determine that.
1283 01:23:50,023 --> 01:23:52,457 Hit the feet, Romeo!
1284 01:23:54,027 --> 01:23:56,723 Protect the eyes, Romeo!
1285 01:23:57,998 --> 01:24:00,523 [cheering and shouting]
1286 01:24:05,705 --> 01:24:07,696 Give me your sword.
1287 01:24:21,988 --> 01:24:23,421 Watch his feet!
1288 01:24:23,490 --> 01:24:27,426 [crowd shouting]
1289 01:24:54,521 --> 01:24:56,455 Hyah!
1290 01:24:58,024 --> 01:25:01,460 [crowd shouting]
1291 01:25:09,970 --> 01:25:12,404 [Romeo] Give me the sword!
1292 01:25:12,472 --> 01:25:13,734 The sword!
1293 01:25:13,807 --> 01:25:15,741 The sword!
1294 01:25:15,809 --> 01:25:17,401 [crowd shouting]
1295 01:25:48,208 --> 01:25:49,698 Romeo! Romeo!
1296 01:26:12,365 --> 01:26:13,354 [Tybalt] The sword!
1297 01:26:13,433 --> 01:26:15,298 The sword!
1298 01:26:15,368 --> 01:26:16,892 Give it to me!
1299 01:26:16,970 --> 01:26:18,460 Your sword, Romeo!
1300 01:26:18,538 --> 01:26:20,096 The sword, Romeo!
1301 01:26:22,609 --> 01:26:24,236 [shouting stops]
1302 01:26:24,311 --> 01:26:26,074 Aah!
1303 01:26:26,146 --> 01:26:27,909 [Tybalt drops sword]
1304 01:26:32,886 --> 01:26:34,410 Tybalt!
1305 01:26:34,487 --> 01:26:36,318 [crowd gasps]
1306 01:26:40,093 --> 01:26:42,323 Romeo, away, be gone.
1307 01:26:42,395 --> 01:26:43,828 The citizens are up.
1308 01:26:43,897 --> 01:26:45,330 Stand not amazed,
1309 01:26:45,398 --> 01:26:47,332 the Prince will doom thee death,
1310 01:26:47,400 --> 01:26:48,697 if thou art taken.
1311 01:26:48,768 --> 01:26:50,326 Hence, go away!
1312 01:26:50,403 --> 01:26:51,836 Romeo!
1313 01:26:56,242 --> 01:26:59,837 Oh, I am fortune's fool!
1314 01:26:59,913 --> 01:27:02,973 Oh, Romeo! Away, away!
1315 01:27:09,122 --> 01:27:11,352 A curse on the Montagues!
1316 01:27:11,424 --> 01:27:14,689 Oh, Tybalt!
1317 01:27:14,761 --> 01:27:16,353 Tybalt! Tybalt!
1318 01:27:16,429 --> 01:27:18,363 The best friend I had,
1319 01:27:18,431 --> 01:27:21,628 oh, courteous Tybalt, honest gentleman,
1320 01:27:21,701 --> 01:27:25,137 that ever I should live to see thee dead!
1321 01:27:25,205 --> 01:27:26,365 Oh, God!
1322 01:27:26,439 --> 01:27:28,373 Did Romeo's hand shed Tybalt's blood?
1323 01:27:28,441 --> 01:27:31,376 It did, it did, alas the day, it did!
1324 01:27:31,444 --> 01:27:32,877 Oh, nurse,
1325 01:27:32,946 --> 01:27:37,383 oh, serpent heart, hid with a flow'ring face!
1326 01:27:37,450 --> 01:27:40,385 Was ever book containing such vile matter
1327 01:27:40,453 --> 01:27:42,387 so fairly bound?
1328 01:27:42,455 --> 01:27:44,389 [crying]
1329 01:27:47,460 --> 01:27:49,394 There's no faith, no trust,
1330 01:27:49,462 --> 01:27:50,895 no honesty in men;
1331 01:27:50,964 --> 01:27:53,398 all perjured, all forsworn,
1332 01:27:53,466 --> 01:27:55,900 all naught, all dissemblers.
1333 01:27:55,969 --> 01:27:57,766 Shame come to Romeo.
1334 01:27:57,837 --> 01:28:01,398 Blistered be thy tongue for such a wish.
1335 01:28:01,474 --> 01:28:03,908 He was not born to shame.
1336 01:28:03,977 --> 01:28:06,673 Upon his brow shame is ashamed to sit.
1337 01:28:06,746 --> 01:28:09,271 Will you speak well of him that killed your cousin?
1338 01:28:09,349 --> 01:28:12,841 Shall I speak ill of him that is my husband?
1339 01:28:12,919 --> 01:28:14,352 [crying]
1340 01:28:14,421 --> 01:28:16,855 [crying]
1341 01:28:16,923 --> 01:28:19,357 Poor my lord,
1342 01:28:19,426 --> 01:28:21,860 what tongue shall smooth thy name
1343 01:28:21,928 --> 01:28:24,362 when I thy three-hours wife
1344 01:28:24,431 --> 01:28:26,456 have mangled it?
1345 01:28:26,533 --> 01:28:29,195 [crying]
1346 01:28:29,269 --> 01:28:32,670 But wherefore villain, didst thou kill my cousin?
1347 01:28:32,839 --> 01:28:35,501 Capulet! To the prince!
1348 01:28:35,575 --> 01:28:36,872 [crowd shouting]
1349 01:29:02,969 --> 01:29:05,267 Speak, Benvolio, speak!
1350 01:29:09,976 --> 01:29:11,910 Go on, speak.
1351 01:29:11,978 --> 01:29:13,912 Prince! As thou art true,
1352 01:29:13,980 --> 01:29:16,175 for blood of ours shed blood of Montague.
1353 01:29:16,249 --> 01:29:19,343 [crowd shouting]
1354 01:29:19,419 --> 01:29:22,354 Benvolio, who began this bloody fray?
1355 01:29:22,422 --> 01:29:23,980 Tybalt, here slain.
1356 01:29:24,057 --> 01:29:25,854 [Lady Capulet] No!
1357 01:29:25,925 --> 01:29:29,361 Romeo did speak him fair,
1358 01:29:29,429 --> 01:29:32,364 bid him bethink how nice the quarrel was,
1359 01:29:32,432 --> 01:29:34,263 and urged withal your high displeasure.
1360 01:29:34,334 --> 01:29:35,665 It's true, Prince.
1361 01:29:35,735 --> 01:29:37,362 The picture makes him false.
1362 01:29:37,437 --> 01:29:38,870 He speaks not true.
1363 01:29:38,938 --> 01:29:40,997 [crowd shouting]
1364 01:29:44,677 --> 01:29:46,110 I beg for justice,
1365 01:29:46,179 --> 01:29:48,875 which thou, Prince must give.
1366 01:29:48,948 --> 01:29:54,011 Romeo slew Tybalt, Romeo must not live.
1367 01:29:54,087 --> 01:29:56,612 [crowd shouting]
1368 01:29:56,689 --> 01:29:58,623 Romeo slew him.
1369 01:30:09,402 --> 01:30:11,165 He slew Mercutio.
1370 01:30:17,911 --> 01:30:21,711 Who now the price of his dear blood doth owe?
1371 01:30:26,419 --> 01:30:28,853 Not Romeo, Prince...
1372 01:30:28,922 --> 01:30:31,356 He was Mercutio's friend.
1373 01:30:31,424 --> 01:30:35,360 His fault concludes but what the law should end.
1374 01:30:35,428 --> 01:30:37,487 The life of Tybalt!
1375 01:30:37,564 --> 01:30:38,895 And for that offense,
1376 01:30:38,965 --> 01:30:40,398 immediately we do exile him hence.
1377 01:30:42,435 --> 01:30:45,871 [Prince] Let Romeo hence in haste,
1378 01:30:45,939 --> 01:30:48,407 else, when he's found...
1379 01:30:48,474 --> 01:30:51,568 That hour is his last.
1380 01:31:04,424 --> 01:31:06,324 [crying]
1381 01:31:06,392 --> 01:31:08,826 Ah, banishment...
1382 01:31:08,895 --> 01:31:10,328 Be merciful, say death!
1383 01:31:10,396 --> 01:31:11,829 [banging]
1384 01:31:11,898 --> 01:31:13,991 Do not say banishment.
1385 01:31:14,067 --> 01:31:15,329 Arise.
1386 01:31:15,401 --> 01:31:18,336 One knocks; good Romeo, hide thyself.
1387 01:31:18,404 --> 01:31:19,632 Who's there?
1388 01:31:19,706 --> 01:31:20,832 [bang bang]
1389 01:31:20,907 --> 01:31:23,341 Who knocks so hard?
1390 01:31:23,409 --> 01:31:25,843 Whence come you?
1391 01:31:25,912 --> 01:31:27,345 What's your will?
1392 01:31:27,413 --> 01:31:29,347 [nurse] Let me come in,
1393 01:31:29,415 --> 01:31:31,849 and you shall know my errand.
1394 01:31:31,918 --> 01:31:33,852 I come from Lady Juliet.
1395 01:31:33,920 --> 01:31:36,354 [Romeo crying]
1396 01:31:36,422 --> 01:31:38,356 Welcome then.
1397 01:31:38,424 --> 01:31:40,858 Holy friar, o tell me, holy friar,
1398 01:31:40,927 --> 01:31:42,861 where's my lady's lord, where's Romeo?
1399 01:31:42,929 --> 01:31:45,625 There, on the ground.
1400 01:31:45,698 --> 01:31:47,131 With his own tears made drunk.
1401 01:31:47,200 --> 01:31:50,863 [Romeo] There is no world without Verona walls.
1402 01:31:50,937 --> 01:31:53,371 Even so lies she,
1403 01:31:53,439 --> 01:31:54,872 blubbering and weeping,
1404 01:31:54,941 --> 01:31:56,408 weeping and blubbering.
1405 01:31:56,476 --> 01:31:57,875 [crying]
1406 01:31:57,944 --> 01:31:59,377 Stand up!
1407 01:31:59,445 --> 01:32:02,881 Stand and you be a man.
1408 01:32:02,949 --> 01:32:05,315 For Juliet's sake, for her sake,
1409 01:32:05,385 --> 01:32:06,818 rise and stand.
1410 01:32:06,886 --> 01:32:10,322 Why should you fall into so deep an 'ole?
1411 01:32:10,390 --> 01:32:11,823 Nurse.
1412 01:32:11,891 --> 01:32:14,826 Ah, sir, death's the end of all.
1413 01:32:14,894 --> 01:32:16,327 Speakst thou of Juliet?
1414 01:32:16,396 --> 01:32:17,829 How is it with her?
1415 01:32:17,897 --> 01:32:20,331 Does she not think me an old murderer?
1416 01:32:20,400 --> 01:32:22,834 Where is she? How doth she?
1417 01:32:22,902 --> 01:32:24,335 What says my concealed lady
1418 01:32:24,404 --> 01:32:25,837 to our canceled love?
1419 01:32:25,905 --> 01:32:28,840 She says nothing, sir, but weeps and weeps,
1420 01:32:28,908 --> 01:32:31,069 and Tybalt calls, and then on Romeo cries.
1421 01:32:31,144 --> 01:32:34,079 As if that name did murder her.
1422 01:32:34,147 --> 01:32:36,843 O tell me, friar, tell me,
1423 01:32:36,916 --> 01:32:39,851 in what vile part of this anatomy
1424 01:32:39,919 --> 01:32:41,352 doth my name lodge?
1425 01:32:41,421 --> 01:32:45,551 Tell me that I may sack the hateful mansion!
1426 01:32:45,625 --> 01:32:46,853 [nurse screaming]
1427 01:32:46,926 --> 01:32:48,359 Hold thy desperate hand.
1428 01:32:48,428 --> 01:32:49,861 By heavens! Leave it!
1429 01:32:52,932 --> 01:32:55,366 Thou hast amazed me.
1430 01:32:55,435 --> 01:32:57,369 Thou a man?
1431 01:32:57,437 --> 01:32:59,871 Thy form cries out thou art.
1432 01:32:59,939 --> 01:33:01,873 Thy tears are womanish,
1433 01:33:01,941 --> 01:33:05,809 thy wild acts denote the unreasonable fury of a beast.
1434 01:33:05,878 --> 01:33:07,812 Hast thou slain Tybalt?
1435 01:33:07,880 --> 01:33:10,314 Wilt thou slay thyself, and slay thy lady,
1436 01:33:10,383 --> 01:33:11,816 that in thy life lives,
1437 01:33:11,884 --> 01:33:13,317 by doing damned hate upon thyself?
1438 01:33:13,386 --> 01:33:15,820 Rouse thee, man...
1439 01:33:17,890 --> 01:33:19,323 Thy Juliet is alive.
1440 01:33:19,392 --> 01:33:21,826 There art thou happy.
1441 01:33:21,894 --> 01:33:23,327 Tybalt would kill thee,
1442 01:33:23,396 --> 01:33:24,829 but thou slewest Tybalt;
1443 01:33:24,897 --> 01:33:26,330 there art thou happy.
1444 01:33:26,399 --> 01:33:29,334 The law that threatened death becomes thy friend,
1445 01:33:29,402 --> 01:33:31,233 and turns it to exile;
1446 01:33:31,304 --> 01:33:32,737 there art thou happy.
1447 01:33:32,805 --> 01:33:36,332 A pack of blessings light upon thy back...
1448 01:33:38,911 --> 01:33:41,436 Ascend her chamber, hence and comfort her.
1449 01:33:42,915 --> 01:33:46,351 But look thou stay not till the watch be set,
1450 01:33:46,419 --> 01:33:48,853 for then thou canst not pass to Mantua,
1451 01:33:48,921 --> 01:33:51,856 where thou shalt live till we find a time
1452 01:33:51,924 --> 01:33:54,358 to blaze your marriage, reconcile your friends,
1453 01:33:54,427 --> 01:33:57,362 beg pardon of the Prince, and call thee home,
1454 01:33:57,430 --> 01:34:00,365 with twenty hundred thousand times more joy
1455 01:34:00,433 --> 01:34:02,526 than thou wentest forth in lamentation.
1456 01:34:05,872 --> 01:34:07,305 Go before, nurse...
1457 01:34:07,373 --> 01:34:08,806 Commend me to thy lady,
1458 01:34:08,875 --> 01:34:11,810 and bid her hasten all the house to bed,
1459 01:34:11,878 --> 01:34:14,813 which heavy sorrow makes them apt unto
1460 01:34:14,881 --> 01:34:16,815 Romeo's coming.
1461 01:35:10,167 --> 01:35:12,226 [birds chirping]
1462 01:36:22,506 --> 01:36:25,236 Wilt thou be gone?
1463 01:36:27,811 --> 01:36:32,748 It is not yet near day.
1464 01:36:32,816 --> 01:36:35,751 It was the nightingale, and not the lark,
1465 01:36:35,819 --> 01:36:40,756 that pierced the fearful hollow of thine ear.
1466 01:36:40,824 --> 01:36:43,850 Nightly she sings on yond pomegranate tree.
1467 01:36:43,927 --> 01:36:46,259 Oh, believe me, love,
1468 01:36:46,330 --> 01:36:49,766 it was the nightingale.
1469 01:36:49,833 --> 01:36:52,768 It was the lark...
1470 01:36:52,836 --> 01:36:55,771 The herald of the morn,
1471 01:36:55,839 --> 01:36:57,773 no nightingale.
1472 01:36:59,343 --> 01:37:04,280 Night's candles are burnt out...
1473 01:37:10,354 --> 01:37:17,783 And jocund day stands tiptoe on the misty mountaintops.
1474 01:37:20,364 --> 01:37:23,299 I must be gone and live,
1475 01:37:23,367 --> 01:37:25,562 or stay and die.
1476 01:37:27,371 --> 01:37:31,307 Yond light is not daylight...
1477 01:37:31,375 --> 01:37:34,310 I know it, I.
1478 01:37:36,880 --> 01:37:39,144 Therefore stay yet,
1479 01:37:39,216 --> 01:37:42,310 thou needst not to be gone.
1480 01:37:42,386 --> 01:37:43,819 Oh, let me be taken,
1481 01:37:43,887 --> 01:37:46,321 let me be put to death.
1482 01:37:46,390 --> 01:37:49,325 I am content so thou wilt have it so.
1483 01:37:49,393 --> 01:37:52,328 I'll say yon gray is not the morning's eye,
1484 01:37:52,396 --> 01:37:54,330 nor that is not the lark
1485 01:37:54,398 --> 01:37:56,832 whose notes do beat the vaulty heavens
1486 01:37:56,900 --> 01:37:58,162 so high above our heads.
1487 01:37:58,235 --> 01:38:03,332 I have more care to stay than will to go.
1488 01:38:03,407 --> 01:38:06,774 Come death, and welcome, Juliet wills it so.
1489 01:38:06,843 --> 01:38:09,277 [lark chirping]
1490 01:38:09,346 --> 01:38:11,780 It is...
1491 01:38:11,848 --> 01:38:14,681 It is, hie hence, be gone away.
1492 01:38:14,751 --> 01:38:17,652 Romeo, it is.
1493 01:38:20,857 --> 01:38:24,793 It is the lark that sings so out of tune,
1494 01:38:24,861 --> 01:38:29,298 straining harsh discords, and unpleasing sharps.
1495 01:38:29,366 --> 01:38:32,301 Some say the lark makes sweet division;
1496 01:38:32,369 --> 01:38:36,305 oh, this doth not so, for she divideth us.
1497 01:38:36,373 --> 01:38:37,806 So now be gone,
1498 01:38:37,874 --> 01:38:39,967 more light and light it grows.
1499 01:38:40,043 --> 01:38:41,476 More light and light,
1500 01:38:41,545 --> 01:38:46,312 more dark and dark our woes.
1501 01:38:46,383 --> 01:38:48,374 [banging on door]
1502 01:38:48,452 --> 01:38:49,817 [nurse] Madam!
1503 01:38:49,886 --> 01:38:52,821 Your lady mother comes to your chamber.
1504 01:38:54,891 --> 01:38:56,324 Nurse.
1505 01:38:56,393 --> 01:38:59,328 Your lady mother is coming to your chamber.
1506 01:38:59,396 --> 01:39:01,330 The day is broke, look about.
1507 01:39:03,500 --> 01:39:05,798 Oh, art thou gone so,
1508 01:39:05,869 --> 01:39:07,268 my husband, friend?
1509 01:39:07,337 --> 01:39:10,773 I must hear from thee every day in the hour,
1510 01:39:10,841 --> 01:39:13,275 for in a minute there are many days,
1511 01:39:13,343 --> 01:39:16,779 o by this count I shall be much in years,
1512 01:39:16,847 --> 01:39:18,781 ere I again behold my Romeo.
1513 01:39:18,849 --> 01:39:20,783 I will omit no opportunity
1514 01:39:20,851 --> 01:39:23,285 that may convey my greetings, love, to thee.
1515 01:39:25,856 --> 01:39:28,791 Oh, think'st thou we shall ever meet again?
1516 01:39:30,360 --> 01:39:33,295 I doubt it not,
1517 01:39:33,363 --> 01:39:35,797 and all these woes shall serve
1518 01:39:35,866 --> 01:39:39,302 for sweet discourses in our time to come.
1519 01:39:41,371 --> 01:39:45,307 Farewell, farewell,
1520 01:39:45,375 --> 01:39:47,809 one kiss and I'll descend.
1521 01:39:52,883 --> 01:39:55,818 [rooster crows]
1522 01:40:11,835 --> 01:40:13,268 Adieu.
1523 01:40:18,542 --> 01:40:21,534 Adieu!
1524 01:40:23,847 --> 01:40:26,281 [crying]
1525 01:40:26,349 --> 01:40:29,216 Oh, God!
1526 01:40:48,205 --> 01:40:50,298 [Juliet crying]
1527 01:40:50,373 --> 01:40:53,308 We will have vengeance for it,
1528 01:40:53,376 --> 01:40:54,809 fear thou not...
1529 01:40:54,878 --> 01:40:57,312 [Juliet] No!
1530 01:40:57,380 --> 01:40:58,813 Then weep no more.
1531 01:40:58,882 --> 01:41:00,315 [Juliet sobbing]
1532 01:41:04,888 --> 01:41:07,254 I'll send to one in Mantua,
1533 01:41:07,324 --> 01:41:10,259 where that same banished runagate doth live
1534 01:41:10,327 --> 01:41:14,764 shall give him such an unaccustomed dram,
1535 01:41:14,831 --> 01:41:17,766 that he shall soon keep Tybalt company.
1536 01:41:17,834 --> 01:41:20,268 [Juliet] No!
1537 01:41:20,337 --> 01:41:24,273 But now I'll tell thee joyful tidings, girl.
1538 01:41:24,341 --> 01:41:27,777 Well, then thou hast a careful father,
1539 01:41:27,844 --> 01:41:30,779 one who to put thee from thy heaviness
1540 01:41:30,847 --> 01:41:33,281 hath sorted out a sudden day of joy.
1541 01:41:35,352 --> 01:41:38,788 And joy comes well in such a needy time.
1542 01:41:38,855 --> 01:41:41,790 Marry, my child, early next Thursday morn,
1543 01:41:41,858 --> 01:41:44,292 the gallant, young and noble prince,
1544 01:41:44,361 --> 01:41:47,296 the county Paris, at St. Peter's church,
1545 01:41:47,364 --> 01:41:50,299 shall happily make thee there a joyful bride.
1546 01:41:51,868 --> 01:41:55,804 Now by St. Peter's church, and Peter too,
1547 01:41:55,872 --> 01:42:00,309 he shall not make me there a joyful bride!
1548 01:42:00,377 --> 01:42:02,709 No! No!
1549 01:42:06,650 --> 01:42:08,413 So, it is concluded.
1550 01:42:11,821 --> 01:42:15,382 Son, Paris.
1551 01:42:18,495 --> 01:42:22,591 How now, wife, have you delivered to her our decree?
1552 01:42:22,666 --> 01:42:25,294 Ay, sir, but she will none,
1553 01:42:25,368 --> 01:42:27,268 she gives you thanks.
1554 01:42:27,337 --> 01:42:28,599 [crying]
1555 01:42:28,672 --> 01:42:32,039 I would the fool were married to her grave.
1556 01:42:33,877 --> 01:42:38,314 Soft... take me with you.
1557 01:42:39,883 --> 01:42:42,317 Take me with you, wife.
1558 01:42:42,385 --> 01:42:44,819 How? Will she none?
1559 01:42:44,888 --> 01:42:47,322 Doth she not give us thanks?
1560 01:42:47,390 --> 01:42:49,824 Is she not proud?
1561 01:42:49,893 --> 01:42:53,329 Doth she not count her blessed, unworthy as she is,
1562 01:42:53,396 --> 01:42:57,833 that we have wrought so worthy a gentleman to be her bridegroom?
1563 01:42:57,901 --> 01:43:00,426 Wretched fool! Let me see her!
1564 01:43:00,503 --> 01:43:01,834 Ungrateful baggage!
1565 01:43:01,905 --> 01:43:05,272 Say what thou wilt, thou shalt not house with me!
1566 01:43:05,342 --> 01:43:07,003 Fie! What, are you mad?
1567 01:43:07,077 --> 01:43:08,772 Hang thee, young baggage!
1568 01:43:08,845 --> 01:43:09,971 Disobedient wretch!
1569 01:43:10,046 --> 01:43:13,277 I tell thee what, get thee to church on Thursday,
1570 01:43:13,350 --> 01:43:16,285 or never after look me in the face.
1571 01:43:16,353 --> 01:43:18,787 Oh, father, good father, I beseech you.
1572 01:43:18,855 --> 01:43:21,289 Speak not, reply not, do not answer me.
1573 01:43:21,358 --> 01:43:22,791 My fingers itch.
1574 01:43:22,859 --> 01:43:25,794 You are to blame, my lord, to rate her so.
1575 01:43:25,862 --> 01:43:27,295 And why, my lady wisdom?
1576 01:43:27,364 --> 01:43:28,797 Hold your tongue!
1577 01:43:28,865 --> 01:43:31,299 Good prudence, smatter with your gossips, go!
1578 01:43:31,368 --> 01:43:32,801 I speak no treason.
1579 01:43:32,869 --> 01:43:34,302 May not one speak?
1580 01:43:34,371 --> 01:43:35,804 Speak! You mumbling fool!
1581 01:43:35,872 --> 01:43:37,806 Utter your gravity o'er a gossip's bowl,
1582 01:43:37,874 --> 01:43:39,307 for here we need it not.
1583 01:43:39,376 --> 01:43:40,741 You are too hot.
1584 01:43:40,810 --> 01:43:42,300 [crying]
1585 01:43:42,379 --> 01:43:45,143 God's bread, it makes me mad.
1586 01:43:48,385 --> 01:43:49,511 Thursday's near.
1587 01:43:49,586 --> 01:43:51,816 Lay hand on heart, advise.
1588 01:43:51,888 --> 01:43:54,880 An you be mine, I give you to my friend;
1589 01:43:54,958 --> 01:43:56,323 an you be not,
1590 01:43:56,393 --> 01:43:59,157 hang, beg, starve, die in the streets.
1591 01:43:59,229 --> 01:44:00,321 No!
1592 01:44:00,397 --> 01:44:02,922 For by my soul, I'll ne'er acknowledge thee,
1593 01:44:02,999 --> 01:44:05,991 for what is mine shall never do thee good.
1594 01:44:06,069 --> 01:44:07,263 Father!
1595 01:44:07,337 --> 01:44:12,274 Trust to't, bethink you, I'll not be forsworn.
1596 01:44:12,342 --> 01:44:13,866 [sobbing]
1597 01:44:18,948 --> 01:44:21,940 Oh, no! No!
1598 01:44:22,018 --> 01:44:24,782 Oh sweet, my mother, cast me not away.
1599 01:44:24,854 --> 01:44:27,288 Delay this marriage for a month, a week, oh!
1600 01:44:27,357 --> 01:44:30,349 Talk not to me, for I'll not speak a word.
1601 01:44:32,595 --> 01:44:35,792 Do as thou wilt, for I have done with thee.
1602 01:44:39,369 --> 01:44:42,702 Oh, God!
1603 01:44:42,772 --> 01:44:43,796 Oh, nurse?
1604 01:44:43,873 --> 01:44:45,807 How shall this be prevented?
1605 01:44:45,875 --> 01:44:47,809 What sayest thou?
1606 01:44:47,877 --> 01:44:50,812 Hast thou not a word of joy?
1607 01:44:50,880 --> 01:44:53,144 Some comfort, nurse.
1608 01:44:53,216 --> 01:44:55,810 Faith, here it is.
1609 01:44:55,885 --> 01:44:58,319 Romeo is banished...
1610 01:45:00,390 --> 01:45:02,756 And all the world to nothing,
1611 01:45:02,826 --> 01:45:05,761 that he dares ne'er come back to challenge you;
1612 01:45:05,829 --> 01:45:09,765 or if he do, it needs must be by stealth.
1613 01:45:09,833 --> 01:45:14,270 Then since the case so stands as now it doth,
1614 01:45:14,337 --> 01:45:19,138 I think it best you marry with the county.
1615 01:45:29,853 --> 01:45:31,286 True.
1616 01:45:32,856 --> 01:45:35,791 O he's a lovely gentleman.
1617 01:45:39,246 --> 01:45:42,340 Romeo's a dishclout to him.
1618 01:45:43,751 --> 01:45:46,686 An eagle, madam, hath not so green,
1619 01:45:46,754 --> 01:45:50,190 so quick, so fair an eye as Paris hath.
1620 01:45:50,257 --> 01:45:51,690 Beshrew my heart,
1621 01:45:51,759 --> 01:45:55,195 I think you happy in this second match.
1622 01:45:55,262 --> 01:45:58,026 It excels your first.
1623 01:45:59,600 --> 01:46:03,127 For if it did not, your first is dead,
1624 01:46:03,204 --> 01:46:06,139 or 'twere as good he were as living here,
1625 01:46:06,207 --> 01:46:09,142 and you no use of him.
1626 01:46:09,210 --> 01:46:11,974 Speakest thou from thy heart?
1627 01:46:16,217 --> 01:46:18,310 And from my soul, too...
1628 01:46:20,721 --> 01:46:22,655 Or else beshrew them both.
1629 01:46:22,723 --> 01:46:24,156 Amen.
1630 01:46:24,225 --> 01:46:25,157 [drawing curtain]
1631 01:46:25,226 --> 01:46:26,659 What?
1632 01:46:26,727 --> 01:46:31,494 Well, thou hast comforted me marvelous much.
1633 01:46:34,735 --> 01:46:38,171 Go in, and tell my lady I am gone,
1634 01:46:38,239 --> 01:46:39,672 having displeased my father,
1635 01:46:39,740 --> 01:46:41,674 to Laurence's cell,
1636 01:46:41,742 --> 01:46:44,677 to make confession and to be absolved.
1637 01:46:46,080 --> 01:46:50,176 Marry, I shall, and this is wisely done.
1638 01:46:50,251 --> 01:46:51,684 Go!
1639 01:47:21,621 --> 01:47:24,556 You say you do not know the lady's mind.
1640 01:47:24,624 --> 01:47:27,559 Uneven is the course, I like it not.
1641 01:47:27,627 --> 01:47:30,061 Immoderately she weeps for Tybalt's death,
1642 01:47:30,129 --> 01:47:32,563 and therefore have I little talked of love,
1643 01:47:32,632 --> 01:47:35,567 for Venus smiles not in a house of tears.
1644 01:47:35,635 --> 01:47:36,897 [footsteps]
1645 01:47:41,140 --> 01:47:42,573 Oh!
1646 01:47:46,646 --> 01:47:49,672 Happily met, my lady and my wife.
1647 01:47:52,151 --> 01:47:55,985 That may be, sir, when I may be a wife.
1648 01:47:58,157 --> 01:48:01,126 Come you to make confession to this father?
1649 01:48:03,562 --> 01:48:06,030 Are you at leisure, holy father, now,
1650 01:48:06,098 --> 01:48:08,862 or shall I come to you at evening mass?
1651 01:48:08,934 --> 01:48:11,198 My leisure serves me, pensive daughter, now.
1652 01:48:11,270 --> 01:48:13,761 My lord, we must entreat the time alone.
1653 01:48:13,839 --> 01:48:16,535 God shield I should disturb devotion.
1654 01:48:16,609 --> 01:48:19,942 Juliet, on Thursday early will I rouse thee.
1655 01:48:21,614 --> 01:48:24,048 Till then, adieu...
1656 01:48:26,118 --> 01:48:29,554 and keep this holy kiss.
1657 01:48:35,294 --> 01:48:37,057 [sobbing]
1658 01:48:37,129 --> 01:48:40,929 Oh, shut the door, and when thou hast done so,
1659 01:48:41,000 --> 01:48:43,560 come weep with me, past hope,
1660 01:48:43,636 --> 01:48:47,231 past care, past help.
1661 01:48:57,149 --> 01:49:00,084 Oh, Juliet, I already know thy grief.
1662 01:49:00,152 --> 01:49:03,019 Tell me not, Friar, that thou heard'st of this,
1663 01:49:03,089 --> 01:49:06,024 unless thou tell me how I can prevent it.
1664 01:49:06,092 --> 01:49:09,528 If in thy wisdom thou cans't give no help...
1665 01:49:09,595 --> 01:49:11,529 [sobbing]
1666 01:49:22,108 --> 01:49:23,666 Hold, daughter.
1667 01:49:27,613 --> 01:49:30,548 I do spy a kind of hope,
1668 01:49:30,616 --> 01:49:33,050 as that is desperate which we would prevent.
1669 01:49:36,122 --> 01:49:39,114 If rather than to marry county Paris,
1670 01:49:39,191 --> 01:49:41,056 thou hast the strength of will to--
1671 01:49:41,127 --> 01:49:43,061 O bid me leap, rather than marry Paris,
1672 01:49:43,129 --> 01:49:44,562 from off the battlements of any tower,
1673 01:49:44,630 --> 01:49:46,393 or bid me go into a new-made grave
1674 01:49:46,465 --> 01:49:49,059 and hide me with a dead man in his shroud.
1675 01:49:49,135 --> 01:49:50,193 Hold then.
1676 01:50:03,382 --> 01:50:04,508 Go home.
1677 01:50:06,085 --> 01:50:07,518 Be merry.
1678 01:50:10,322 --> 01:50:12,517 Give consent to marry Paris.
1679 01:50:12,591 --> 01:50:13,956 Oh, no.
1680 01:50:14,026 --> 01:50:16,859 Wednesday is tomorrow.
1681 01:50:19,598 --> 01:50:22,533 Tomorrow night look that thou lie alone,
1682 01:50:22,601 --> 01:50:26,196 let not the nurse lie with thee in thy chamber.
1683 01:50:34,613 --> 01:50:38,174 Take thou this phial, being then in bed...
1684 01:50:40,586 --> 01:50:46,650 And this distilling liquor drink thou off...
1685 01:50:49,428 --> 01:50:52,556 When presently through all thy veins shall run
1686 01:50:52,631 --> 01:50:55,460 a cold and drowsy humor;,
1687 01:50:55,594 --> 01:50:59,997 for no pulse shall keep his native progress,
1688 01:51:00,065 --> 01:51:01,464 but surcease;
1689 01:51:01,533 --> 01:51:07,096 no warmth, no breath shall testify thou livest...
1690 01:51:11,009 --> 01:51:14,001 And in this borrowed likeness of shrunk death
1691 01:51:14,079 --> 01:51:19,984 thou shalt continue two and forty hours...
1692 01:51:26,024 --> 01:51:30,620 And then awake as from a pleasant sleep.
1693 01:51:33,531 --> 01:51:38,594 In the meantime, against thou shalt awake
1694 01:51:38,670 --> 01:51:41,969 shall Romeo by my letters know our drift,
1695 01:51:42,040 --> 01:51:43,974 and hither shall he come,
1696 01:51:44,042 --> 01:51:46,476 and he and I will watch thy waking,
1697 01:51:46,544 --> 01:51:51,140 and that very night shall Romeo bear thee hence to Mantua.
1698 01:51:53,051 --> 01:51:54,558 Give me, give me!
1699 01:51:54,725 --> 01:51:56,920 Tell me not of fear.
1700 01:51:56,994 --> 01:51:58,757 Hold, then.
1701 01:52:07,504 --> 01:52:08,937 Get thee gone.
1702 01:52:09,006 --> 01:52:11,440 Be strong and prosperous in this resolve.
1703 01:52:48,045 --> 01:52:49,979 How now, my headstrong.
1704 01:52:50,047 --> 01:52:51,981 Where have you been gadding?
1705 01:52:52,049 --> 01:52:53,983 Where I have learnt me
1706 01:52:54,051 --> 01:52:56,485 to repent the sin of disobedient opposition.
1707 01:52:58,555 --> 01:53:00,489 Pardon me, henceforward l,
1708 01:53:00,557 --> 01:53:03,924 I am ever ruled by you.
1709 01:53:03,994 --> 01:53:06,929 Why, I am glad on't!
1710 01:53:06,997 --> 01:53:09,431 This is well. Stand up.
1711 01:53:09,500 --> 01:53:11,764 This is as it should be.
1712 01:53:49,039 --> 01:53:51,132 Love give me strength.
1713 01:54:17,000 --> 01:54:19,935 Give this letter into the hand of Romeo,
1714 01:54:20,003 --> 01:54:21,095 in Mantua.
1715 01:54:50,534 --> 01:54:52,968 [woman screaming]
1716 01:54:56,106 --> 01:54:57,971 Aah!
1717 01:54:58,041 --> 01:54:59,474 My lord! My lord!
1718 01:54:59,543 --> 01:55:03,274 She's dead, Juliet is dead!
1719 01:55:03,347 --> 01:55:06,145 My Lady Juliet, my lord. She's dead, she's dead!
1720 01:55:06,216 --> 01:55:07,911 Juliet!
1721 01:55:07,985 --> 01:55:09,714 Juliet!
1722 01:55:09,786 --> 01:55:11,720 Juliet!
1723 01:55:11,788 --> 01:55:13,756 My baby, where is she?
1724 01:55:16,493 --> 01:55:20,429 [Capulet] O lamentable day.
1725 01:55:20,497 --> 01:55:24,433 Death lies on her like an untimely frost
1726 01:55:24,501 --> 01:55:29,268 upon the sweetest flower of all the field.
1727 01:55:36,947 --> 01:55:38,938 [singing in Latin]
1728 01:56:44,514 --> 01:56:47,005 [crying]
1729 01:57:22,986 --> 01:57:24,476 [singing stops]
1730 01:57:44,007 --> 01:57:45,702 Master.
1731 01:57:45,776 --> 01:57:47,300 Balthasar!
1732 01:57:50,514 --> 01:57:51,947 How fares my Juliet?
1733 01:57:52,015 --> 01:57:55,212 For nothing can be ill, if she be well.
1734 01:57:55,285 --> 01:57:58,118 How fares my lady?
1735 01:58:04,795 --> 01:58:06,387 [sobbing]
1736 01:58:10,467 --> 01:58:12,367 She's dead, my lord.
1737 01:58:12,436 --> 01:58:14,404 She's dead.
1738 01:58:14,471 --> 01:58:17,406 Her body sleeps in capel's monument.
1739 01:58:17,474 --> 01:58:21,410 I saw her laid low in her kindred's vault.
1740 01:58:31,988 --> 01:58:35,924 Then, I defy you, stars!
1741 01:59:59,936 --> 02:00:01,028 Live...
1742 02:00:02,539 --> 02:00:05,804 and be prosperous.
1743 02:00:05,876 --> 02:00:08,310 Farewell, good fellow.
1744 02:01:17,013 --> 02:01:18,310 Juliet.
1745 02:02:08,431 --> 02:02:10,023 O my love...
1746 02:02:14,938 --> 02:02:16,371 My wife.
1747 02:02:18,942 --> 02:02:22,878 Death that hath sucked the honey of thy breath,
1748 02:02:22,946 --> 02:02:26,040 hath had no power yet upon thy beauty.
1749 02:02:30,954 --> 02:02:32,888 Thou art not conquered...
1750 02:02:35,959 --> 02:02:40,896 Beauty's ensign yet is crimson in thy lips
1751 02:02:40,964 --> 02:02:43,398 and in thy cheeks.
1752 02:02:45,135 --> 02:02:48,400 Death's pale flag is not advanced there.
1753 02:02:53,977 --> 02:02:55,945 Tybalt.
1754 02:03:01,484 --> 02:03:05,250 Liest thou there in thy bloody sheet?
1755 02:03:15,632 --> 02:03:19,568 What more favor can I do to thee,
1756 02:03:19,636 --> 02:03:24,073 than with that hand that cut thy youth in twain
1757 02:03:24,140 --> 02:03:29,908 to sunder his that was thine enemy?
1758 02:03:36,653 --> 02:03:38,587 Forgive me, cousin.
1759 02:03:49,165 --> 02:03:51,759 Ah, dear Juliet.
1760 02:03:56,673 --> 02:03:59,267 Why art thou yet so fair?
1761 02:04:01,678 --> 02:04:04,545 Shall I believe that unsubstantial death is amorous,
1762 02:04:04,614 --> 02:04:07,048 and that the lean abhorred monster
1763 02:04:07,117 --> 02:04:10,348 keeps thee here in dark to be his paramour?
1764 02:04:10,420 --> 02:04:17,121 For fear of that, I still will stay with thee.
1765 02:04:21,131 --> 02:04:27,070 Never from this palace of dim night depart again.
1766 02:04:29,139 --> 02:04:34,577 Here, here will I remain,
1767 02:04:34,644 --> 02:04:40,082 with worms that are thy chambermaids.
1768 02:04:40,150 --> 02:04:41,913 [sobbing]
1769 02:04:57,667 --> 02:05:01,433 Eyes, look your last.
1770 02:05:07,110 --> 02:05:11,046 Arms, take your last embrace.
1771 02:05:13,616 --> 02:05:18,553 And lips, o you the doors of breath,
1772 02:05:18,621 --> 02:05:20,555 seal with a righteous kiss
1773 02:05:20,623 --> 02:05:23,387 a dateless bargain to engrossing death.
1774 02:06:01,164 --> 02:06:04,190 Here's to my love.
1775 02:06:31,628 --> 02:06:34,722 Thus with a kiss...
1776 02:06:36,332 --> 02:06:38,061 I die.
1777 02:06:51,648 --> 02:06:53,081 Who's there?
1778 02:06:53,149 --> 02:06:56,585 A friend, and one that knows thee well.
1779 02:06:56,653 --> 02:06:59,588 Balthasar. How long hast thou been here?
1780 02:06:59,656 --> 02:07:01,089 Full half an hour.
1781 02:07:01,157 --> 02:07:03,523 Go with me to the vault.
1782 02:07:03,593 --> 02:07:05,026 I dare not, sir.
1783 02:07:05,095 --> 02:07:08,030 My master knows not that I am gone hence.
1784 02:07:08,098 --> 02:07:10,692 Stay then, I'll go alone.
1785 02:07:12,602 --> 02:07:14,536 Fear comes upon me.
1786 02:07:14,604 --> 02:07:17,869 O much I fear some ill unlucky thing.
1787 02:07:56,646 --> 02:07:58,079 Romeo!
1788 02:08:09,092 --> 02:08:11,026 Oh, what an unkind hour
1789 02:08:11,094 --> 02:08:14,689 is guilty of this lamentable chance?
1790 02:08:58,141 --> 02:08:59,574 [Juliet] Ohh!
1791 02:09:07,083 --> 02:09:12,350 O comfortable Friar, where is my lord?
1792 02:09:14,090 --> 02:09:17,025 I do remember well where I should be,
1793 02:09:17,093 --> 02:09:19,027 and there I am.
1794 02:09:19,095 --> 02:09:21,029 Where is my Romeo?
1795 02:09:21,097 --> 02:09:23,531 [trumpet plays in distance]
1796 02:09:23,600 --> 02:09:25,534 I hear some noise.
1797 02:09:25,602 --> 02:09:28,036 Oh, where is my Romeo?
1798 02:09:28,104 --> 02:09:32,040 Oh, lady, come from this nest of death, contagion,
1799 02:09:32,108 --> 02:09:33,541 and unnatural sleep.
1800 02:09:35,612 --> 02:09:38,547 A greater power than we can contradict
1801 02:09:38,615 --> 02:09:40,048 hath thwarted our intents.
1802 02:09:40,116 --> 02:09:42,550 Come along. The watch is coming.
1803 02:09:42,619 --> 02:09:44,712 Where is my Romeo?
1804 02:09:44,787 --> 02:09:46,550 [Juliet gasps]
1805 02:09:51,127 --> 02:09:53,391 Come. Go, good Juliet.
1806 02:09:54,631 --> 02:09:56,064 No.
1807 02:09:56,132 --> 02:09:58,066 I dare no longer stay.
1808 02:09:58,134 --> 02:09:59,567 No!
1809 02:09:59,636 --> 02:10:02,434 I dare no longer stay.
1810 02:10:02,505 --> 02:10:03,995 Juliet!
1811 02:10:04,073 --> 02:10:06,007 [trumpet]
1812 02:10:06,075 --> 02:10:08,509 I dare no longer stay.
1813 02:10:08,578 --> 02:10:11,012 I dare no longer stay!
1814 02:10:51,621 --> 02:10:53,646 What's here?
1815 02:10:59,128 --> 02:11:02,825 Poison, I see, hath been his timeless end.
1816 02:11:06,569 --> 02:11:08,503 O churl!
1817 02:11:08,571 --> 02:11:11,506 Drunk all, and left no friendly drop
1818 02:11:11,574 --> 02:11:13,508 to help me after!
1819 02:11:13,576 --> 02:11:15,510 I will kiss thy lips;
1820 02:11:15,578 --> 02:11:18,513 haply some poison yet doth hang on them
1821 02:11:18,581 --> 02:11:21,516 to make me die with a restorative.
1822 02:11:27,090 --> 02:11:29,524 Thy lips are warm!
1823 02:11:40,603 --> 02:11:43,367 Oh, no, no!
1824 02:11:54,117 --> 02:11:56,051 [man] Lead, boy, which way?
1825 02:11:56,119 --> 02:11:57,950 Search about the churchyard.
1826 02:11:58,020 --> 02:11:59,544 Go, some of you...
1827 02:11:59,622 --> 02:12:01,055 Yea, noise?
1828 02:12:05,628 --> 02:12:06,720 No!
1829 02:12:11,134 --> 02:12:16,572 Then I'll be brief, o happy dagger!
1830 02:12:18,141 --> 02:12:21,076 This is thy sheath;
1831 02:12:21,144 --> 02:12:24,580 there rest and let me die.
1832 02:12:24,647 --> 02:12:26,581 [moaning]
1833 02:12:44,567 --> 02:12:46,592 [bells tolling]
1834 02:14:14,979 --> 02:14:17,413 Where be these enemies?
1835 02:14:19,984 --> 02:14:21,246 Capulet!
1836 02:14:24,989 --> 02:14:26,422 Montague!
1837 02:14:34,499 --> 02:14:38,435 See what a scourge is laid upon your hate...
1838 02:14:40,004 --> 02:14:45,101 that heaven finds means to kill your joys with love;
1839 02:14:45,176 --> 02:14:54,915 and l, for winking at your discords too,
1840 02:14:54,986 --> 02:14:59,616 have lost a brace of kinsmen.
1841 02:15:02,026 --> 02:15:04,722 All are punished.
1842 02:15:09,967 --> 02:15:12,367 All are punished!
1843 02:15:43,501 --> 02:15:48,438 A glooming peace this morning with it brings.
1844 02:15:48,506 --> 02:15:53,944 The sun for sorrow will not show his head,
1845 02:15:54,011 --> 02:15:57,447 for never was a story of more woe
1846 02:15:57,515 --> 02:16:02,714 than this of Juliet and her Romeo.